Chatgpt 简明教程
ChatGPT – Build a Chatbot
如今,几乎每个应用程序中都能找到聊天机器人。这是因为它们使用户能够进行交互式和动态对话。在 OpenAI 功能强大的语言模型(例如 GPT-3.5)的帮助下,开发人员可以创建复杂的聊天机器人,这些聊天机器人能够理解并生成类似人类的文本。
在本章中,我们将探讨如何使用 Python 编程语言和 OpenAI API 创建聊天机器人。因此,让我们开始逐步实施聊天机器人。
Step 1: Set Up Your OpenAI Account
首先,你需要在 OpenAI 平台上设置一个帐户并获得 API 凭证。访问 OpenAI 网站,注册并按照说明生成 API 密钥。
始终建议你保护好你的 API 密钥,因为它将用于验证对 OpenAI API 的请求。
Step 2: Install the OpenAI Python Library
现在,要与 OpenAI API 交互,你需要安装 OpenAI Python 库。在你的终端或命令提示符上运行以下命令:
pip install openai
此命令将把 OpenAI 库安装到你的 Python 环境中。
Step 3: Import Required Libraries
现在,在你的 Python 脚本中,你需要导入 OpenAI 库和实现可能需要的任何其他库。对于此实现,我们只需要 OpenAI 库。
以下命令导入 OpenAI 库:
import openai
Step 4: Configure OpenAI API Key
接下来,需要在 Python 脚本中设置 OpenAI 密钥来验证你的请求。在下面的命令中,用从 OpenAI 获得的实际 API 密钥替换“your-api-key-goes-here”。
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
Step 5: Define the Initial Prompt
在配置 OpenAI API 后,我们需要定义初始提示变量,该变量将用于与聊天机器人发起对话。例如,我们为实现目的定义以下提示:
# Define the initial prompt
prompt = "You: "
Step 6: Implement the Chat Loop
接下来,我们需要创建一个循环来模拟与聊天机器人的对话。它将允许用户输入消息并将它们附加到提示中。如果你想退出循环,可以使用预定义的命令,例如“退出”。查看下面的代码 -
while True:
user_input = input("You: ")
# Check for exit command
if user_input.lower() == 'exit':
print("Chatbot: Goodbye!")
# Update the prompt with user input
prompt += user_input + "\n"
Step 7: Generate Responses
现在,使用 OpenAI API 根据用户的输入生成回复。为此,我们需要在循环中向 API 发出请求,如下所示 -
# Generate responses using the OpenAI API
response = openai.Completion.create(
Step 8: Display and Update the Prompt
最后,我们需要显示生成的响应,并更新下一次迭代的提示 -
# Get and display the chatbot response
chatbot_response = get_chatbot_response(prompt)
print(f"Chatbot: {chatbot_response}")
# Update the prompt with chatbot's response
prompt += f"Chatbot: {chatbot_response}\n"
Run the Chatbot
现在,让我们把它全部放在一个脚本中并运行聊天机器人 -
# Import the OpenAI library
import openai
# Set up your OpenAI API key for authentication
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define the initial prompt
prompt = "You: "
# Function to get chatbot response using OpenAI API
def get_chatbot_response(prompt):
# Generate responses using the OpenAI API
response = openai.Completion.create(
return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Main execution loop
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Continuous loop for user interaction
while True:
# Get user input
user_input = input("You: ")
# Check for exit command
if user_input.lower() == 'exit':
print("Chatbot: Goodbye!")
# Update the prompt with user input
prompt += user_input + "\n"
# Get and display the chatbot response
chatbot_response = get_chatbot_response(prompt)
print(f"Chatbot: {chatbot_response}")
# Update the prompt with chatbot's response
prompt += f"Chatbot: {chatbot_response}\n"
Note - 将“your-api-key-goes-here”替换为你实际的 OpenAI API 密钥。此脚本允许用户在连续循环中与聊天机器人交互,可以通过键入“退出”来退出。
让我们看看我们与聊天机器人的对话 -
You: Hi
Chatbot: > <@User> Hi there! Is there something I can help you with?
You: I want to know about Artificial Intelligence.
Chatbot: Chatbot: Sure! Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to the
simulation of human intelligence processes by machines. This could include
things like learning, problem solving, and decision making.
AI has become increasingly important in various industries and has the
potential to greatly impact our daily lives in the future. Is there something
specific you would like to know?
You: Suggest me some courses to learn AI using Python.
Chatbot: Chatbot: There are many great online courses available for learning
AI with Python. Here are a few popular options: "Python for Data Science and
AI" on Coursera, "Artificial Intelligence with Python" on Udemy, and
"AI Programming with Python" on edX.
Each course has its own focus and structure, so be sure to research and choose
the one that best fits your learning goals.
You: Is there any course related to learn AI using Python on
Chatbot: Chatbot: Yes, there are several courses related to
AI on Some popular ones include "Python
AI Tutorial," "Machine Learning with Python," and
"Deep Learning with TensorFlow." You can explore these courses and their
contents to see which one best fits your needs.
You: Can you tell me more about
Chatbot: is an online platform that offers a variety of
tutorials and study materials on various subjects such as programming
languages, database technologies, web development, and more.
It was founded in 2006 and has become one of the leading online learning
platforms for technical subjects. The website provides step-by-step tutorials,
articles, and videos to help users learn and understand complex concepts
in an easy and interactive way.
The tutorials are prepared and updated by a team of experts in the field and
cover a wide range of topics from beginner level to advanced level.
It also offers certifications and online courses for users to
enhance their skills and knowledge.
Overall, is a valuable resource for students, professionals,
and anyone interested in learning about technical courses.
You: exit
Chatbot: Goodbye!