Arangodb 简明教程

ArangoDB - How to Deploy

在本章中,我们将描述部署 ArangoDB 的各种可能性。

In this chapter, we will describe various possibilities to deploy ArangoDB.

Deployment: Single Instance

我们已经学习如何在先前的章节中部署 Linux (Ubuntu) 的单个实例。现在让我们看看如何使用 Docker 进行部署。

We have already learned how to deploy the single instance of the Linux (Ubuntu) in one of our previous chapters. Let us now see how to make the deployment using Docker.

Deployment: Docker

若要使用 docker 进行部署,我们将在我们的机器上安装 Docker。有关 Docker 的更多信息,请参阅我们在 Docker 中的教程。

For deployment using docker, we will install Docker on our machine. For more information on Docker, please refer our tutorial on Docker.

安装 Docker 后,你可以使用以下命令 -

Once Docker is installed, you can use the following command −

docker run -e ARANGO_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD = 1 -d --name agdb-foo -d

它将创建并启动 Docker 实例,并将其标识名称 agdbfoo 作为 Docker 后台进程。

It will create and launch the Docker instance of ArangoDB with the identifying name agdbfoo as a Docker background process.


Also terminal will print the process identifier.

默认情况下,8529 端口是 ArangoDB 监听请求的保留端口。此外,此端口还可以自动用于您可能已链接的所有 Docker 应用程序容器。

By default, port 8529 is reserved for ArangoDB to listen for requests. Also this port is automatically available to all Docker application containers which you may have linked.