Automata Theory 简明教程

Regular Sets

任何表示正则表达式值的集合都被称为 Regular Set.

Any set that represents the value of the Regular Expression is called a Regular Set.

Properties of Regular Sets

Property 1 . 两个正则集的并集是正则。

Property 1. The union of two regular set is regular.




Let us take two regular expressions

RE1 = a(aa),RE2 = (aa)

RE1 = a(aa)* and RE2 = (aa)*

所以,L1 = {a, aaa, aaaaa,…​..}(不包括 Null 的奇数长度字符串)

So, L1 = {a, aaa, aaaaa,…​..} (Strings of odd length excluding Null)

且 L2 ={ ε, aa, aaaa, aaaaaa,…​…​.} (包括 Null 的偶数长度字符串)

and L2 ={ ε, aa, aaaa, aaaaaa,…​…​.} (Strings of even length including Null)

L1 ∪ L2 = { ε, a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa,…​…​.}

(包括 Null 的所有可能长度的字符串)

(Strings of all possible lengths including Null)

RE (L1 ∪ L2) = a* (本身就是一个正则表达式)

RE (L1 ∪ L2) = a* (which is a regular expression itself)

Hence, proved.

Hence, proved.

Property 2. 两个正则集的交集是正则。

Property 2. The intersection of two regular set is regular.




Let us take two regular expressions

RE1 = a(a*),RE2 = (aa)*

RE1 = a(a*) and RE2 = (aa)*

所以,L1 = { a,aa, aaa, aaaa, …​.} (不包括 Null 的所有可能长度字符串)

So, L1 = { a,aa, aaa, aaaa, …​.} (Strings of all possible lengths excluding Null)

L2 = { ε, aa, aaaa, aaaaaa,…}(包含空字符串的偶数长度字符串)

L2 = { ε, aa, aaaa, aaaaaa,…​…​.} (Strings of even length including Null)

L1 ∩ L2 = { aa, aaaa, aaaaaa,…}(不包含空字符串的偶数长度字符串)

L1 ∩ L2 = { aa, aaaa, aaaaaa,…​…​.} (Strings of even length excluding Null)

RE (L1 ∩ L2) = aa(aa)*,本身是一个正则表达式。

RE (L1 ∩ L2) = aa(aa)* which is a regular expression itself.

Hence, proved.

Hence, proved.

Property 3. 一个正则集合的补集是正则的。

Property 3. The complement of a regular set is regular.




Let us take a regular expression −

RE = (aa)*

所以,L = {ε, aa, aaaa, aaaaaa, …}(包含空字符串的偶数长度字符串)

So, L = {ε, aa, aaaa, aaaaaa, …​…​.} (Strings of even length including Null)

L 的补集是不在 L 中的所有字符串。

Complement of L is all the strings that is not in L.

所以,L’ = {a, aaa, aaaaa, …}(不包含空字符串的奇数长度字符串)

So, L’ = {a, aaa, aaaaa, …​..} (Strings of odd length excluding Null)

RE (L’) = a(aa)*,本身是一个正则表达式。

RE (L’) = a(aa)* which is a regular expression itself.

Hence, proved.

Hence, proved.

Property 4. 两个正则集合的差是正则的。

Property 4. The difference of two regular set is regular.




Let us take two regular expressions −

RE1 = a (a*) 和 RE2 = (aa)*

RE1 = a (a*) and RE2 = (aa)*

所以,L1 = {a, aa, aaa, aaaa, …}(包含所有可能的长度且不包含空字符串的字符串)

So, L1 = {a, aa, aaa, aaaa, …​.} (Strings of all possible lengths excluding Null)

L2 = { ε, aa, aaaa, aaaaaa,…}(包含空字符串的偶数长度字符串)

L2 = { ε, aa, aaaa, aaaaaa,…​…​.} (Strings of even length including Null)

L1 – L2 = {a, aaa, aaaaa, aaaaaaa, …}

L1 – L2 = {a, aaa, aaaaa, aaaaaaa, …​.}


(Strings of all odd lengths excluding Null)

RE (L1 – L2) = a (aa)*,是一个正则表达式。

RE (L1 – L2) = a (aa)* which is a regular expression.

Hence, proved.

Hence, proved.

Property 5. 一个正则集合的反转是正则的。

Property 5. The reversal of a regular set is regular.



我们要证明 LR 也是正则的,如果 L 是一个正则集合。

We have to prove LR is also regular if L is a regular set.

令 L = {01,10,11,10}

Let, L = {01, 10, 11, 10}

RE (L) = 01 + 10 + 11 + 10

LR = {10,01,11,01}

LR = {10, 01, 11, 01}

RE (LR) = 01 + 10 + 11 + 10 为正则语言

RE (LR) = 01 + 10 + 11 + 10 which is regular

Hence, proved.

Hence, proved.

Property 6. 正则集合的闭包为正则语言。

Property 6. The closure of a regular set is regular.



如果 L = {a, aaa, aaaaa, …​…​.} (长度为奇数且不含空集合的字符串),

If L = {a, aaa, aaaaa, …​…​.} (Strings of odd length excluding Null)

即 RE (L) = a (aa)*

i.e., RE (L) = a (aa)*

L* = {a, aa, aaa, aaaa , aaaaa,……………} (长度可为任意正整数且不含空集合的字符串)

L* = {a, aa, aaa, aaaa , aaaaa,……………} (Strings of all lengths excluding Null)

RE (L*) = a (a)*

Hence, proved.

Hence, proved.

Property 7. 两个正则集合的连接为正则语言。

Property 7. The concatenation of two regular sets is regular.

Proof −

Proof −

令 RE1 = (0+1) 0 and RE2 = 01(0+1)

Let RE1 = (0+1)0 and RE2 = 01(0+1)

此处,L1 = {0, 00, 10, 000, 010, …​…​} (以 0 结尾的字符串集合)

Here, L1 = {0, 00, 10, 000, 010, …​…​} (Set of strings ending in 0)

且 L2 = {01, 010,011,…​..} (以 01 开头的字符串集合)

and L2 = {01, 010,011,…​..} (Set of strings beginning with 01)

则 L1 L2 = {001,0010,0011,0001,00010,00011,1001,10010,…​…​…​…​.}

Then, L1 L2 = {001,0010,0011,0001,00010,00011,1001,10010,…​…​…​…​.}

包含 001 作为子串的字符串集合,可以用正则表达式表示为 − (0 + 1) 001(0 + 1)

Set of strings containing 001 as a substring which can be represented by an RE − (0 + 1)001(0 + 1)


Hence, proved.

给出正则表达式 R, P, L, Q,则有如下恒等式:

Given R, P, L, Q as regular expressions, the following identities hold −

  1. ∅* = ε

  2. ε* = ε

  3. RR* = R*R

  4. R*R* = R*

  5. (R*)* = R*

  6. RR* = R*R

  7. (PQ)P =P(QP)

  8. (a+b)* = (a*b*)* = (a*+b*)* = (a+b*)* = a*(ba*)*

  9. R + ∅ = ∅ + R = R (The identity for union)

  10. R ε = ε R = R (The identity for concatenation)

  11. ∅ L = L ∅ = ∅ (The annihilator for concatenation)

  12. R + R = R (Idempotent law)

  13. L (M + N) = LM + LN (Left distributive law)

  14. (M + N) L = ML + NL (Right distributive law)

  15. ε + RR* = ε + R*R = R*