Bootstrap 简明教程
Bootstrap - Scrollspy
本章将讨论 Bootstrap 的 scrollspy。当您滚动页面时,Bootstrap 的 scrollspy 功能会自动定向到导航栏内容。
This chapter will discuss about Bootstrap scrollspy. Bootstrap scrollspy automatically targets the navigation bar contents as you scroll the page.
How it work
当 href 引用的带有 id 的元素滚动到视图中时,scrollspy 会与 nav 、 list group 一起使用,并与当前页面中的任何锚元素一起使用。以下是如何执行此操作的。
When the element with the id referred by the anchor’s href is scrolled into view, scrollspy works with nav, list group, and also works with any anchor element in the current page. Here’s how it’s works.
In order to utilize scrollspy, you should have two thing i.e a navigation, list group or a simple set of links, along with scrollable container such as the <body> or a custom element with a specific height and overflow-y: scroll.
To the scrollspy container, add attributes data-bs-spy="scroll" and data-bs-target="#navId", where "navId" refers the unique id of the corresponding navigation. If the container does not have any focusable element, include tabindex="0" to guarantee keyboard accessibility.
When you scroll within the "spied" container, anchor links in the navigation will have an .active class added or removed. If the id targets of links cannot be resolved, they will be ignored. For example, a <a href="#home">home</a> should have a corresponding <div id="home"></div>.
In the non-visible elements section, only visible elements will be considered and targeted.
向下滚动 navbar 区域以查看活动类更改。打开下拉菜单并查看高亮显示的项目。
Scroll below the navbar area to see active class change. Open the dropdown and see highlighted items.
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<h4 id="scrollspyFirstTitle">Home</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspySecondTitle">Services</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspyThirdTitle">About us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspyFourthTitle">Contact us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspyFifthTitle">Features</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
Nested nav
Scrollspy 支持嵌套的 .navs ,并在其 .active 时使其父级 .active 。滚动 navbar 时查看活动类变化。
Scrollspy supports nested .navs and makes their parents .active when they are .active. See active class changes while scrolling the navbar.
You can edit and try running this code using *Edit & Run *option.
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<div id="home">
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<div id="login">
<h5>Log In</h5>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group</p>
<div id="logout">
<h5>Log out</h5>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<div id="aboutus">
<h4>About us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group</p>
<div id="contactus">
<h4>Contact us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
List group
Scrollspy 支持*list-group*。当您在列表组附近滚动时,查看活动类变化。
Scrollspy supports *.list-group*s. See the active class change as you scroll near the list group.
You can edit and try running this code using *Edit & Run *option.
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<h4 id="home">Home</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area.</p>
<h4 id="services">Services</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="aboutus">About us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area.</p>
<h4 id="contactus">Contact us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="features">Features</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. </p>
Simple anchors
Scrollspy 适用于所有 <a> 锚元素,而不仅仅是 nav 元素和列表组。
Scrollspy works on all <a> anchor elements, not restricted to nav elements and list groups.
You can edit and try running this code using *Edit & Run *option.
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<h4 id="home">Home</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="services">Services</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="aboutus">About us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="contactus">Contact us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="features">Features</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
Non-visible elements
不可见的元素将被忽略,并且不会将其对应的导航项分配给 .active 类。在非可见包装器内初始化的 Scrollspy 实例会忽略所有目标元素。如果包装器变为可见,请使用 refresh 方法。这有助于检查可观察元素。
Non-visible elements will be disregarded, and their corresponding nav items will not be assigned the .active class. Scrollspy instances that are initialized within an non-visible wrapper ignores all target elements. Use refresh method in case the wrapper becomes visible. This helps check for observable elements .
document.querySelectorAll('#nav-tab>[data-bs-toggle="tab"]').forEach(el => {
el.addEventListener('', () => {
const target = el.getAttribute('data-bs-target')
const scrollElem = document.querySelector(`${target} [data-bs-spy="scroll"]`)
Via data attributes
将 data-bs-spy="scroll" 添加到要监视的元素(通常为 <body> )中,以快速向顶部导航栏添加滚动监视行为。然后,使用 "data-bs-target" 属性指定任何 Bootstrap .nav 组件的父元素的 id 或类名。
Add data-bs-spy="scroll" to the element to spy on (usually the <body>) to quickly add scroll spy behavior to topbar navigation. Then, specifying the id or class name of the parent element of any Bootstrap .nav component using the "data-bs-target" attribute.
You can edit and try running this code using *Edit & Run *option.
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<h4 id="scrollspyFirstTitle">Home</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspySecondTitle">Services</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspyThirdTitle">About us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspyFourthTitle">Contact us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspyFifthTitle">Features</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
Via JavaScript
To enable scrollspy behavior on your topbar navigation, add data-bs-spy="scroll" to the desired element (usually the <body> tag).
Inside the <script> tag apply scroll spy to a component using the identifier or class like "navbarJavaScript".
You can edit and try running this code using *Edit & Run *option.
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<h4 id="scrollspyFirstTitle">Home</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspySecondTitle">Services</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspyThirdTitle">About us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspyFourthTitle">Contact us</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
<h4 id="scrollspyFifthTitle">Features</h4>
<p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
const scrollSpy = new bootstrap.ScrollSpy(document.body, {
target: '#navbarJavaScript'
To add an option name to data-bs-, as in data-bs-animation={value}," use either data attributes or JavaScript. If using data attributes, use "kebab-case" instead of "camelCase" for the option name. For example, use data-bs-custom-class="beautifier" instead of data-bs-custom-class="beautifier".
Bootstrap 5.2.0 has added a new feature called data-bs-config attribute to store basic component configurations as a JSON string. If an element has both data-bs-config and separate data attributes, the separate data attributes' values take precedence over those in data-bs-config. Even, existing data attributes can also store JSON values.
Data-bs-config, data-bs-, and js objects are combined to create the final configuration object, where the most recent key-value overrides all others.