Chatgpt 简明教程

ChatGPT – Generative AI

OpenAI 开发的 ChatGPT 是生成式 AI 的具体实例。它由生成式预训练 Transformer (GPT) 架构提供动力。在本章中,我们将了解生成式 AI 及其关键组件,如生成模型、生成对抗网络 (GAN)、Transformer 和自编码器。

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a specific instance of Generative AI. It is powered by the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) architecture. In this chapter, we are going to understand Generative AI and its key components like Generative Models, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Transformers, and Autoencoders.

Understanding Generative AI

生成式 AI 指的是专注于自主创建、生成或制作内容的人工智能类别。它涉及训练模型生成新的和多样化的数据,如文本、图像或甚至音乐,这些数据基于从现有数据集中学到的模式和信息。

Generative AI refers to a category of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating, generating, or producing content autonomously. It involves training models to generate new and diverse data, such as text, images, or even music, based on patterns and information learned from existing datasets.

此处,“ generative ” 方面意味着这些 AI 模型可以自己生成内容,通常基于从大量数据中学到的模式和信息。它们可以非常有创意,提出新的想法或制作看起来如同人类制作的内容。

Here, the "generative" aspect means that these AI models can generate content on their own, often based on patterns and information they’ve learned from large sets of data. They can be quite creative, coming up with new ideas or producing content that seems as if a human could have made it.

例如,在文本的背景下,生成式 AI 模型也许能够写一个故事、撰写一篇文章,甚至创作一首诗。在视觉领域,它可以生成图像或设计。生成式 AI 适用于各个领域,从创意艺术到内容创作等实用用途,但它也面临着一些挑战,例如确保生成的内容准确、符合道德规范,并与人类价值观保持一致。

For example, in the context of text, a generative AI model might be able to write a story, compose an article, or even create poetry. In the visual realm, it could generate images or designs. Generative AI has applications in various fields, from creative arts to practical uses like content creation, but it also comes with challenges, such as ensuring the generated content is accurate, ethical, and aligned with human values.

我们来探讨生成式 AI 中的一些关键元素。

Let’s explore some of the key elements within Generative AI.

Generative Models


Generative Models represent a class of algorithms that learn patterns from existing data to generate novel content.

我们可以说生成模型构成了生成式 AI 的基础。这些模型在各种应用中都起到至关重要的作用,例如创建逼真的图像、生成连贯的文本以及更多。

We can say generative models form the foundation of Generative AI. These models play a vital role in various applications such as creating realistic images, generating coherent text, and many more.

Types of Generative Models

如下列出了一些最常用的生成模型类型 −

Given blow are some of most used types of Generative Models −

Probabilistic Models

顾名思义,这些模型专注于捕获数据的底层概率分布。一些通用的概率模型示例包括高斯混合模型 (GMM) 和隐马尔可夫模型 (HMM)。

As the name implies, these models focus on capturing the underlying probability distribution of the data. Some of the common examples of probabilistic models include Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) and Hidden Markov Models (HMM).

Auto-regressive Models

这些模型背后的概念依赖于基于前一个元素来预测序列中的下一个元素。自回归模型的一些常见示例包括 ARIMA(自回归积分滑动平均)和更新的基于 Transformer 的模型。

The concept behind these models relies on the prediction of the next element in a sequence based on the preceding ones. Some Common examples of auto-regressive models include ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) and the more recent Transformer-based models.

Variational Autoencoders

VAE 结合了生成模型和变分模型的元素,是一种自动编码器,经过训练可以学习输入数据的概率潜在表示。

A VAE, ccombining elements of generative and variational models, is a type of autoencoder that is trained to learn a probabilistic latent representation of the input data.

VAE 不会完全重建输入数据,而是学习通过从学习的概率分布中进行抽样来生成与输入数据相似的样本。

Instead of reconstructing the input data exactly, a VAE learns to generate new samples that are like the input data by sampling from a learned probability distribution.

Applications of Generative Models

让我们看看生成模型在以下方面的一些应用 −

Let’s see some of the applications of generative models below −

Image Generation

生成模型(例如变分自动编码器和 GAN)已彻底改变图像合成。它们可以生成逼真的图片,几乎无法与真实图片区分开来。例如,DALL-E 函数基于扩散模型的原理,这是一种生成模型。

Generative models, such as Variational Autoencoders and GANs, have revolutionized image synthesis. They can produce lifelike pictures that are virtually indistinguishable from real ones. For example, DALL-E functions are based on the principals of diffusion model, a kind of generative model.

Text Generation


In the domain of natural language processing, generative models demonstrate the capability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text based on prompts.

最流行的示例之一是 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT,它由 GPT(生成式预训练 Transformer)架构提供支持。

One of the most popular examples is OpenAI’s ChatGPT which is powered by GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture.

Music Composition


Generative models extend their creativity in music composition as well. The related algorithms, based on generative models, can learn musical patterns, and generate new compositions.

Generative Adversarial Networks

由 Ian Goodfellow 和他的同事在 2014 年引入的生成对抗网络 (GAN) 是一种用于生成模型的深度神经网络架构。

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), introduced by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues in 2014, are a type of deep neural network architecture used for generative modelling.

在各种生成模型中,GAN 因其在内容生成方面的创新方法而备受关注。它采用独特的对抗训练机制,主要由生成器和判别器组成。

Among the various Generative Models, GANs have garnered significant attention for their innovative approach to content generation. It employs a distinctive adversarial training mechanism, consisting of two main components namely a generator and a discriminator.

Working of GANs

让我们借助其组件来了解 GAN 的工作原理 −

Let’s check out the working of GANs with the help of their components −

  1. Generator − The generator creates new data instances, attempting to mimic the patterns learned from the training data.

  2. Discriminator − The discriminator evaluates the authenticity of generated data, distinguishing between real and fake instances.

  3. Adversarial Training − GANs engage in a competitive process where the generator aims to improve its ability to generate realistic content, while the discriminator refines its discrimination capabilities.

Applications of GANs

GAN 的输出可用于图像生成、风格迁移和数据增强等多种应用。让我们看看它是如何工作的 −

The output of a GAN can be used for various applications such as image generation, style transfer, and data augmentation. Let’s see how −

  1. Image Generation − GANs have proven remarkably successful in generating high-quality, realistic images. This has implications for various fields, including art, fashion, and computer graphics.

  2. Style Transfer − GANs excel in transferring artistic styles between images, allowing for creative transformations while maintaining content integrity.

  3. Data Augmentation − GANs contribute to data augmentation in machine learning, enhancing model performance by generating diverse training examples.


Transformer 是生成式 AI 中自然语言处理领域的突破。它们实际上依靠自注意机制,允许模型关注输入数据的不同部分,从而实现更连贯和更符合上下文的文本生成。

Transformers represent a breakthrough in Natural Language Processing within Generative AI. They actually rely on a self-attention mechanism, allowing models to focus on different parts of input data, leading to more coherent and context-aware text generation.

Understanding Self-Attention Mechanism

Transformer 架构的核心在于自注意机制,它可以使模型不同地加权输入序列的不同部分。

The core of the Transformer architecture lies in the self-attention mechanism, allowing the model to weigh different parts of the input sequence differently.

Transformer 由编码器和解码器层组成,每层都配备有自注意机制。编码器处理输入数据,而解码器生成输出。这使得模型能够关注相关信息,捕捉数据中的远程依赖性。

Transformers consist of encoder and decoder layers, each equipped with self-attention mechanisms. The encoder processes input data, while the decoder generates the output. This enables the model to focus on relevant information, capturing long-range dependencies in data.

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)

生成式预训练 Transformer (GPT) 是 Transformer 系列中最重要的一部分。它们遵循预训练方法,模型最初在大量数据上进行训练,并针对特定任务进行微调。

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) is the most important part of the transformer family. They follow a pre-training approach, where models are initially trained on vast amounts of data and fine-tuned for specific tasks.

事实上,在预训练后,GPT 模型可以针对特定任务进行微调,这使得它们在各种自然语言处理应用中都非常通用。

In fact, after pre-training, GPT models can be fine-tuned for specific tasks, making them versatile across a range of natural language processing applications.

Applications of Transformers

Transformer 捕捉远程依赖性和建模复杂关系的能力使它们在各个领域中都非常通用。以下是 Transformer 的一些应用 −

Transformer’s ability to capture long-range dependencies and model complex relationships makes them versatile in various domains. Given below are some applications of Transformers −

Text Generation

Transformer,尤其是 GPT 模型,擅长生成连贯且与上下文相关的文本。它们对语言表现出细致入微的理解,这使得它们对于内容创作和对话很有价值。

Transformers, and particularly GPT models, excel in generating coherent and contextually relevant text. They demonstrate a nuanced understanding of language, making them valuable for content creation and conversation.

例如,OpenAI 的 GPT-3 在文本生成方面展示了非凡的能力,理解提示并在各种上下文中产生类似人类的反应。

For example, OpenAI’s GPT-3 has showcased remarkable abilities in text generation, understanding prompts and producing human-like responses across a range of contexts.

Image Recognition

Transformer 可以适应图像识别任务。图像不同于序列数据,而是被划分为块,而自注意机制有助于捕捉图像不同部分之间的空间关系。

Transformers can be adapted for image recognition tasks. Instead of sequential data, images are divided into patches, and the self-attention mechanism helps capture spatial relationships between different parts of the image.

例如,视觉 Transformer (ViT) 展示了 Transformer 在图像分类中的有效性。

For example, Vision Transformer (ViT) demonstrates the effectiveness of Transformers in image classification.

Speech Recognition

Transformer 用于语音识别系统。它们擅长捕捉音频数据中的时间依赖性,这使得它们适用于诸如转录和语音控制应用程序之类的任务。

Transformers are employed in speech recognition systems. They excel in capturing temporal dependencies in audio data, making them suitable for tasks like transcription and voice-controlled applications.

例如,基于 Transformer 的模型,如 wav2vec,已在语音识别领域取得成功。

For example, Transformer-based models like wav2vec have shown success in speech recognition domain.



Autoencoders are a type of neural network that are used for unsupervised learning. They are trained to reconstruct the input data, rather than to classify it.


Autoencoders consist of two parts namely an encoder network and a decoder network.

  1. The encoder network is responsible for mapping the input data to a lower-dimensional representation, often referred to as the bottleneck or latent representation. The encoder network typically consists of a series of layers that reduce the dimensionality of the input data.

  2. The decoder network is responsible for mapping the lower-dimensional representation back to the original data space. The decoder network typically consists of a series of layers that increase the dimensionality of the input data.

Autoencoders vs Variational Autoencoders


An autoencoder is a type of neural network that is trained to reconstruct its input, typically through a bottleneck architecture where the input is first compressed into a lower-dimensional representation (encoding) and then reconstructed (decoding) from that representation.

另一方面,VAE 是一种自动编码器类型,它被训练来学习输入数据的概率潜在表示。VAE 不是精确重建输入数据,而是通过从学习的概率分布中采样来学习生成与输入数据相似的新的样本。

A VAE, on the other hand, is a type of autoencoder that is trained to learn a probabilistic latent representation of the input data. Instead of reconstructing the input data exactly, a VAE learns to generate new samples that are similar to the input data by sampling from a learned probability distribution.

Applications of Autoencoders


Autoencoders have a wide range of uses, some of which include −

  1. Dimensionality reduction − Autoencoders can be used to reduce the dimensionality of high-dimensional data, such as images, by learning a lower-dimensional representation of the data.

  2. Anomaly detection − Autoencoders can be used to detect anomalies in data by training the model on normal data and then using it to identify samples that deviate significantly from the learned representation.

  3. Image processing − Autoencoders can be used for image processing tasks such as image denoising, super-resolution and inpainting.


在本章中,我们解释了生成式人工智能中的一些关键元素,例如生成模型、生成对抗网络、生成式预训练 Transformer 和自动编码器。从创建逼真的图像到生成具有上下文感知能力的文本,生成式人工智能的应用多种多样,前景广阔。

In this chapter, we explained some of the key elements within Generative AI such as Generative Models, GANs, Transformers, and Autoencoders. From creating realistic images to producing contextually aware text, the applications of generative AI are diverse and promising.