Avro 简明教程

AVRO Tutorial

Apache Avro 是由哈杜普之父 Doug Cutting, 开发的一种语言中立的数据序列化系统。这是一个简短教程,概述了如何设置 Avro,以及如何使用 Avro 序列化和反序列化数据。

Apache Avro is a language-neutral data serialization system, developed by Doug Cutting, the father of Hadoop. This is a brief tutorial that provides an overview of how to set up Avro and how to serialize and deserialize data using Avro.


本教程专为立志使用 Hadoop Framework 学习大数据分析基础并成为一位成功的 Hadoop 开发人员的专业人员准备。这将成为想要使用 Avro 进行数据序列化和反序列化的爱好者的便捷资源。

This tutorial is prepared for professionals aspiring to learn the basics of Big Data Analytics using Hadoop Framework and become a successful Hadoop developer. It will be a handy resource for enthusiasts who want to use Avro for data serialization and deserialization.


开始此教程之前,我们假设您已经了解 Hadoop 的架构和 API,并且在编写基本应用程序方面有经验,最好使用 Java。

Before you start proceeding with this tutorial, we assume that you are already aware of Hadoop’s architecture and APIs, and you have experience in writing basic applications, preferably using Java.