Aws Quicksight 简明教程

AWS Quicksight - Edition Type

AWS Quicksight 支持不同的版本,它们根据用户管理、权限和支持的功能而有所不同 - StandardEnterprise 。这两个版本都支持 Quicksight 创建和共享数据可视化的所有功能。

AWS Quicksight supports different editions which vary as per user management, permissions and features supported − Standard and Enterprise. Both of these editions support all the Quicksight features for creating and sharing data visualizations.

企业版提供了对 AWS 目录的 Active Directory 集成的支持。企业版中还支持多种其他功能,如下所示 -

Enterprise edition offers support for Active Directory integration to AWS directory. There are various other features which are supported in Enterprise edition as given below −

Features Supported

Standard Edition

Enterprise Edition

# of Free Authors



# of Free Trial Authors (60Days)



Included SPICE Capacity

10 GB/User

10 GB/User




Additional SPICE Capacity



Connect to spreadsheets, databases, data lakes, and business apps

Easily analyze data with AutoGraph

Fast, scalable visualizations

Publish dashboards for interactive data access

Single-Sign-On with SAML or OpenID Connect

Web and mobile access

Drill-down to detail and customize filters

Enable audit logs with AWS CloudTrail

Reader Role

Securely Access data in Private VPCs and On-Prem

Row Level Security

Hourly refresh of SPICE data

Secure data encryption at rest

Connect to Active Directory

Use Active Directory groups

您可以在 Manage Quicksight 选项中选中 AWS Quicksight 的订阅类型。

You can check the subscription type of AWS Quicksight with Manage Quicksight option.

edition enterprise

在企业版中,AWS Quicksight 允许您使用以下任何方式来管理用户 −

In Enterprise edition, AWS Quicksight allows you to manage users using any of the below ways −

  1. Using Microsoft Active Directory: In Enterprise edition, you can add/remove Microsoft Active Directory groups to create and deactivate user accounts. You can access the directory groups directly or by using the AD Connector.

  2. Federated logins.

  3. Inviting users by email.

要在 Quicksight 中管理 AD 用户/群组,您必须导航到 Manage Quicksight → Manage users/Manage groups

To manage your AD users/groups in Quicksight, you have to navigate to Manage Quicksight → Manage users/Manage groups

您还可以单击下拉列表来更改现有用户的角色 −

You can also change the role of an existing user by clicking on drop down list −

  1. Admin

  2. Author

  3. Reader

AWS Quicksight 管理员还可以使用管理用户选项来重置现有用户的密码,如下所示 −

An AWS Quicksight administrator can also reset the password of an existing user using Manage User option as shown below −

reset password

您可以使用管理帐户选项从 AQS Quicksight 标准版更新到企业版。要执行升级,用户应拥有 AWS Quicksight 管理员权限。

You can update from AQS Quicksight Standard edition to Enterprise edition using Manage account option. To perform an upgrade, the user should have AWS Quicksight administrator privilege.

单击右上角的个人资料图标 → 立即升级。

Click on your profile icon at top right corner → Upgrade now.

upgrade now


Once you click on Upgrade, following screen appears. To complete the upgrade, click on the Upgrade button.

upgrade enterprise edition

Note − 一旦您将订阅从标准版更改为企业版,则无法回滚。

Note − Once you change your subscription from Standard edition to Enterprise edition, you cannot roll it back.