Aws Quicksight 简明教程

AWS Quicksight Tutorial

AWS Quicksight 是一款基于 AWS 的商业智能和可视化工具,用于可视化数据和创建故事,以提供数据的图形化详细信息。数据以数据集的形式输入,您可以应用过滤器、层次结构和列来准备文档。您可以选择条形图、饼图等各种图表以有效地可视化数据。本基础教程将帮助您了解和学习 AWS Quicksight 工具。

AWS Quicksight is an AWS based Business Intelligence and visualization tool that is used to visualize data and create stories to provide graphical details of the data. Data is entered as dataset and you can apply filters, hierarchies, and columns to prepare documents. You can choose various charts like Bar charts, Pie charts, etc. to visualize the data effectively. This basic tutorial will help you to understand and learn AWS Quicksight tool.


AWS Quicksight 适用于可以根据需要更改数据结构和关联的 BI 开发人员和业务用户。他们可以根据多个数据来源创建数据可视化和故事。有助于调整数据以满足组织需求,以便通过可视化创建故事。

AWS Quicksight is meant for BI developers and business users who can alter data structures and correlations in whatever way they want. They can create data visualizations and stories from multiple data sources. It helps to adapt data to organizational needs to create stories with visualizations.


在开始学习本教程之前,我们假设您已经了解商业智能和 SQL 的基础知识。如果您接触了 BI 概念,我们建议您首先阅读我们关于同一主题的简短教程。

Before you start proceeding with this tutorial, we are assuming that you are already aware of the basics of Business Intelligence and SQL. If you are not exposed to BI concepts, then we will suggest you first to go through our short tutorial on same topics.