Bugzilla 简明教程

Bugzilla - Graphical Reports

图形报告是一组线图、柱状图和饼状图。这些报告在许多方面很有用,例如,如果用户想要知道哪个组件报告的缺陷数最多,并想要在图表中表示,那么该用户可以选择以下两个选项 -

Graphical reports are a group of line, bar and pie charts. These Reports are helpful in many ways, for example if a user wants to know which component has the maximum number of defects reported and wants to represent in the graph, then that user can select from the following two options −

  1. Severity on the X-axis

  2. Component on the Y-axis


Then click on Generate Report.


It will generate a report with crucial information. Similarly, the user can a select number of combinations from those that are available.

Generate Graphical Reports

若要在 Bugzilla 中生成图形报告,我们必须遵循以下步骤。

To generate graphical reports in Bugzilla, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 - 首先,单击主页页眉中的“报告”链接。

Step 1 − To begin with, click on the Reports link at the header of the homepage.


Step 2 - 如以下屏幕截图所示,单击图形报告超链接,该超链接在当前状态部分中列出。

Step 2 − Click on the Graphical Reports hyperlink, which is listed under the Current State section as shown in the following screenshot.

current state

Step 3 - 现在,设置各种选项以图形化地显示报告。下面列出了一些重要的选项。

Step 3 − Now, set various options to present reports graphically. Some of the important options are given below.

  1. Vertical Axis

  2. Horizontal Axis

  3. Multiple Images

  4. Format- Line graph, Bar chart or Pie chart

  5. Plot data set

  6. Classify your bug

  7. Classify your product

  8. Classify your component

  9. Classify bug status

  10. Select resolution


Step 4 - 单击生成报告以显示条形图,其中 Bug 的 Severity 是垂直轴,而 Component “小部件齿轮”是水平轴。

Step 4 − Click on Generate Report to display a Bar chart, where the Severity of a bug is the vertical axis, while the Component “Widget Gears” is the horizontal axis.


Step 5 - 同样,可以针对完成百分比与截止日期创建线形图。

Step 5 − Similarly, a Line Graph can be created for % Complete Vs Deadline.



The result for the above mentioned line graph will be as follows.

line graph