Chatgpt 简明教程
ChatGPT - GPT-4o (Omni)
GPT-4o(Omni),OpenAI 的最新创新,是生成式 AI 的一大步。这个新的语言模型提供了高级功能、多模式功能和改进的上下文理解。
GPT-4o (Omni), the latest innovation of OpenAI, is a big step forward in generative AI. This new language model offers advanced capabilities, multimodal functionality, and improved contextual understanding.
GPT-4o(Omni)是其前身 GPT-4 的速度明显更快的版本。这个新模型将改变我们使用这项技术的方式,并为我们提供惊人的新功能和应用程序。
GPT-4o (Omni) is a significantly faster version of its predecessor, GPT-4. This new model will transform how we use this technology and provide us with amazing new capabilities and applications.
在本章中,我们将重点介绍 GPT-4o 语言模型、它的可用性和定价、主要功能以及它与 GPT-4 的不同之处。
In this chapter, we will highlight the GPT-4o language model, its availability and pricing, key features, and how it differs from GPT-4.
What is OpenAI GPT-4o (Omni)?
GPT-4o 是 OpenAI 开发的生成式预训练转换器系列的最新版本。这个先进的语言模型是朝着更自然的人机交互迈出的一步,因为它可以理解和响应文本、音频、图像和视频的任何组合。GPT-4 Omni 模型比其继任者 GPT-4 Turbo 快得多,便宜 50%。
GPT-4o is the latest version of the Generative Pre-trained transformer series developed by OpenAI. This advanced language model is a step towards more natural human-computer interaction as it can understand and respond to any combination of text, audio, images, and video. GPT-4 Omni model is much faster and 50% cheaper than its successor GPT-4 Turbo.
在 GPT-4o 中,“o”代表“Omni”,表示该模型能够接受和处理来自不同格式的“所有”类型的信息,包括 -
In GPT-4o, the "o" stands for "Omni" which signifies the model’s ability to accept and process "all" kinds of information from different formats including −
Text − Accepting text input and processing it always being a core strength of all GPT models. This strength allows GPT-4o (Omni) model to converse, answer user’s queries, and generate creative text formats like story, code, or poems.
Audio − Understanding the spoken word is a groundbreaking feature of GPT-4o. It can understand and analyze the music, or even write lyrics inspired by that music.
Vision − Imagine showing GPT-4o a picture and it can analyze its content. It can also tell us a story based on that image. This multimodal capability allows GPT-4o to classify images or create captions for videos.
GPT-4o (Omni) Model Availability and Pricing
GPT-4o 对免费层用户开放,但对每个响应的单词数量有限制。Plus 用户还可以访问 GPT-4o Omni 模型,但每个响应的单词限制最多高出 5 倍。对 GPT-4o 的基本访问是免费的,但高级层和 API 访问的费用可能取决于使用情况和需求。
GPT-4o is accessible to Free tier users but with a restriction on the number of words per response. The plus users can also access the GPT-4o Omni model but with up to 5x higher word limit per response. Basic access to GPT-4o is free, but the cost for advanced tiers and API access may depend on usage and demand.
Key Features of GPT-4o
GPT-4o 的一些主要功能如下 -
Some of the key features of GPT-4o are as follows −
Enhanced Scale and Capacity
与较早的模型相比,GPT-4o(Omni)有更多的参数,使其能够分析和生成语义更相关的输出。这种能力的提升使 GPT-4o 能够更好地处理复杂的查询。
In comparison to earlier models, GPT-4o (Omni) has a greater number of parameters which enables it to analyze and generate contextually more relevant output. This increased capacity allows GPT-4o for better handling of complex queries.
Multimodal Capabilities
GPT-4o 是多模态的,这意味着它可以处理和生成跨越多种媒体类型的内容,包括文本、音频、图像和视频。这种能力使其成为内容生成到互动媒体等多种应用的通用工具。
GPT-4o is multimodal which means that it can process and generate content across various media types including text, audio, images, and video. This ability makes it a versatile tool for diverse applications, from content creation to interactive media.
Improved Contextual Understanding
先前模型的一个重大缺点是它们在长时间内容中难以维护上下文。GPT-4o 进行了改进,并集成了高级上下文感知机制,使它能够在长时间内容中维护上下文。
One of the significant disadvantages of previous models was that they struggled with maintaining context in long-form content. GPT-4o got improvements and integrates advanced context-aware mechanisms which enable it to maintain context in long-form content.
Fine-Tuning and Adaptability
GPT-4o 具有微调功能,因此用户可以根据具体的行业需求对其进行自定义,也可以针对个人进行个性化设置。这种适应性功能可确保模型根据上下文和用户需求提供最相关最准确的输出。
GPT-4o has fine-tuning capabilities, that’s the reason user can customize it to meet specific industry needs or personalized for individual also. This adaptability feature ensures that the model can deliver the most relevant and accurate outputs based on the context and user requirements.
Ethical and Safe AI
GPT-4o 包括高级安全和道德考量,可以防止其生成有害内容。
GPT-4o includes advanced safety and ethical considerations which prevents it from generating harmful content.
Interactive Media Generation
GPT-4o 可以生成和编辑多媒体内容,包括交互式视觉和音频元素。此功能适用于创建丰富且引人入胜的媒体体验。
GPT-4o can generate and edit multimedia content, including interactive visual and audio elements. This feature is useful for creating rich, engaging media experiences.
Allows to Switch Models in a Chat
OpenAI GPT-4o 中添加了一个新功能,用户可以在谈话过程中切换模型。假设您要切换到与其他模型(如 GPT-3.5)进行聊天,您可以单击响应末尾出现的火花按钮图标,如下图所示:
A new feature is added in OpenAI GPT-4o with the help of which users can switch the model in the middle of the conversation. Suppose if you want to switch to chat with another model like GPT-3.5, you can click on the sparkle button icon that appears at the end of the response as shown in the screenshot below −

Support File Attachments
早期的 GPT 模型不支持任何类型的文件附件,但在 GPT-4o 中,用户可以上传图像、视频或任何文件(如 PDF 或 Word)以进行分析。用户还可以询问有关上传文件の内容的任何问题。
Earlier GPT models did not support any kind of file attachments but in GPT-4o user can upload images, videos, or any file like PDF or Word to analyze it. Users can also ask any question about the content of the uploaded file.
Comparison Between GPT-4 and GPT-4o (Omni)
下表根据其功能对 GPT-4 和 GPT-4o 进行了比较:
The following table presents a comparison between GPT-4 and GPT-4o based on their features −
Feature |
GPT-4 |
GPT-4o (Omni) |
Scale and Capacity |
High but with substantial parameters |
Higher with significantly more parameters for greater capacity. |
Multimodal Capabilities |
It is primarily text-based model. |
It can process and generate content across various media types including text, audio, images, and video. |
Contextual Understanding |
It is improved over GPT-3.5 model. |
It integrates advanced context-aware mechanisms which enable it to maintain context in long-form content. |
Fine-Tuning and Adaptability |
It has robust fine-tuning capabilities. |
It has enhanced fine-tuning for industry specific and personalized applications. |
Ethical and Safety Measures |
It includes some basic ethical considerations. |
It has some advanced safety and ethical mechanisms that prevent it generating harmful content. |
Computational Requirements |
High |
Very high. It requires more computational resources. |
Training Data |
It needs a large and diverse dataset. |
It needs more diverse and larger datasets to improve versatility. |
Performance |
It can generate high-quality language output. |
It can generate multimodal content. |
Applications |
Mainly Text-based applications such as chatbots, content creation etc. |
It has wider range of applications including content creation, virtual assistants, and multimodal projects. |
User Interaction |
User interaction is primarily through text. |
User interaction is enhanced using various media types. |
Release and Availability |
It is an earlier version which is available free for Free tier users. |
It is the latest version having some advanced features. It is accessible to Free tier users but with a restriction on the number of words per response. The plus users can also access it with up to 5x higher word limit per response. |
我们在本章中探讨了 GPT-4o (Omni) 模型及其可用性和定价。我们还介绍了这个新的语言模型的一些关键特性,这使得它优于其前身 GPT 4。还对 GPT-4 和 GPT-4o (Omni) 模型进行了比较。
We explored the GPT-4o (Omni) model in this chapter along with its availability and pricing. We also covered some of the key features of this new language model which makes it superior to its predecessor, GPT 4. A comparison has also been made between GPT-4 and GPT-4o (Omni) models.