Behave 简明教程

Behave - First Steps

让我们创建一个基本的 Behave 测试。

Feature File

标题为支付类型的功能文件的示例如下 −

Feature − Payment Types

   Scenario − Verify user has two payment options
      Given User is on Payment screen
      When User clicks on Payment types
      Then User should get Types Cheque and Cash

Corresponding Step Implementation File

上述功能对应的步骤实现文件如下 −

from behave import *
@given('User is on Payment screen')
def impl_bkpy(context):
      print('User is on Payment screen')
@when('User clicks on Payment types')
def impl_bkpy(context):
      print('User clicks on Payment types')
@then('User should get Types Cheque and Cash')
def impl_bkpy(context):
      print('User should get Types Cheque and Cash')

Project Structure

功能“支付类型”的项目结构如下 −

payment types


运行功能文件后获得的输出如下,此处使用的命令为 behave

running the feature file


Python 控制台输出如下 −

python console