
ASP.NET Tutorial

ASP.NET 是由 Microsoft 开发并销售的一种 Web 应用程序框架,允许程序员构建动态网站。它允许您使用 C# 或 VB.NET 等全功能编程语言轻松构建 Web 应用程序。

ASP.NET is a web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites. It allows you to use a full featured programming language such as C# or VB.NET to build web applications easily.

本教程涵盖初学者开始时所需的 ASP.NET 的所有基本要素。

This tutorial covers all the basic elements of ASP.NET that a beginner would require to get started.


准备本教程的目的是为了帮助初学者理解基本的 ASP.NET 编程。在完成本教程后,你会发现在 ASP.NET 编程方面已达到中等专业水平,你可以从中上升到下一个阶段。

This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand basic ASP.NET programming. After completing this tutorial you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in ASP.NET programming from where you can take yourself to next levels.


在继续本教程之前,应该对 .NET 编程语言有基本的了解。由于我们将使用 ASP.NET Web 应用程序框架来开发基于 Web 的应用程序,因此了解其他 Web 技术,例如 HTML、CSS、AJAX 等会很有帮助。

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of .NET programming language. As we are going to develop web-based applications using ASP.NET web application framework, it will be good if you have an understanding of other web technologies such as HTML, CSS, AJAX. etc