Bugzilla 简明教程

Bugzilla - Duplicate

在 Bugzilla 中,重复项是频率最高的 Bug 列表。

In Bugzilla, Duplicates are a list of bugs, which are raised most frequently.

  1. Duplicates are the most frequently seen open bugs.

  2. Duplicates count the numbers as the Dupe Count of direct and indirect duplicates of a defect report. This information is helpful to minimize the number of duplicate defects.

  3. Duplicates help to save time for QA engineers to log a new defect always.

  4. Duplicates also help stakeholders to find out the root cause, if the same defects are reopened repeatedly rather than just a new defect.

Using the Duplicates List of Bugs

查看带有相应已注意到问题的最频繁 Bug 列表。如果问题在列表中作为 Bug 列出,则单击 Bug ID 以查看详细信息并确认它是否是相同的问题。对其他观察内容发表评论,必要的话将其链接到您的测试用例,如果关闭了则重新打开。

Review the most frequent bug list with the respective issue noticed. If the problem is listed as a bug in the list, then click on the bug id to view details and confirm whether it is the same issue or not. Comment on the additional observation, link it with your Test Case if required and re-open if it is closed.


If the exact problem is not listed, try to find a similar defect that is already listed. If the user finds the defect that are dependent on new observations, he can comment and link the defect. If the user cannot find the defect, log a new one.

Generate Duplicate Reports

若要在 Bugzilla 中生成 Duplicate 报告,我们必须遵循以下步骤。

To generate Duplicate reports in Bugzilla, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 - 单击主页页眉中的“报告”超链接。

Step 1 − Click on the Report hyperlink in the header of the homepage.

report header

Step 2 - 单击“报告”后,“报告和图表厨房”页面将打开。单击当前状态部分下的“重复项”超链接。

Step 2 − As soon as you click on Report, the Reporting and Charting Kitchen page opens. Click on Duplicates hyperlink under the Current State section.

duplicate hyperlink

Step 3 - 通过单击“重复项”,打开“最常报告的 Bug”表格。它有各种列,例如 Bug ID、重复项计数、组件、严重性、优先级、目标里程碑和摘要。

Step 3 − By clicking on Duplicates, open the Most Frequently Reported Bugs table. It has various columns as Bug Id, Dupe Count, Component, Severity, Priority, Target Milestone, and Summary.

frequently report

Changing the Parameters

这是一个有趣的特性,用于过滤或自定义“最常报告的 Bug”表格。以下是一些重要的提示,其中进行了详细说明。

This is an interesting feature to filter or customize the Most Frequently Reported Bug tables. Following are some of the important pointers, which are explained in detail.

  1. Restrict to product − It filters out the table based on specific Product and components. The user can choose from single or multiple products by pressing CTRL + Click.

  2. When sorting or restricting, work with − It has two options, either the entire list or the currently visible list.

  3. Max Rows − The user can give a number to see the number of defects in one page.

  4. Change column is change in last − The number of days a user wants to review the changes that have taken place.

  5. Open Bugs only − This will filter out all the bugs those are closed. The result will have a list of only open defects.

当用户点击 Change button 时,所有这些筛选器都会发生变更,缺陷列表也会被筛选出来。

When the user Clicks on the Change button, all these filters will change and the bug list will be filtered out.


当点击“或将它作为一个 Bug List” 给予我”上的缺陷列表按钮时,结果表格会显示为缺陷列表页面格式,如下图所示 −

When clicking on the Bug List button at “Or just give this to me as a Bug List”, the resulting table will display in the format of a Bug List page as shown in the screenshot below −

list button