Arangodb 简明教程

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显然,世界正变得越来越紧密相连。在不久的将来,你的厨房吧台很可能就会能够推荐你最喜爱的威士忌品牌了!这些推荐信息可能来自零售商,也同样可能由社交网络上的朋友提出;不管是什么,如果你喜欢这些推荐,你都能够看到使用图形数据库的好处。本教程解释了 ArangoDB 的各个方面,ArangoDB 是图形数据库领域的主要竞争者。从关注 ArangoDB 的安装和基本概念的 ArangoDB 基础知识开始,逐渐转向 CRUD 操作和 AQL 等高级主题。本教程中的最后几章将帮助你了解如何将 ArangoDB 作为单个实例部署和/或使用 Docker。

Apparently, the world is becoming more and more connected. And at some point in the very near future, your kitchen bar may well be able to recommend your favorite brands of whiskey! This recommended information may come from retailers, or equally likely it can be suggested from friends on Social Networks; whatever it is, you will be able to see the benefits of using graph databases, if you like the recommendations. This tutorial explains the various aspects of ArangoDB which is a major contender in the landscape of graph databases. Starting with the basics of ArangoDB which focuses on the installation and basic concepts of ArangoDB, it gradually moves on to advanced topics such as CRUD operations and AQL. The last few chapters in this tutorial will help you understand how to deploy ArangoDB as a single instance and/or using Docker.