Bugzilla 简明教程

Bugzilla - Quick Guide

Bugzilla - Overview

Bugzilla 是一个开源工具,用于跟踪项目或软件的缺陷和问题。它帮助开发人员和其他利益相关者跟踪产品中未解决的问题。

Bugzilla is an open-source tool used to track bugs and issues of a project or a software. It helps the developers and other stakeholders to keep track of outstanding problems with the product.

  1. It was written by Terry Weissman in TCL programming language in 1998.

  2. Later, Bugzilla was written in PERL and it uses the MYSQL database.

  3. Bugzilla can be used as a Test Management tool since it can be easily linked with other test case management tools like Quality Centre, ALM, Testlink, etc.

  4. Bugzilla provides a powerful, easy to use solution to configuration management and replication problems.

  5. It can dramatically increase the productivity and accountability of an individual by providing a documented workflow and positive feedback for good performance.

在 Bugzilla 的早期,大多数商业和缺陷跟踪软件供应商都收取高昂的许可费。因此,Bugzilla 迅速成为开源用户中的最爱,因为它起源于 Mozilla 的开源浏览器项目。它现在是最有价值的缺陷跟踪系统,所有其他系统都以此为衡量标准。

Most commercial and defect-tracking software vendors charged enormous licensing fees in the starting days of Bugzilla. As a result, Bugzilla quickly became a favorite among the open-source users, due to its genesis in the open-source browser project with Mozilla. It is now the most precious defect-tracking system against which all the others are measured.

Bugzilla 将力量掌握在个人手中,以便在为自然关注细节和知识存储提供可用框架蓬勃发展的同时,提高业务价值。

Bugzilla puts the power in an individual’s hand to improve the value of business while providing a usable framework for natural attention to detail and knowledge store to flourish.

Bugzilla – Key Features

Bugzilla 拥有许多关键的及高级功能,使其独一无二。以下是 Bugzilla 的一些最重要的功能列表 −

Bugzilla has many keys as well as advanced features, which makes it unique. Following is a list of some of Bugzilla’s most significant features −

  1. Bugzilla is powerful and it has advanced searching capabilities.

  2. Bugzilla supports user configurable email notifications whenever the bug status changes.

  3. Bugzilla displays the complete bug change history.

  4. Bugzilla provides inter bug dependency track and graphic representation.

  5. Bugzilla allows users to attach Bug supportive files and manage it.

  6. Bugzilla has integrated, product-based, granular security schema that makes it more secure.

  7. It has complete security audit and runs under the Perl’s taint mode.

  8. Bugzilla supports a robust, stable RDBMS (Rational Data Base Management System) back end.

  9. It supports Web, XML, E-Mail and console interfaces.

  10. Bugzilla has a wide range of customized, user preferences features.

  11. It supports localized web user interface.

  12. Extensive configurability as it allows to be configured with other test management tools for a better user experience.

  13. Bugzilla has a smooth upgrade pathway among different versions.

在下一章中,我们将讨论安装 Bugzilla 的前提条件。

In the next chapter, we will discuss the prerequisites for installing Bugzilla.

Bugzilla - Installation Prerequisites

要在服务器上安装和运行 Bugzilla,核心要求是安装 Perl。这意味着 Bugzilla 可以安装在可以安装 Perl 的任何平台上;包括 Windows、Linux 和 Mac OS X。

To install and run Bugzilla on the server, the core requirement is to have Perl installed. This means that Bugzilla can be installed on any platform, where Perl can be installed; including Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Hardware Requirements

  1. It is recommended to have a 4 GB RAM or more.

  2. Should have a Fast Processor, for instance, at least 3GHz or more.

  3. The hard disk space depends on the size of the team and the number of defects. A 50GB hard disk memory is a quite enough.

Software Requirements

Bugzilla 需要一个数据库服务器、一个 Web 服务器和 Perl。在所有情况下,(越新越好)较新的版本有更多错误修复,但它们仍然受到支持,并且它们仍然不时获得安全修复。

Bugzilla requires a database server, a web server and Perl. In all the cases, (the newer, the better) the newer releases have more bug fixes, but they are still supported and they still get security fixes from time to time.

  1. Perl − Bugzilla 4.4 and older requires Perl 5.8.1 or newer, but Bugzilla 5.0 and newer will require Perl 5.10.1 or newer. It is not recommend installing Perl 5.8.x at this stage. Instead, install Perl 5.12 or newer, as these newer versions have some useful improvements, which will give better user experience.

  2. Database Server − Bugzilla supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQLite. MySQL and PostgreSQL are highly recommended, as they have the best support from Bugzilla and are used daily by the Bugzilla developers. Oracle has several known issues and is a 2nd-class citizen. It should work decently in most cases, but may fail miserably in some cases too. SQLite is recommended for testing purposes only for small teams. If MySQL is used, version 5.0.15 is required by Bugzilla 4.x, but highly recommended version 5.5 or newer. For PostgreSQL installation, version 8.3 is required.

  3. Web Server − Bugzilla has no minimum requirements for its web server. It is recommended to install Apache 2.2, although Bugzilla works fine with IIS too (IIS 7 or higher recommended). To improve performances in Apache, recommend to enable its mod_perl module.

Bugzilla - Installation

Bugzilla GIT 网站是获取 Bugzilla 的最佳方式。从网站下载并安装 GIT - https://git-scm.com/download 并运行它。

The Bugzilla GIT website is the best way to get Bugzilla. Download and install GIT from the website − https://git-scm.com/download and Run it.

git clone --branch release-X.X-stable https://github.com/bugzilla/bugzilla

其中,“X.X”是 Bugzilla 稳定版本的两位版本号(例如 5.0)

Where, "X.X" is the 2-digit version number of the stable release of Bugzilla (e.g. 5.0)

下载 Bugzilla 的另一种方法是从以下链接 - https://www.bugzilla.org/download/ 并向下移动到稳定版本部分,然后从列表中选择最新版本,如下面的屏幕截图所示。点击下载 Bugzilla 5.0.3。

The another way to download Bugzilla is from the following link − https://www.bugzilla.org/download/ and move down to the Stable Release section and select the latest one from the list as shown in the following screenshot. Click on Download Bugzilla 5.0.3.

stable release

Bugzilla 以 'tarball'(.tar.gz 扩展名)形式提供,任何有能力的 Windows 存档工具都应该能够打开它。

Bugzilla comes as a 'tarball' (.tar.gz extension), which any competent Windows archiving tool should be able to open.

opening bugzilla

PERL Modules

Bugzilla 需要安装许多 Perl 模块。其中一些是强制性的,另一些启用附加功能是可选的。

Bugzilla requires a number of Perl modules to be installed. Some of them are mandatory, and some others, which enable additional features, are optional.

ActivePerl 中,这些模块在 ActiveState 存储库中可用,并使用 ppm 工具安装。它可以在命令行上使用它,或者只需键入 ppm ,用户将获得一个 GUI。

In ActivePerl, these modules are available in the ActiveState repository, and are installed with the ppm tool. Either it can use it on the command line or just type ppm and the user will get a GUI.


Install the following mandatory modules with the following command.

ppm install <modulename>

下面描述了一些最重要的 PERL 模块。

Some of the most important PERL modules have been described below.

  1. CGI.pm − It is an extensively used Perl module for programming the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) web applications. It helps to provide a consistent API for receiving and processing user inputs.

  2. Digest-SHA − The Digest-SHA1 module allows you to use the NIST SHA-1 message digest algorithm from within the Perl programs. The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 160-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input.

  3. TimeDate − TimeDate is a class for the representation of time/date combinations, and is part of the Perl TimeDate project.

  4. DateTime − DateTime is a class for the representation of date/time combinations, and is part of the Perl DateTime project.

  5. DateTime-TimeZone − This class is the base class for all time zone objects. A time zone is represented internally as a set of observances, each of which describes the offset from GMT for a given time period.

  6. DBI − It is the standard database interface module for Perl. It defines a set of methods, variables and conventions that provide a consistent database interface independent of the actual database being used.

  7. Template-Toolkit − The Template Toolkit is a collection of Perl modules, which implement a fast, flexible, powerful and extensible template processing system. It can be used for processing any kind of text documents and is input-agnostic.

  8. Email-Sender − The Email-Sender replaces the old and problematic email send library, which did a decent job at handling the simple email sending tasks, but it was not suitable for serious use for a several reasons.

  9. Email-MIME − This is an extension of the Email-Simple module. It is majorly used to handle MIME encoded messages. It takes a message as a string, splits it into its constituent parts and allows you to access the different parts of the message.

  10. URI − A Uniform Resource Identifier is a compact string of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource. A URI can be further classified as either a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or a Uniform Resource Name (URN).

  11. List-MoreUtils − It provides some trivial but commonly needed functionality on lists, which is not going to go into the List-Util module.

  12. Math-Random-ISAAC − The ISAAC (Indirection, Shift, Accumulate, Add, and Count) algorithm is designed to take some seed information and produce seemingly random results as the output.

  13. File-Slurp − This module provides subs that allow you to read or write files with one simple call. They are designed to be simple, have flexible ways to pass in or get the file content and are very efficient.

  14. JSON-XS − This module converts the Perl data structures to JSON and vice versa. The primary goal of JSON-XS is to be correct and its secondary goal is to be fast.

  15. Win32 − The Win32 module contains functions to access Win32 APIs.

  16. Win32-API − With this module, you can import and call arbitrary functions from the Win32’s Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL), without having to write an XS extension.

  17. DateTime-TimeZone-Local-Win32 − This module provides methods for determining the local time zone on a Windows platform.

以下模块启用了各种可选的 Bugzilla 功能;根据你的需求尝试安装这些功能 −

The following modules enable various optional Bugzilla features; try to install these based on your requirements −

  1. GD − The GD module is only required if you want graphical reports.

  2. Chart − This module is only required if you would want graphical reports as the GD module.

  3. Template-GD − This module has the template toolkit for the template plugins.

  4. GDTextUtil − This module has the text utilities for use with the GD.

  5. GDGraph − It is a Perl5 module to create charts using the GD module.

  6. MIME-tools − MIME-tools is a collection of Perl5 MIME modules for parsing, decoding and generating single or multipart (even nested multipart) MIME messages.

  7. libwww-perl − The World Wide Web library for Perl is also called as the libwww-perl. It is a set of Perl modules, which give Perl programming an easy access to send requests to the World Wide Web.

  8. XML-Twig − It is a Perl module used to process XML documents efficiently. This module offers a tree-oriented interface to a document while still allowing the processing of documents of any size.

  9. PatchReader − This module has various utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS.

  10. perl-ldap − It is a collection of modules that implements LDAP services API for Perl programs. This module may be used to search directories or perform maintenance functions such as adding, deleting or modifying entries.

  11. Authen-SASL − This module provides an implementation framework that all protocols should be able to share.

  12. Net-SMTP-SSL − This module provides the SSL support for Net-SMTP 1.04

  13. RadiusPerl − This module provides simple Radius client facilities.

  14. SOAP-Lite − This module is a collection of Perl modules, which provide a simple and lightweight interface to the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) on both the client and the server side.

  15. XMLRPC-Lite − This Perl module provides a simple interface to the XML-RPC protocol both on client and server side.

  16. JSON-RPC − A set of modules that implement the JSON RPC 2.0 protocols.

  17. Test-Taint − This module has Tools to test taintedness.

  18. HTML-Parser − This module defines a class HTMLParser, which serves as the basis for parsing text files formatted in HTML and XHTML.

  19. HTML-Scrubber − This module helps to sanitize of scrub the html input in a reliable and flexible fashion.

  20. Encode − This module provides an interface between Perl’s strings and the rest of the system.

  21. Encode-Detect − This module is an Encode-Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data.

  22. Email-Reply − This module helps in replying to an email or a message.

  23. HTML-FormatText-WithLinks − This module takes HTML and turns it into plain text, but prints all the links in the HTML as footnotes.

  24. TheSchwartz − This module is a reliable job queue system.

  25. Daemon-Generic − This module provides a framework for starting, stopping, reconfiguring daemon-like programs.

  26. mod_perl − This module helps in embedding a Perl interpreter into the Apache server.

  27. Apache-SizeLimit − This module allows you to kill the Apache httpd processes, if they grow too large.

  28. File-MimeInfo − This module is used to determine the mime type of a file.

  29. IO-stringy − This toolkit mainly provides modules for performing both traditional and object-oriented (i/o) on things other than normal filehandles.

  30. Cache-Memcached − This module is a client library for the memory cache daemon (memcached).

  31. Text-Markdown − This module is a text-to-HTML filter; it translates an easy-to-read / easy-to-write structured text format into HTML.

  32. File-Copy-Recursive − This module is a Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories.

在 Strawberry Perl 中,使用 cpanm 脚本安装模块。其中一些最重要的模块默认已安装。使用以下命令可以安装剩余的模块−

In Strawberry Perl, use the cpanm script to install modules. Some of the most important modules are already installed by default. The remaining ones can be installed using the following command −

cpanm -l local <modulename>

要安装的模块列表将使用 checksetup.pl 命令显示。

The list of modules to install will be displayed by using the checksetup.pl command.

Bugzilla - Sample Web Application

Bugzilla 安装需要几个技术方面来开始。一些网站提供 Bugzilla 网络应用程序 – Landfill: The Bugzilla Test Server 是其中之一。 https://landfill.bugzilla.org/bugzilla-2.16.11/ 这是一个测试和演示网站。

The Bugzilla installation requires several technical aspects to start with. A few websites provide the Bugzilla web application – Landfill: The Bugzilla Test Server is one of these. https://landfill.bugzilla.org/bugzilla-2.16.11/ this is the testing and demonstration website.

Note − 垃圾填埋场是 Bugzilla Bug 跟踪系统安装测试的家。如果你正在评估 Bugzilla,你可以使用它们来试用。如果您是开发人员并希望尝试重现某人报告的错误,它们也很有用。

Note − Landfill is a home for test installations of the Bugzilla bug-tracking system. If you are evaluating Bugzilla, you can use them to try it. They are also useful if you are a developer and want to try to reproduce a bug that somebody has reported.

导航到上述 URL 后,Bugzilla 主页将显示如下所示−

Once you navigate to the above-mentioned URL, the Bugzilla home page will display as shown below −

home page

Bugzilla - New Account Creation

创建帐户的过程类似于其他基于 Web 的应用程序,如 Facebook、Gmail 等。

The process of creating an account is similar to any other web based application like Facebook, Gmail, etc.


Following are the steps to create an account −

Step 1 − 转到 https://www.bugzilla.org/

Step 1 − Go to https://www.bugzilla.org/

Step 2 − 在 Bugzilla 主页上,单击标题栏上的“新建帐户”链接,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 2 − On the Bugzilla home page, click the New Account link placed on the header as shown in the following screenshot.

account link

Step 3 − 输入电子邮件地址并单击“发送”。

Step 3 − Enter the email address and click on Send.

email address

Step 4 − 几分钟内,用户将收到一封发送至指定地址的电子邮件。这封电子邮件应包含一个登录名和一个确认注册的 URL。

Step 4 − Within moments, the user will receive an email to the given address. This Email should have a login name and a URL to confirm the registration.


Step 5 − 确认注册后,Bugzilla 会要求用户提供真实姓名(可选,但建议提供)并要求用户输入其密码并确认密码。根据 Bugzilla 的配置情况,密码可能需要满足最低的复杂性要求。

Step 5 − Once the registration is confirmed, Bugzilla will ask the real name (optional, but recommended) and ask the user to type their password and confirm their password. Depending on how Bugzilla is configured, there may be minimum complexity requirements for the password.


Step 6 − 填写完详细信息后,单击“创建”,屏幕上会显示帐户创建成功的消息,否则会显示错误消息。更正错误,然后单击“创建”。

Step 6 − Once the details are filled, click on Create, a successful message of account creation displays on the screen, else it will display an error message. Correct the error and then click on Create.

confirm details

Bugzilla - Login

要登录 Bugzilla,我们必须按照以下步骤操作。

To login into Bugzilla, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 − 单击主页标题栏上的 Log In 链接。

Step 1 − Click on the Log In link on the header of the homepage.


Step 2 − 输入电子邮件地址、密码并单击“登录”

Step 2 − Enter the Email Address, Password and click on Log In

password address

Step 3 − 用户将成功登录;用户可以在标题栏部分看到自己的用户 ID。

Step 3 − The user will be logged in successfully; the users can see their user id in the header section.

user logging

Step 4 − 用户可以看到分配给他的已解决 Bug、他报告的 Bug 以及在左下角部分发送给他的请求。

Step 4 − The user can see open bugs assigned to him, reported by him and requests addressed to him at the left bottom section.

requested address

Bugzilla - Logging a New Bug

填写新 Bug 的过程很简单,如下所述。

The procedure of filling a new bug is quite simple and has been explained below.

Step 1 − 单击标题栏或页脚上的 ‘New’ 链接,或单击主页上的 File a Bug 按钮,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 1 − Click on the ‘New’ link, present on the header or the footer or Click on the File a Bug button on the home page as shown in the following screenshot.

file bug

Step 2 − 现在,选择发现 Bug 的产品组。

Step 2 − Now, select the product group in which the bug is noticed.

product group

Step 3 − 选择产品后,会出现一个表单,用户应在其中输入与 Bug 相关的以下详细信息:

Step 3 − After selecting the Product, a form will appear where the user should enter the following details related to the bug −

  1. Enter Product

  2. Enter Component

  3. Give Component description

  4. Select version

  5. Select severity

  6. Select Hardware

  7. Select OS

  8. Enter Summary

  9. Enter Description

  10. Attach Attachment

selecting product

Note − 以上字段因 Bugzilla 的自定义而异。必填字段用红色星号 (*) 标示。

Note − The above fields vary as per the customization of Bugzilla. The Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

Step 5 − 用户在摘要中开始输入后,Bugzilla 会过滤已登记的缺陷并显示列表,以避免重复的 Bug。

Step 5 − Once the user starts typing in the Summary, Bugzilla filters the already logged in defects and displays the list to avoid duplicate bugs.

duplicate bug

Step 6 − 单击“提交 Bug”按钮以登记 Bug。

Step 6 − Click on the Submit Bug button to log the bug.

submit bug

Step 7 − 只要用户单击“提交 Bug”按钮,就会生成一个 Bug ID,其中包含与输入的 Bug 相同的详细信息。

Step 7 − As soon as the user clicks on the Submit bug button, a Bug Id is generated with the details that of bug as that were entered.

generated details

Step 8 − 截止日期和状态将显示在下图中。

Step 8 − The Deadline and the Status will be shown as depicted in the following screenshot.

deadline status

用户还可以向指定的 Bug 添加其他信息,如 URL、关键字、白板、标签等。这些额外信息有助于提供所创建 Bug 的更多详细信息。

A user can also add additional information to the assigned bug like URL, keywords, whiteboard, tags, etc. This extra-information is helpful to give more details about the Bug that is created.

  1. Large text box

  2. URL

  3. Whiteboard

  4. Keywords

  5. Tags

  6. Depends on

  7. Blocks

在下一章中,我们将学习如何克隆 Bug。

In the next chapter, we will learn how a bug can be cloned.

Bugzilla - Clone a Bug

Bugzilla 提供了“克隆”现有 Bug 的功能。新创建的 Bug 会保留旧 Bug 的大部分设置。这有助于跟踪需要在新的 Bug 中以不同方式处理的类似问题。

Bugzilla has the provision of "Cloning" an existing bug. The newly created bug keeps most of the settings from the old bug. This helps in tracking similar concerns that require different handling in a new bug.

要使用此功能,请转到用户想要克隆的 Bug。然后,单击 Bug 页面页脚上的“克隆此 Bug”链接,如下图所示。

To use this, go to the bug that user wants to clone. Then click on the “Clone This Bug” link on the footer of the bug page as shown in the screenshot below.

clone bug

单击克隆 Bug 链接后,页面将导航用户到产品组选择页面。在选择页面上,用户必须选择一个产品。

After clicking on clone the bug link, the page will navigate the user to the Product group selection page. Once on the selection page, the user has to select a product.

product group

输入与旧 Bug 相同值的 Bug 页面。

Enter the Bug page that is filled with the values same as the old bug has.

filled values


The User can change the values and/or text if needed.

user change values

然后,单击“提交 Bug”。Bug 已成功记录,并包含依赖项详细信息。

Then, click on Submit Bug. Bug is logged successfully with dependency details.

dependency details

Bugzilla - Understanding a Bug

Bugzilla 的主要功能或核心是显示 Bug 详细信息的页面。请注意,大多数字段的标签都是超链接;单击它们将转到该特定字段的上下文相关帮助。以 * 标记的字段可能不会出现在每个 Bugzilla 安装中。

The main feature or the heart of Bugzilla is the page that displays details of a bug. Note that the labels for most fields are hyperlinks; clicking them will take to context-sensitive help of that particular field. Fields marked * may not be present on every installation of Bugzilla.

  1. Summary − It is a one-sentence summary of the problem, which is displayed in the header next to the bug number. It is similar to the title of the bug that gives the user an overview of the bug.

  2. Status (and Resolution) − These define status of the bug – It starts with even before being confirmed as a bug, then being fixed and the fix being confirmed by Quality Assurance. The different possible values for Status and Resolution on installation should be documented in the context-sensitive help for those items. Status supports Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Fixed, In Process, Resolved, Rejected, etc.

  3. Alias − An Alias is a unique short text name for the bug, which can be used instead of the bug number. It provides the unique identifiers and help to find the bug in case of Bug ID is not handy. It can be useful while searching for a bug.

  4. Product and Component − Bugs are divided by Products and Components. A Product may have one or more Components in it. It helps to categorize the bugs and helps in segregating them as well.

  5. Version − The "Version" field usually contains the numbers or names of the released versions of the product. It is used to indicate the version(s) affected by the bug report.

  6. Hardware (Platform and OS) − These indicate the tested environment or the operating system, where the bug was found. It also gives out the details of the hardware like RAM, Hard Disk Size, Processor, etc.

  7. Importance (Priority and Severity) − The Priority field is used to prioritize bugs. It can be updated by the assignee, business people or someone else from stakeholders with the authority to change. It is a good idea not to change this field on other bugs, which are not raised by a person. The default values are P1 to P5.

  8. Severity Field − The Severity field indicates how severe the problem is—from blocker ("application unusable") to trivial ("minor cosmetic issue"). User can also use this field to indicate whether a bug is an enhancement or future request. The common supportive severity statuses are – Blocker, Critical, Major, Normal, Minor, Trivial and enhancement.

  9. Target Milestone − It is a future date by which the bug is to be fixed. Example – The Bugzilla Project’s milestones for future Bugzilla versions are 4.4, 5.0, 6.0, etc. Milestones are not restricted to numbers though the user can use any text strings such as dates.

  10. Assigned To − A Bug is assigned to a person who is responsible to fix the bug or can check the credibility of the bug based on the business requirement.

  11. QA Contact − The person responsible for quality assurance on this bug. It may be the reporter of the bug to provide more details if required or can be contacted for retest the defect once it is fixed.

  12. URL − A URL associated with the bug, if any.

  13. Whiteboard − A free-form text area for adding short notes, new observations or retesting comments and tags to a bug.

  14. Keywords − The administrator can define keywords that can be used to tag and categories bugs — for e.g. crash or regression.

  15. Personal Tags − Keywords are global and visible by all users, while Personal Tags are personal and can only be viewed and edited by their author. Editing those tags will not send any notifications to other users. These tags are used to keep track of bugs that a user personally cares about, using their own classification system.

  16. Dependencies (Depends On and Blocks) − If a bug cannot be fixed as some other bugs are opened (depends on) or this bug stops other bugs for being fixed (blocks), their numbers are recorded here.

单击“依赖树”链接可将错误的依赖关系显示为树形结构。用户可以更改显示的深度并从此页面隐藏已解决的错误。用户还可以通过在摘要前显示的 [-] / [+] 按钮折叠/展开树视图中的每个非终结错误的依赖关系。

Clicking on the Dependency tree link shows the dependency relationships of the bug as a tree structure. A user can change how much depth to show and hide the resolved bugs from this page. A user can also collapse/expand dependencies for each non-terminal bug on the tree view, using the [-] / [+] buttons that appear before the summary.

  1. Reported − It is the Time and Date when the bug is logged by a person in the system.

  2. Modified − It is the Date and Time when the bug was last changed in the system.

  3. CC List − A list of people who get mail when the bug changes, in addition to the Reporter, Assignee and QA Contact (if enabled).

  4. Ignore Bug Mail − A user can check this field if he never wants to get an email notification from this bug.

  5. See Also − Bugs, in this Bugzilla, other Bugzilla or other bug trackers those are related to this one.

  6. Flags − A flag is a kind of status that can be set on bugs or attachments to indicate that the bugs/attachments are in a certain state. Each installation can define its own set of flags that can be set on bugs or attachments.

  7. Time Tracking − This form can be used for time tracking. To use this feature, a user has to be a member of the group specified by the timetrackinggroup parameter.

  8. Orig. Est. − This field shows the original estimated time.

  9. Current Est. − This field shows the current estimated time. This number is calculated from Hours Worked and Hours Left.

  10. Hours Worked − This field shows the number of hours worked on the particular defect.

  11. Hours Left − This field shows the Current Est. - Hours Worked. This value + Hours Worked will become the new Current Estimated.

  12. %Complete − This field shows how much percentage of the task is complete.

  13. Gain − This field shows the number of hours the bug is ahead of the Original Estimated.

  14. Deadline − This field shows the deadline for this bug.

  15. Attachments − A user can attach files (evidence, test cases or patches) to bugs. If there are any attachments, they are listed in this section.

  16. Additional Comments − A user can add comments to the bug discussion here, if user/tester has something worthwhile to say.


In the next chapter, we will learn how to edit a bug.

Bugzilla - Editing a Bug

Bugzilla 有编辑现有错误的规定。用户可以在任何错误的生命周期中编辑错误。大多数字段都有编辑超链接。它依赖于 Bugzilla 管理员为不同的字段提供编辑选项。

Bugzilla has a provision of editing an existing bug. A user can edit a bug during the lifecycle of any bug. Most of the fields have an edit hyperlink. It depends on administrator of Bugzilla to provide edit options with different fields.

在以下屏幕截图中,有很多字段具有编辑超链接,例如 - 状态、别名、责任人、QA 联系人、“取决于”、“大文本框”、“标志”、“抄送列表”等。

In the following screenshot, there are many fields that have an edit hyperlink such as – Status, Alias, Assignee, QA Contact, ‘Depends on’, Large Text box, Flags, CC list, etc.



Click on the edit hyperlink of a particular field, that field will display as editable and the user can edit the field accordingly.

editable field


After the editing is done, click on Save Changes button, which is on the top right hand corner of the page as shown in the screenshot below.

save changes


After the changes are successfully done, the advisory will display of the bug details as shown in the following screenshot.

display details

Bugzilla - Reports


A report helps to analyse the current state of the bug. The purpose of a Defect Report is to see the behaviour, communication, analysis and the current stage of a defect at any stage of the defect lifecycle. Defect reports are even useful after closing the defect and analysis the product and development quality.

以下是一些关于各种 Bugzilla 报告的重要注意事项。

Following are some of the important points to consider regarding the various Bugzilla reports.

  1. Bugzilla supports those Tabular Reports that have HTML or CSV reports.

  2. Tabular reports can be viewed in 1-Dimensional, 2-Dimensional or 3-Dimensional ways.

  3. The most common type of report supported by Bugzilla are the Graphical Reports.

  4. Graphical Reports contain line graph, bar and pie charts.

  5. Report functionality is based on Search and filter concept, for which the conditions are given by users.

  6. The user provides his preference of vertical and horizontal axis to plot graphs, charts or tables along with filter criteria’s like Project, Component, Defect Status, etc.

  7. The user can even choose 3-D reports for tables and images.

Navigating the Reports Section

若要浏览 Bugzilla 的报告部分,我们应遵循以下步骤。

For navigating the reports section in Bugzilla, we should follow the steps given below.

Step 1 - 单击主页页眉中的“报告”链接。

Step 1 − Click on the Reports link in the header of the homepage.


Step 2 - Bugzilla 显示报告与图表制作工具页面。它有两个用于生成不同类型报告的部分 - 表格报告和图形报告。

Step 2 − Bugzilla displays the Reporting and Charting Kitchen page. It has two sections to generate different type of reports – Tabular Reports and Graphical Reports.

charting kitchen

其他链接,如 -

Other links like −

  1. Search − It will navigate the user to the standard search page.

  2. Duplicate − It will display the most frequently reported bugs.


In the next chapter, we will understand what graphical reports are and how to generate them.

Bugzilla - Graphical Reports

图形报告是一组线图、柱状图和饼状图。这些报告在许多方面很有用,例如,如果用户想要知道哪个组件报告的缺陷数最多,并想要在图表中表示,那么该用户可以选择以下两个选项 -

Graphical reports are a group of line, bar and pie charts. These Reports are helpful in many ways, for example if a user wants to know which component has the maximum number of defects reported and wants to represent in the graph, then that user can select from the following two options −

  1. Severity on the X-axis

  2. Component on the Y-axis


Then click on Generate Report.


It will generate a report with crucial information. Similarly, the user can a select number of combinations from those that are available.

Generate Graphical Reports

若要在 Bugzilla 中生成图形报告,我们必须遵循以下步骤。

To generate graphical reports in Bugzilla, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 - 首先,单击主页页眉中的“报告”链接。

Step 1 − To begin with, click on the Reports link at the header of the homepage.


Step 2 - 如以下屏幕截图所示,单击图形报告超链接,该超链接在当前状态部分中列出。

Step 2 − Click on the Graphical Reports hyperlink, which is listed under the Current State section as shown in the following screenshot.

current state

Step 3 - 现在,设置各种选项以图形化地显示报告。下面列出了一些重要的选项。

Step 3 − Now, set various options to present reports graphically. Some of the important options are given below.

  1. Vertical Axis

  2. Horizontal Axis

  3. Multiple Images

  4. Format- Line graph, Bar chart or Pie chart

  5. Plot data set

  6. Classify your bug

  7. Classify your product

  8. Classify your component

  9. Classify bug status

  10. Select resolution


Step 4 - 单击生成报告以显示条形图,其中 Bug 的 Severity 是垂直轴,而 Component “小部件齿轮”是水平轴。

Step 4 − Click on Generate Report to display a Bar chart, where the Severity of a bug is the vertical axis, while the Component “Widget Gears” is the horizontal axis.


Step 5 - 同样,可以针对完成百分比与截止日期创建线形图。

Step 5 − Similarly, a Line Graph can be created for % Complete Vs Deadline.



The result for the above mentioned line graph will be as follows.

line graph

Bugzilla - Tabular Reports

表格报告表示 HTML 或 CSV 中 1、2 或 3 维度的 Bug 计数表。若要生成 Bugzilla 中的表格报告,我们必须遵循以下步骤。

The Tabular Reports represent tables of bug counts in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions as HTML or CSV. To generate Tabular reports in Bugzilla, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 - 单击主页标头部分中的“报告”超链接,然后单击当前状态部分中的“表格报告”,如以下屏幕截图所示。

Step 1 − Click on the Reports hyperlink in the Header section of the homepage and then click on the Tabular Reports in the Current State section as shown in the following screenshot.

tabular state

Step 2 - 与图形报告类似,选择纵轴、横轴以及多个表格(如果需要),并在其他字段中提供详细信息。

Step 2 − Similar to Graphical Reports, select Vertical, Horizontal axis along with Multiple tables (if required) and provide details in the other fields.

vertical horizontal

Step 3 - 选择所有字段后,单击“生成报告”。基于死线,它会生成多个表格 -

Step 3 − After selecting all the fields, click on Generate Report. Based on the deadlines, it generates multiple tables −

multiple tables

Step 4 - 通过单击表格下方的 CSV 超链接,它将报告转换为 CSV 文件。

Step 4 − By clicking on CSV hyperlink below the table, it converts the report into a CSV file.

csv file
default report

在适当选择后单击“确定”,它将打开一个 Excel 工作表,其中包含所有数据表的详细信息。

Click OK after the appropriate selection, it will open an Excel sheet with the details of all the data tables.

Bugzilla - Duplicate

在 Bugzilla 中,重复项是频率最高的 Bug 列表。

In Bugzilla, Duplicates are a list of bugs, which are raised most frequently.

  1. Duplicates are the most frequently seen open bugs.

  2. Duplicates count the numbers as the Dupe Count of direct and indirect duplicates of a defect report. This information is helpful to minimize the number of duplicate defects.

  3. Duplicates help to save time for QA engineers to log a new defect always.

  4. Duplicates also help stakeholders to find out the root cause, if the same defects are reopened repeatedly rather than just a new defect.

Using the Duplicates List of Bugs

查看带有相应已注意到问题的最频繁 Bug 列表。如果问题在列表中作为 Bug 列出,则单击 Bug ID 以查看详细信息并确认它是否是相同的问题。对其他观察内容发表评论,必要的话将其链接到您的测试用例,如果关闭了则重新打开。

Review the most frequent bug list with the respective issue noticed. If the problem is listed as a bug in the list, then click on the bug id to view details and confirm whether it is the same issue or not. Comment on the additional observation, link it with your Test Case if required and re-open if it is closed.


If the exact problem is not listed, try to find a similar defect that is already listed. If the user finds the defect that are dependent on new observations, he can comment and link the defect. If the user cannot find the defect, log a new one.

Generate Duplicate Reports

若要在 Bugzilla 中生成 Duplicate 报告,我们必须遵循以下步骤。

To generate Duplicate reports in Bugzilla, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 - 单击主页页眉中的“报告”超链接。

Step 1 − Click on the Report hyperlink in the header of the homepage.

report header

Step 2 - 单击“报告”后,“报告和图表厨房”页面将打开。单击当前状态部分下的“重复项”超链接。

Step 2 − As soon as you click on Report, the Reporting and Charting Kitchen page opens. Click on Duplicates hyperlink under the Current State section.

duplicate hyperlink

Step 3 - 通过单击“重复项”,打开“最常报告的 Bug”表格。它有各种列,例如 Bug ID、重复项计数、组件、严重性、优先级、目标里程碑和摘要。

Step 3 − By clicking on Duplicates, open the Most Frequently Reported Bugs table. It has various columns as Bug Id, Dupe Count, Component, Severity, Priority, Target Milestone, and Summary.

frequently report

Changing the Parameters

这是一个有趣的特性,用于过滤或自定义“最常报告的 Bug”表格。以下是一些重要的提示,其中进行了详细说明。

This is an interesting feature to filter or customize the Most Frequently Reported Bug tables. Following are some of the important pointers, which are explained in detail.

  1. Restrict to product − It filters out the table based on specific Product and components. The user can choose from single or multiple products by pressing CTRL + Click.

  2. When sorting or restricting, work with − It has two options, either the entire list or the currently visible list.

  3. Max Rows − The user can give a number to see the number of defects in one page.

  4. Change column is change in last − The number of days a user wants to review the changes that have taken place.

  5. Open Bugs only − This will filter out all the bugs those are closed. The result will have a list of only open defects.

当用户点击 Change button 时,所有这些筛选器都会发生变更,缺陷列表也会被筛选出来。

When the user Clicks on the Change button, all these filters will change and the bug list will be filtered out.


当点击“或将它作为一个 Bug List” 给予我”上的缺陷列表按钮时,结果表格会显示为缺陷列表页面格式,如下图所示 −

When clicking on the Bug List button at “Or just give this to me as a Bug List”, the resulting table will display in the format of a Bug List page as shown in the screenshot below −

list button

Bugzilla - Browse Function

浏览功能是 Bugzilla 用于查找/追踪/定位现有已记录缺陷的最重要的功能之一。

The Browse Function is one of the most important features of Bugzilla to find/trace/locate an existing logged bug.

以下为使用此功能的步骤 −

Following are steps to use this feature −

Step 1 − 点击主页含量的超链接“浏览”。

Step 1 − Click on the Browse hyperlink on the header of the home page.


Step 2 − 一个窗口 −, "Select a product category to browse" 如下图所示,用户可根据分类浏览缺陷。选择产品“Sam’s Widget”或其他产品。

Step 2 − A window – "Select a product category to browse" as shown below, the user can browse the bug according to the category. Select the product "Sam’s Widget" or any other.

select product

Step 3 − 它会打开另一个窗口,在此处 − 点击部件 Widget Gears。Bugzilla 部件是产品的一部分。例如,此处产品为 SAM’S WIDGET,其部件为 WIDGET GEARS。一款产品可含有多个部件列表。

Step 3 − It opens another window, in this – click on the component Widget Gears. Bugzilla Components are sub-sections of a product. For example, here, the product is SAM’S WIDGET, whose component is WIDGET GEARS. A product can have multiple components listed.


Step 4 − 当您点击部件时,它会打开另一个窗口。在特定分类下创建的所有缺陷都会在此处列出。从该缺陷列表中,点击 Bug# ID 可查看有关该缺陷的更多信息。

Step 4 − When you click on the component, it will open another window. All the Bugs created under a particular category will be listed over here. From that Bug-list, click on the Bug# ID to see more details about that bug.


Step 5 − 当您点击缺陷 ID 时,将打开另一个窗口,此处详细展示该缺陷的信息。在同一窗口中,用户还可以变更指派方、QA 联系人或抄送列表。

Step 5 − Once you click on the Bug ID, another window will open, where information about the bug can be seen in detail. In the same window, the user can also change the assignee, QA contact or the CC list.

qa contact

简单搜索功能可用于查找特定缺陷。它的工作方式类似于 Google、Bing、Yahoo 等网络搜索引擎。用户需要输入一些关键字,然后进行搜索。

The Simple Search feature is useful in finding a specific bug. It works like the web search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. The user needs to enter some keywords and then search.

以下是使用简单搜索功能的步骤 −

Following are steps for using the simple search feature −

Step 1 − 点击主页标题栏中的超链接“搜索”。

Step 1 − Click on the Search hyperlink in the header of the homepage.

search hyperlink

Step 2 − 点击简单搜索部分,如下图所示。

Step 2 − Click on the Simple Search section as shown in the following screenshot.

simple search tab

Step 3 − 从列表中选择需要筛选的缺陷的 Status 。随后,从列表中选择 Product 并输入与缺陷相关的 Keywords 。点击 Search 按钮。

Step 3 − Choose the Status of the bug from the list to filter. Then, choose the Product from the list and enter some Keywords related to the bug. Click on the Search button.


Step 4 − 结果如下截图所示。

Step 4 − The result will be as shown in the following screenshot.

search product result

Step 5 − 在搜索页面底部有各种选项,例如如何查看缺陷 - XML 格式、 Long 格式或仅作为 Time Summary 。除此之外,可使用其他选项 - 例如发送邮件给缺陷指派方、立即更改几个缺陷或更改屏幕列等。

Step 5 − At the bottom of the search page, there are various options like how to see your bug - in XML Format, in Long Format or just as a Time Summary. Apart from that, the other option can be used – like sending a mail to the bug assignee, change several bugs at once or change the column of the screen, etc.

long format

快速搜索功能是一个单文本框查询工具。它可以在 Bugzilla 主页上找到,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

The Quick Search feature is a single-text-box query tool. It is available on the Bugzilla home page as shown in the screenshot below.

query tool

快速搜索功能使用元字符表示搜索的内容。例如,在快速搜索中输入 bug|login 会在错误的摘要和白板中搜索“错误”或“登录”。用户还可以通过输入错误编号或别名直接转到错误。

The Quick Search feature uses Meta characters to indicate what is to be searched. For example, typing bug|login into Quick Search would search for "bug" or "login" in the summary and whiteboard of a bug. The user can also use it to go directly to a bug by entering its number or its alias.

bug login


By clicking on the Quick Search button, it displays list of bugs as shown in the screenshot below.

search button


The Advanced Search page displays a list of all the bugs, which are filtered exactly with different criteria that have been loaded by the users.


This Advanced Search feature selects different possible values for all of the fields in a bug. For some fields, multiple values can be selected. In these cases, Bugzilla returns bugs where the content of the field matches with any one of the selected values. If none is selected, then the field can take any of values. Multiple values selection for one field is based on the “OR” functionality. If either one or any other value is matched among the user selection, the bug will be displayed.

要在 Bugzilla 中使用高级搜索功能,我们必须遵循以下步骤。

For using the advanced search feature in Bugzilla, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 - 单击主页页眉上的搜索超链接。您将获得两个选项卡,简单搜索和高级搜索,单击高级搜索选项卡。

Step 1 − Click on the Search hyperlink on the header of the homepage. You will get two tabs, Simple Search and Advanced Search, click on the Advanced Search tab.

advance search tab

Step 2 - 从摘要字段中选择所需的选项。然后,您可以输入关键字来识别或过滤错误。

Step 2 − Select the required option from the Summary field. Then, you can enter the keyword to identify or filter out the bugs.

summary field

Step 3 - 下一步是 Classification 框中选择错误类别;在这里,我们选择了 Widget 。然后,选择 Product 错误创建的位置;在这里,我们选择了 Sam’s Widget 。在 Component 框中,我们选择了 Widget Gears 。在状态框中,单击已确认,在解决方案框中选择已修复,所有这些都显示在以下屏幕截图中。

Step 3 − The next step is to select the category of Bug from the Classification box; here, we have selected Widget. Then, choose the Product under which the Bug is created; here, we have selected Sam’s Widget. In the Component box, we have selected Widget Gears. In the Status box, click on Confirmed and in the Resolution box choose Fixed, all of these are shown in the following screenshot.

Note - 所有这些字段都是可选的,并且取决于用户的选择。

Note − All these fields are optional and dependent on the user’s choice.

users choice

Step 4 - 根据过滤要求输入所有字段后,单击搜索按钮。

Step 4 − Click on the Search Button after entering all the fields based on the requirement of the filter.

users choice

Step 5 - 高级搜索将检测到错误,结果如下 -

Step 5 − Advance Search will detect the bug and the result will be as follows −

detect bug result

自定义搜索是高级搜索的扩展功能。它基于以下原理:“没有找到您在上方寻找的内容?即高级搜索中”。此区域允许使用 AND、AND、OR 和其他更复杂的搜索。

Custom Search is an extended feature of the Advanced Search. It works on the principle of – “Did not find what you are looking for above? I.e. in advanced search”. This area allows words like AND, OR, and other more complex searches.

自定义搜索的导航如下:搜索 → 高级搜索 → 下拉并单击自定义搜索,如下图所示。

Navigation of custom search is as follows: Search → Advanced Search → Go Down and click on Custom Search as depicted in the following screenshot.


自定义搜索将一个选定的 field 与一个指定的 value 的定义的 operator 进行比较。有可能通过高级搜索选项中的标准字段复制太多此类内容。但是,用户可以结合“匹配任何”或“匹配全部”等选项,使用括号进行组合,并优先构造复杂查询的搜索。

Custom Search compares a selected field with a defined operator for a specified value. It is possible that too much of this could be reproduced using the standard fields in an Advanced Search option. However, the user can combine options like "Match ANY" or "Match ALL", using parentheses for combining and priority to construct searches of complex queries.

priority construct

自定义搜索的每一行(称为“术语”)中都有三个字段 -

There are three fields in each row (known as a "term") of a custom search −

  1. Field − The name of the field being searched.

  2. Operator − The comparison operator.

  3. Value − The value to which the field is being compared.

可用的 fields 的列表包含为缺陷定义的所有字段。它包括任何自定义字段,以及其他一些字段,例如指派人真实姓名、自缺陷更改以来天数、自指派人触碰以来时间和其他可能对进一步搜索有用的内容。

The list of the available fields contains all the fields defined for a bug. It includes any custom fields, as well as some other fields like the Assignee Real Name, Days since Bug Changed, Time since Assignee Touched and other things, which might be useful to search further.


一系列可用的 operators 。有各种字符串匹配操作(包括正则表达式)、数字比较(也适用于日期)和搜索缺陷的更改信息。

There is a wide range of operators available. There are various string-matching operations (including regular expressions), numerical comparisons (which also work for dates) and to search for change information of a bug.

当字段更改时,它从/至的内容,以及执行更改者。这里有特殊操作符 is empty(为空)和 is not empty(不为空),因为 Bugzilla 无法区分故意留白的字段和意外留白的字段。

When a field changed, what it changed from or to, and who did it. There are special operators is empty and is not empty, because Bugzilla cannot tell the difference between a value field left blank on purpose and one left blank by accident.


用户可以有 n 行数来定义操作符、值和字段。它们上方有一个下拉框,定义如何使用搜索来关联这些行。

The user can have n number of rows to define operators, values and fields. There is a dropdown box above them, which defines how these rows are related with the search.

分别匹配所有下列内容、分别匹配下列任何内容或针对同一字段匹配所有以下内容是下拉框中列出的三个选项。第一和第三选项之间的差异可以用注释搜索来描述。如果搜索为 −

Match ALL of the following separately, Match ANY of the following separately or Match ALL of the following against the same field are three options listed in the dropdown. The difference between the first and the third can be described with a comment search. If a search is −

  1. Comment contains the string – “Bug”

  2. Comment contains the string – “issue”


Under the “match all of the following separately”, the search would return bugs, where a "Bug" appeared in one comment can be an "issue" in the same or any other comment.


Under the “match all of the following against the same field”, both strings would need to occur in exactly the same comment, i.e. it will select a bug having both Bug and issue words in the same comment.

match comment

通过单击显示高级功能,将显示更多功能或功能以使用复杂而具体的搜索。用户可以通过选中复选框来否定任何一行。它还可以通过括号对搜索行进行分组,以确定如何关联不同的搜索词。用户可以选择使用 ALL (即 AND)或 ANY (即 OR)将它们组合在一起。

By clicking on Show Advanced features, more capabilities or features appear to use complex and specific search. The user can negate any row by checking a checkbox. It can also group lines of the search with parentheses to determine how different search terms are related. The user gets the choice of combining them using ALL (i.e. AND) or ANY (i.e. OR).

combining choice

Bugzilla - Bug Lists

bug list 是基于用户输入的 group of searched bugs 。错误列表只不过是基于标准搜索或高级搜索中的不同条件进行筛选的错误。

A bug list is a group of searched bugs based on the user input. A Bug list is nothing other than filtered bugs based on different conditions in a Standard Search or an Advanced Search.

该列表的格式是可配置的。例如,可以通过单击列标题对其进行排序。可以使用列表底部的链接访问其他有用的功能,它们是 −

The format of the list is configurable. For example, it can be sorted by clicking the column headings. Other useful features can be accessed using the links at the bottom of the list, which are −

  1. Long Format

  2. XML (icon)

  3. CSV (icon)

  4. Feed (icon)

  5. iCalendar (icon)

  6. Change Columns

  7. Change Several Bugs At Once

  8. Send Mail to Bug Assignees

  9. Edit Search

  10. Remember Search as


All of these features have been explained in detail below.


Long Format


By clicking on the Long Format button, it provides a large page with a non-editable summary of the fields of each bug.

non editable

XML (icon)

通过单击 XML(图标),它将以 XML 格式转换以表格格式显示的错误列表。

By clicking on XML (icon), it converts the bug list displayed in table format as an XML format.

xml icon

CSV (icon)

它将错误列表转换为 comma-separated values ,可以将其导入到电子表格或 Excel 表。

It converts the bug list as comma-separated values, which can be imported into a spreadsheet or an excel sheet.

csv icon

Feed (icon)

它将错误列表显示为 Atom Feed 。用户可以将此链接复制到他们最喜爱的提要阅读器。要限制提要中的错误数,请将 limit=n 参数添加到 URL。

It displays the bug list as an Atom Feed. The user can Copy this link into their favourite feed reader. To limit the number of bugs in the feed, add a limit=n parameter to the URL.

feed icon

如果用户使用的是 Firefox,请通过单击状态栏中显示的实时书签图标,将 save the list 作为实时书签添加为选项,如下图所示。

If the user is using Firefox, get an option as save the list as a live bookmark by clicking the live bookmark icon in the status bar as shown in the screenshot below.


要限制 Feed 中的 Bug 数量,请将 limit=n 参数添加到 URL。

To limit the number of bugs in the feed, add a limit=n parameter to the URL.

limit parameter

Feed 中仅显示第一个 Bug。

Only the first bug is displayed as a Feed.

first bug feed

iCalendar (icon)

它将 Bug 列表显示为 iCalendar 文件。每个 Bug 在导入的日历中显示为待办事项。它仅在 Outlook 中受支持。只有在系统中配置了 Outlook 时,用户才能访问此功能。

It displays the bug list as an iCalendar file. Each bug is represented as a to–do item in the imported calendar. It is supported in Outlook only. The user can access this feature only if Outlook is configured in the system.

Change Columns

它更改列表中显示的 Bug 属性。用户可以使用此选项自定义 Bug 列表的视图。单击“更改列”按钮后,以下页面将显示用户选择。

It changes the bug attributes that appear in the list. The user can customize the view of a Bug List using this option. By clicking on the Change Columns button, the following page displays the user selection.

change column

用户可以从“可用列”部分中选择一个或多个列。它们应显示在 Bug 列表中。然后单击 →(右箭头)以在“已选列”部分中显示此选择。

The User can select one or multiple columns from the Available Columns section. These should display in the bug list. Then click on → (right arrow) to show this selection in the Selected Columns section.

selected column

同样,用户可以选择从已选列中取消选择任何列,然后单击 ←(左箭头)。

Similarly, the user can deselect any of the columns from the selected columns and click on the ← (left arrow).

deselect column


The user can change the appearing order of the columns as well by clicking on move up and down arrow at the right hand side of the Selected Columns section.

appearing order

通过单击 Change Columns 按钮,Bug 列表将被自定义。否则,如果用户单击 Reset to Bugzilla Default ,它会更改回默认设置。

By clicking on the Change Columns button, the bug list will be customized. Else, if the user clicks on the Reset to Bugzilla Default, it will change back to the Default settings.

default setting

Change Several Bugs at Once

如果某个帐户具有足够权限且 Bug 列表中显示的 Bug 多于一个,则 Change Several Bugs At Once 会显示并轻松地对列表中的所有 Bug 更改相同内容,例如更改优先级。

If an account is sufficiently empowered and more than one bug appears in the bug list, Change Several Bugs At Once is displayed and easily makes the same change to all the bugs in the list – for example, changing their Priority.

several bugs

Send Mail to Bug Assignees

如果 Bug 列表中显示的 Bug 多于一个,并且至少有两个不同的 Bug 分配者,则会显示此链接。通过单击此链接,会打开 Outlook(如果已配置)或要求配置 Outlook 来向列表中所有 Bug 的分配者发送电子邮件。

If more than one bug appears in the bug list and there are at least two different bug assignees, this link is displayed. By clicking on this link, Outlook opens, if it is configured or it asks to configure the Outlook to send a mail to the assignees of all bugs on the list.


If the user did not get the exact results he were looking for, the user can return to the Search page through this link and make small revisions to the search parameters to get accurate results.

Remember Search As

用户可以给 Search 一个名称并记住它;页面底部会显示一个链接,以便快速访问以供以后再次运行。

The user can give the Search, a name and remember it; a link will appear in the page footer giving quick access to run it again later.

Bugzilla - Preferences

Bugzilla 中的“首选项”用于根据要求和准则自定义 Bugzilla 的默认设置。它也可以称为“用户首选项”。

Preferences in Bugzilla are used to customize the default settings of Bugzilla as per requirement and guidelines. It can also be called as User Preferences.


There are two ways to navigate on Preferences −

第一种方法是单击主页标题中的 Preferences 超链接。

The first way is to click on the Preferences hyperlink in the header of the homepage.

preference tab

第二种方法是单击“欢迎页”图标上显示的 User Preferences 按钮。

The second way is to click on the User Preferences button, which is displayed on the Welcome Page Icons.

user preference


By clicking on one of the links outlined (in red color) in the following screenshot, they will display different types of Preference that can be customized by the users.

customized user

Preferences Type

Bugzilla 支持以下 6 种类型的“用户首选项”。

Bugzilla supports the following six types of User Preferences.

  1. General Preferences

  2. Email Preferences

  3. Saved Searches

  4. Account Information

  5. API Keys

  6. Permissions

在下一章中,我们将讨论 Bugzilla 的常规偏好设置。

In the next chapter, we will discuss regarding the General Preferences of Bugzilla.

Bugzilla - General Preferences

常规偏好设置允许更改 Bugzilla 的多个默认设置。管理员具有从该列表中移除偏好设置的权限,因此用户可能看不到所有可用的偏好设置。

General Preferences allows changing several default settings of Bugzilla. Administrators have the power to remove preferences from this list, so the user may not see all the preferences available.

要导航到常规偏好设置,请从 Bugzilla 的主页点击偏好设置或用户偏好设置。在默认情况下,常规偏好设置选项卡会打开,且具有不同偏好设置,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

To navigate to General Preferences, click on Preferences or User Preferences from the Homepage of Bugzilla. By Default, the General Preferences tab opens with different preferences as shown in the screenshot below.

self explanatory


Each preference is very straightforward and self-explanatory. The user can easily understand the field and select the option from the list.


For example – To set “Automatically Add me to CC list of bugs I change”, select Always from dropdown list.



Click on Submit Changes button, which is at the bottom left hand side of the page.

submit changes


A successful message will appear that says – “The changes to your general preferences have been saved” as shown in the following screenshot.

successful message


Similarly, other General preferences can be changed simultaneously.

Bugzilla - Email Preferences

Bugzilla 中的电子邮件偏好设置功能允许启用或禁用特定事件的电子邮件通知。一般来说,用户几乎完全控制 Bugzilla 向其发送多少封电子邮件。如果用户希望接收尽可能最多的电子邮件,请点击 Enable All Mail 按钮。如果用户根本不希望从 Bugzilla 收到任何电子邮件,请点击 Disable All Mail 按钮。

The Email Preferences feature in Bugzilla allows to enable or disable email notifications on specific events. In general, the users have almost complete control over how many emails Bugzilla sends them. If the users want to receive the maximum number of emails possible, click on the Enable All Mail button. If the user does not want to receive any email from Bugzilla at all, click on the Disable All Mail button.

要导航,请转到主页上的偏好设置/用户偏好设置选项,然后点击 Email Preferences 选项卡。

To navigate, go to Preferences/User Preferences option on the home screen and click on the Email Preferences tab.

email preference tab

Global and Specific Options

有两个全局选项;用户可以在其中根据获取电子邮件的要求勾选复选框。这些选项有 −

There are two Global Options; where the user can check the checkboxes based on their requirement to get emails. These options are −

  1. Email me when someone asks me to set a flag and

  2. Email me when someone sets a flag I asked for.

这些定义了用户希望如何接收有关标志的缺陷电子邮件。它们的使用非常简单:启用复选框,如果用户希望 Bugzilla 在上述任一条件下发送邮件。

These define how a user wants to receive the bug emails concerning the flags. Their use is quite straightforward: enable the checkboxes, if the user wants Bugzilla to send a mail under either of the above conditions.


Similarly, a user can check the checkboxes for Field/recipient specific options based on “I want to receive mail when”


User Watching Feature

Bugzilla 有一项功能称为用户监控。当用户将一个或多个逗号分隔的其他用户帐号(通常为电子邮件地址)输入到文本输入框中时,用户将收到向其他用户发送的所有缺陷电子邮件的副本。此功能非常强大,非常重要且有用,以防开发人员更改项目或用户请假。

Bugzilla has a feature called as User Watching. When the user enters one or more comma delineated other user accounts (usually email addresses) into the text entry box, the user will receive a copy of all the bug emails those other users are sent. This powerful functionality is very important and useful in case if the developers change projects or users go on a holiday.

user watching

Ignore Bugs Feature

用户可以提及从未希望收到任何类型的电子邮件通知的缺陷列表。为此,用户需要将缺陷 ID 添加为逗号分隔的列表。用户可以随时从当前忽略列表中移除一个缺陷,这会重新启用该缺陷的电子邮件通知。选择完成后,点击页面左下方的提交更改按钮。

User can mention a list of bugs from those never wants to get any email notification of any kind. For this, user needs to add Bug ID(s) as a comma-separated list. User can remove a bug from the current ignored list at any time and it will re-enable email notifications for the bug. After selections are made, click on the Submit Changes button at the bottom left hand side of the page.

ignore bugs


A successful message will display as “The changes to your email preferences have been saved” as shown in the screenshot below.

saved preference

Bugzilla - Saved Searches

在此选项卡中,用户可以查看并运行任何已保存搜索,该搜索由用户创建,并且是该组的其他成员在 querysharegroup 中定义的任何已保存搜索。

In this Tab, the user can view and run any Saved Searches, which are created by the user as well as any Saved Searches that other members of the group have defined in the querysharegroup.


For the Saved Searches tab, go to Preferences → click on the Saved Searches tab.

saved searches tab


The user can run his bug from the Saved Searches by clicking on the RUN command as highlighted in the following screenshot.

run command

单击运行后,错误列表页会显示如下所示 −

After you click on RUN, the bug list page displays as shown below −

page display

可以从此屏幕将保存的搜索添加到页面页脚。如果某人与组共享搜索,则共享者可以通过选中不同保存的搜索的复选框来选择 Show in Footer 。基于权限,其他成员可以选择“在页脚中显示”复选框。

Saved Searches can be added to the page footer from this screen. If somebody is sharing a Search with a group, the sharer may choose Show in Footer by checking the checkbox of a different Saved Search. Based on the permissions, other members can choose the Show in Footer checkbox.

page footer


Once all the changes and selections are made, click on the Submit Changes button, which is on the bottom left hand side of the page.

selection made


A successful message “The changes to your Saved searches have been saved” will show as seen in the following screenshot.

saved message

Bugzilla - Account Information


In this Tab, the users can view their account information, which were provided at the time of registration. It also provides a feature where the users can change their password.

Changing the Password

要更改帐户密码,需要以下条目 −

To change the account password, the following entries are required −

  1. Provide the Current password in the Password text box to verify the account.

  2. Enter a new password in the field – New password.

  3. Re-enter the new password in the Confirm new password field.

  4. A user can change the name in the ‘Your real name (optional, but encouraged)’ field.

  5. Provide an email address.


Once all entries are made, click on Submit Changes as depicted in the following screenshot.

entries submit


A successful message is displayed as “The changes to your account information has been saved” as shown in the following screenshot.

displayed account

Bugzilla - Permissions


In this Tab, a user can see all the permissions, which are provided by the Admin. The Admin can have all the permissions and based on the role of the user, the admin provides different permissions to various users.

在这种情况下,用户有两个权限 −

In this case, a user has two permissions −

  1. canconfirm − can confirm a log.

  2. editbugs − can edit all aspects of a bug.


Similarly, a user can view different permission names and it has a straightforward explanation to understand.

straight forward