Boon 简明教程
Boon - Overview
Boon 是基于 Java 的简单 JSON 工具包。您可以使用 Boon JSON 以高效、更快速的方式对 JSON 数据进行编码或解码。
Boon is a simple Java based toolkit for JSON. You can use Boon JSON to encode or decode JSON data in an efficient and faster way.
Features of Boon
Boon 的功能如下所述 −
The features of Boon are explained below −
Fast − Boon JSON is faster at Object Serialization, enabling JSON Expression and JSON Parsing as compared to Jackson.
Lightweight − It have very few classes and provides the necessary functionalities like encode/decode Object mapping.
Data Binding − Most of the operations are done using data binding and index overlay.
No public tree model − End user view is data binding view.
Supports simple data binding − Provides data binding with primitives as well with auto boxing.
High performance − Heap based parser is used and provide high performance.
No dependency − No external library dependency. Can be independently included.
JDK1.2 compatible − Source code and the binary are JDK1.2 compatible