Apache Presto 简明教程
Apache Presto - MySQL Connector
MySQL 连接器用于查询外部 MySQL 数据库。
The MySQL connector is used to query an external MySQL database.
Configuration Settings
希望您已经在您的机器上安装了 MySQL 服务器。要使 Presto 服务器启用 MySQL 属性,您必须在 “etc/catalog” 目录中创建一个文件 “mysql.properties” 。发出以下命令以创建一个 mysql.properties 文件。
Hopefully you have installed mysql server on your machine. To enable mysql properties on Presto server, you must create a file “mysql.properties” in “etc/catalog” directory. Issue the following command to create a mysql.properties file.
$ cd etc
$ cd catalog
$ vi mysql.properties
connector.name = mysql
connection-url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306
connection-user = root
connection-password = pwd
保存文件并退出终端。在上述文件中,您必须在 connection-password 字段中输入 MySQL 密码。
Save the file and quit the terminal. In the above file, you must enter your mysql password in connection-password field.
Create Database in MySQL Server
打开 MySQL 服务器并使用以下命令创建一个数据库。
Open MySQL server and create a database using the following command.
create database tutorials
现在您已经在服务器中创建了“tutorials”数据库。要启用数据库类型,请在查询窗口中使用命令“use tutorials”。
Now you have created “tutorials” database in the server. To enable database type, use the command “use tutorials” in the query window.
Create Table
Let’s create a simple table on “tutorials” database.
create table author(auth_id int not null, auth_name varchar(50),topic varchar(100))
Insert Table
After creating a table, insert three records using the following query.
insert into author values(1,'Doug Cutting','Hadoop')
insert into author values(2,’James Gosling','java')
insert into author values(3,'Dennis Ritchie’,'C')
Connect Presto CLI
键入以下命令以在 Presto CLI 上连接 MySql 插件。
Type the following command to connect MySql plugin on Presto CLI.
./presto --server localhost:8080 --catalog mysql --schema tutorials
You will receive the following response.
此处 “tutorials” 指的是 mysql 服务器中的架构。
Here “tutorials” refers to schema in mysql server.
List Schemas
要列出 mysql 中的所有架构,请在 Presto 服务器中键入以下查询。
To list out all the schemas in mysql, type the following query in Presto server.
List Tables from Schema
Following query lists out all the tables in tutorials schema.
Access Table Records
要从 mysql 表获取所有记录,请发出以下查询。
To fetch all the records from mysql table, issue the following query.
Create Table Using as Command
Mysql 连接器不支持创建表查询,但可以使用 as 命令创建表。
Mysql connector doesn’t support create table query but you can create a table using as command.
presto:tutorials> create table mysql.tutorials.sample as
select * from mysql.tutorials.author;
You can’t insert rows directly because this connector has some limitations. It cannot support the following queries −
To view the records in the newly created table, type the following query.