Bugzilla 简明教程

Bugzilla - Logging a New Bug

填写新 Bug 的过程很简单,如下所述。

The procedure of filling a new bug is quite simple and has been explained below.

Step 1 − 单击标题栏或页脚上的 ‘New’ 链接,或单击主页上的 File a Bug 按钮,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 1 − Click on the ‘New’ link, present on the header or the footer or Click on the File a Bug button on the home page as shown in the following screenshot.

file bug

Step 2 − 现在,选择发现 Bug 的产品组。

Step 2 − Now, select the product group in which the bug is noticed.

product group

Step 3 − 选择产品后,会出现一个表单,用户应在其中输入与 Bug 相关的以下详细信息:

Step 3 − After selecting the Product, a form will appear where the user should enter the following details related to the bug −

  1. Enter Product

  2. Enter Component

  3. Give Component description

  4. Select version

  5. Select severity

  6. Select Hardware

  7. Select OS

  8. Enter Summary

  9. Enter Description

  10. Attach Attachment

selecting product

Note − 以上字段因 Bugzilla 的自定义而异。必填字段用红色星号 (*) 标示。

Note − The above fields vary as per the customization of Bugzilla. The Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

Step 5 − 用户在摘要中开始输入后,Bugzilla 会过滤已登记的缺陷并显示列表,以避免重复的 Bug。

Step 5 − Once the user starts typing in the Summary, Bugzilla filters the already logged in defects and displays the list to avoid duplicate bugs.

duplicate bug

Step 6 − 单击“提交 Bug”按钮以登记 Bug。

Step 6 − Click on the Submit Bug button to log the bug.

submit bug

Step 7 − 只要用户单击“提交 Bug”按钮,就会生成一个 Bug ID,其中包含与输入的 Bug 相同的详细信息。

Step 7 − As soon as the user clicks on the Submit bug button, a Bug Id is generated with the details that of bug as that were entered.

generated details

Step 8 − 截止日期和状态将显示在下图中。

Step 8 − The Deadline and the Status will be shown as depicted in the following screenshot.

deadline status

用户还可以向指定的 Bug 添加其他信息,如 URL、关键字、白板、标签等。这些额外信息有助于提供所创建 Bug 的更多详细信息。

A user can also add additional information to the assigned bug like URL, keywords, whiteboard, tags, etc. This extra-information is helpful to give more details about the Bug that is created.

  1. Large text box

  2. URL

  3. Whiteboard

  4. Keywords

  5. Tags

  6. Depends on

  7. Blocks

在下一章中,我们将学习如何克隆 Bug。

In the next chapter, we will learn how a bug can be cloned.