Automata Theory 简明教程
Language Decidability
如果存在一台图灵机,接受并停止处理每个输入字符串 w ,则称为 Decidable 或 Recursive 语言。每个可判定的语言都是图灵可接受的。
A language is called Decidable or Recursive if there is a Turing machine which accepts and halts on every input string w. Every decidable language is Turing-Acceptable.

如果所有“是”例子的语言 L 是可判定的,则判定问题 P 是可判定的。
A decision problem P is decidable if the language L of all yes instances to P is decidable.
对于可判定的语言,针对每个输入字符串,TM 在接受或拒绝状态停止处理,如下图所示 −
For a decidable language, for each input string, the TM halts either at the accept or the reject state as depicted in the following diagram −

Example 1
找出以下问题是否可判定的 −
Find out whether the following problem is decidable or not −
Is a number ‘m’ prime?
素数 = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, …………..}
Prime numbers = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, …………..}
将数字 ‘m’ 除以从“2”到“√m”之间的所有数字,从“2”开始。
Divide the number ‘m’ by all the numbers between ‘2’ and ‘√m’ starting from ‘2’.
If any of these numbers produce a remainder zero, then it goes to the “Rejected state”, otherwise it goes to the “Accepted state”. So, here the answer could be made by ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Hence, it is a decidable problem.
Hence, it is a decidable problem.
Example 2
给定正则语言 L 和字符串 w ,我们如何检查是否 w ∈ L ?
Given a regular language L and string w, how can we check if w ∈ L?
取接受 L 的 DFA,并检查是否接受 w
Take the DFA that accepts L and check if w is accepted

另一些可判定的问题为 −
Some more decidable problems are −
Does DFA accept the empty language?
Is L1 ∩ L2 = ∅ for regular sets?
Note −
Note −
If a language L is decidable, then its complement L' is also decidable
If a language is decidable, then there is an enumerator for it.