Apache Storm 简明教程
Apache Storm - Applications
Apache Storm 框架支持当今许多最佳工业应用程序。本章将对 Storm 的一些最显著应用作一个非常简略的概述。
Apache Storm framework supports many of the today’s best industrial applications. We will provide a very brief overview of some of the most notable applications of Storm in this chapter.
Klout 是一款应用程序,使用社交媒体分析来根据在线社交影响力对用户进行排名,通 Klout Score ,一个介于 1 和 100 之间的一个数值。Klout 使用 Apache Storm 内建的 Trident 抽象创建复杂的拓扑来传输数据流。
Klout is an application that uses social media analytics to rank its users based on online social influence through Klout Score, which is a numerical value between 1 and 100. Klout uses Apache Storm’s inbuilt Trident abstraction to create complex topologies that stream data.
The Weather Channel
Weather Channel 使用 Storm 拓扑来采集天气数据。它已与 Twitter 合作来在 Twitter 和移动应用程序上实现气象信息广告。 OpenSignal 是一家专门进行无线覆盖映射的公司。 StormTag 和 WeatherSignal 是 OpenSignal 创建的天气项目。StormTag 是一个附加在钥匙扣上的蓝牙天气站。该设备收集的气象数据将发送给 WeatherSignal 应用程序和 OpenSignal 服务器。
The Weather Channel uses Storm topologies to ingest weather data. It has tied up with Twitter to enable weather-informed advertising on Twitter and mobile applications. OpenSignal is a company that specializes in wireless coverage mapping. StormTag and WeatherSignal are weather-based projects created by OpenSignal. StormTag is a Bluetooth weather station that attaches to a keychain. The weather data collected by the device is sent to the WeatherSignal app and OpenSignal servers.
Telecom Industry
电信供应商每秒处理数百万通电话。他们对掉线和音质差的电话进行取证。通话详情记录以每秒百万条的速度流入,而 Apache Storm 实时处理这些记录并识别任何令人担忧的模式。Storm 分析可用于持续提高通话质量。
Telecommunication providers process millions of phone calls per second. They perform forensics on dropped calls and poor sound quality. Call detail records flow in at a rate of millions per second and Apache Storm processes those in real-time and identifies any troubling patterns. Storm analysis can be used to continuously improve call quality.