Boon 简明教程

Boon - @JsonIgnore

@JsonIgnore 在字段级别用于标记要忽略的属性或属性列表。

@JsonIgnore is used at field level to mark a property or list of properties to be ignored.

Example - @JsonIgnore

以下示例适用于 @JsonIgnore −

Following example is for @JsonIgnore −

import org.boon.json.JsonFactory;
import org.boon.json.ObjectMapper;
import org.boon.json.annotations.JsonIgnore;

public class BoonTester {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      ObjectMapper mapper = JsonFactory.create();
      Student student = new Student(1,11,"1ab","Mark");
      String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(student);
class Student {
   public int id;
   public String systemId;
   public int rollNo;
   public String name;

   Student(int id, int rollNo, String systemId, String name) { = id;
      this.systemId = systemId;
      this.rollNo = rollNo; = name;


您将看到以下输出 −

You will see the following output −
