Apache Poi Ppt 简明教程

Apache POI PPT - Overview

很多时候,软件应用程序需要生成 Microsoft Office 文件格式的报告。有时,甚至需要应用程序接收 MS-Office 文件作为输入数据。

Many a time, a software application is required to generate reports in Microsoft Office file format. Sometimes, an application is even expected to receive MS- Office files as input data.

任何想要生成 MS Office 文件作为输出的 Java 编程人员都必须使用一个预定义且只读的 API 来执行此操作。

Any Java programmer who wants to produce MS Office files as output must use a predefined and read-only API to do so.

What is Apache POI?

Apache POI 是一个流行的 API,它允许程序员使用 Java 程序创建、修改和显示 MS-Office 文件。它是一个由 Apache Software Foundation 开发和分发的开源库。它包含用于对用户输入数据或文件解码为 MS Office 文档的类和方法。

Apache POI is a popular API that allows programmers to create, modify, and display MS-Office files using Java programs. It is an open source library developed and distributed by Apache Software Foundation. It contains classes and methods to decode the user input data, or a file into MS Office documents.

Components of Apache POI

Apache POI 包含用于操作 MS-Office 所有 OLE2 复合文档的类和方法。此 API 的组件列表如下 -

Apache POI contains classes and methods to work on all OLE2 Compound documents of MS-Office. The list of components of this API is given below −

  1. POIFS (Poor Obfuscation Implementation File System) − This component is the basic factor of all other POI elements. It is used to read different files explicitly.

  2. HSSF (Horrible SpreadSheet Format) − It is used to read and write .xls format of MS-Excel files.

  3. XSSF (XML SpreadSheet Format) − It is used for .xlsx file format of MS-Excel.

  4. HPSF (Horrible Property Set Format) − It is used to extract property sets of the MS-Office files.

  5. HWPF (Horrible Word Processor Format) − It is used to read and write .doc extension files of MS-Word.

  6. XWPF (XML Word Processor Format) − It is used to read and write .docx extension files of MS-Word.

  7. HSLF (Horrible Slide Layout Format) − It is used to read, create, and edit PowerPoint presentations.

  8. HDGF (Horrible DiaGram Format) − It contains classes and methods for MS-Visio binary files.

  9. HPBF (Horrible PuBlisher Format) − It is used to read and write MS-Publisher files.

本教程将指导你完成使用 Java 处理 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿的过程。因此,讨论仅限于 XSLF component.

This tutorial guides you through the process of working on Microsoft PowerPoint presentation using Java. Therefore the discussion is confined to XSLF component.

Note − POI 的较早版本支持 doc、xls、ppt 等二进制文件格式。从版本 3.5 起,POI 开始支持 MS-Office 的 OOXML 文件格式,如 docx、xlsx、pptx 等。

Note − Older versions of POI support binary file formats such as doc, xls, ppt, etc. Version 3.5 onwards, POI supports OOXML file formats of MS-Office such as docx, xlsx, pptx, etc.