Beautiful Soup 简明教程
Beautiful Soup - web-scraping
Scraping is simply a process of extracting (from various means), copying and screening of data.
When we scrape or extract data or feeds from the web (like from web-pages or websites), it is termed as web-scraping.
So, web scraping (which is also known as web data extraction or web harvesting) is the extraction of data from web. In short, web scraping provides a way to the developers to collect and analyze data from the internet.
Why Web-scraping?
Web-scraping provides one of the great tools to automate most of the things a human does while browsing. Web-scraping is used in an enterprise in a variety of ways −
Data for Research
Smart analyst (like researcher or journalist) uses web scrapper instead of manually collecting and cleaning data from the websites.
Products, prices & popularity comparison
Currently there are couple of services which use web scrappers to collect data from numerous online sites and use it to compare products popularity and prices.
SEO Monitoring
有许多用于竞争性分析和从客户网站提取数据的 SEO 工具,例如 Ahref、Seobility、SEMrush 等。
There are numerous SEO tools such as Ahrefs, Seobility, SEMrush, etc., which are used for competitive analysis and for pulling data from your client’s websites.
Search engines
有一些大型 IT 公司的业务完全依赖网络抓取。
There are some big IT companies whose business solely depends on web scraping.
Sales and Marketing
The data gathered through web scraping can be used by marketers to analyze different niches and competitors or by the sales specialist for selling content marketing or social media promotion services.
Why Python for Web Scraping?
Python 是最流行的网络抓取语言之一,因为它可以非常轻松地处理大多数与网络爬取相关的事务。
Python is one of the most popular languages for web scraping as it can handle most of the web crawling related tasks very easily.
以下是选择 Python 进行网络爬取的原因:
Below are some of the points on why to choose python for web scraping −
Ease of Use
大多数开发人员都同意 Python 非常容易编码。我们不必在任何地方使用花括号“{ }”或分号“;”,这使得它在开发网络爬取器时更具可读性和易用性。
As most of the developers agree that python is very easy to code. We don’t have to use any curly braces "{ }" or semi-colons ";" anywhere, which makes it more readable and easy-to-use while developing web scrapers.
Huge Library Support
Python 为不同的需求提供了大量的库,因此它适用于网络爬取以及数据可视化、机器学习等。
Python provides huge set of libraries for different requirements, so it is appropriate for web scraping as well as for data visualization, machine learning, etc.
Easily Explicable Syntax
Python 是一种非常易读的编程语言,因为 Python 语法易于理解。Python 非常具表现力,并且代码缩进有助于用户区分代码中的不同块或范围。
Python is a very readable programming language as python syntax are easy to understand. Python is very expressive and code indentation helps the users to differentiate different blocks or scopes in the code.