Aws Quicksight 简明教程

AWS Quicksight - Editing Datasets

当您创建一个用于 Quicksight 的新数据集时,将显示以下消息。您可以根据您的要求预览或编辑数据。您可以更改某些字段的类型,重命名标题或根据输入字段添加一些计算域。

When you create a new dataset to be used in Quicksight, the following message would appear. You can preview or edit the data as per your requirement. You can change the types of certain fields, rename the headers or add some calculated fields based on input fields.

editing database

点击“编辑/预览数据”后,您将能够看到输入数据集上的标题和字段。这是一个示例数据集 -

Once you click Edit/Preview data, you will be able to see the header and the fields on your input dataset. Here is a sample dataset −


还有一个添加计算字段的选项。您可以在输入字段上使用内置函数来创建新字段。有多种选项,如连接多个字段、将单个字段解构为多个字段、两日期间的时间差等等。完整列表如下所示 -

There is an option of adding calculated fields as well. You can use inbuilt functions on input fields to create a new field. There are number of options like concatenating multiple fields, unstring a single field into multiple fields, time difference between to dates and so on. The complete list is shown below −

add calculated field


Once you are done with adding or modifying fields, just click “Save and Visualize” or just “Save” at the top. The “Save” button will keep you on existing screen while “Save and Visualize” will take you to the visual creation screen.

data source


To cancel your changes, click on Cancel button at the top.