Apache Poi Ppt 简明教程
Flavors of Java PPT API
本章将带你了解 Java PowerPoint API 的一些优点及其特性。有许多供应商提供与 Java PPT 相关的 API;本章中考虑了其中一些。
This chapter takes you through some of the flavors of Java PowerPoint API and their features. There are many vendors who provide Java PPT related APIs; some of them are considered in this chapter.
Aspose Slides for Java
针对 Java 的 Aspose 幻灯片是完全许可的 Java PPT API,由供应商 Aspose 开发和分发。此 API 的最新版本为 8.1.2,于 2014 年 7 月发布。它是一个丰富且庞大的 API(普通 Java 类和 AWT 类相结合),用于设计能够读取、写入和管理幻灯片的 PPT 组件。
Aspose slides for Java is a purely licensed Java PPT API, developed and distributed by the vendor Aspose. The latest version of this API is 8.1.2, released in July 2014. It is a rich and heavy API (combination of plain Java classes and AWT classes) for designing the PPT component that can read, write, and manage slides.
此 API 的常见用途如下 −
The common uses of this API are as follows −
Build dynamic presentations
Render and print high-fidelity presentations
Generate, edit, convert, and print presentations
Apache POI
Apache POI 是 Apache 软件基金会提供的一个 100% 的开源库。大多数小型和中型应用程序开发者严重依赖 Apache POI (HSLF + XSLF)。它支持 PPT 库的所有基本功能;但是,呈现和文本提取是它的主要功能。下面给出了 Apache POI 的 PPT 架构。
Apache POI is a 100% open source library provided by Apache Software Foundation. Most of the small and medium scale application developers depend heavily on Apache POI (HSLF + XSLF). It supports all the basic features of PPT libraries; however, rendering and text extraction are its main features. Given below is the architecture of Apache POI for PPT.