Coffeescript 简明教程

CoffeeScript - Classes and Inheritance

JavaScript不提供 class 关键字。我们可以使用对象及其原型在JavaScript中实现继承。每个对象都有自己的原型,并且它们从其原型中继承函数和属性。由于原型也是一个对象,因此它也有自己的原型。

JavaScript does not provide the class keyword. We can achieve inheritance in JavaScript using objects and their prototypes. Every object have their own prototype and they inherit functions and properties from their prototypes. Since the prototype is also an object, it also has its own prototype.


Though the prototypal inheritance is far more powerful than classic inheritance, it is difficult and confusing for novice users.

Classes in CoffeeScript

为了解决此问题,CoffeeScript提供了一种称为 class 的基本结构,它是使用JavaScript的原型构建的。您可以使用class关键字在CoffeeScript中定义一个类,如下所示。

Addressing to this problem, CoffeeScript provides a basic structure known as class which is built using the JavaScript’s prototypes. You can define a class in CoffeeScript using the class keyword as shown below.

class Class_Name


考虑以下示例,在这里,我们使用关键字 class 创建了一个名为 Student 的类。

Consider the following example, here we have created a class named Student using the keyword class.

class Student


If you compile the above code, it will generate the following JavaScript.

var Student;

Student = (function() {
  function Student() {}

  return Student;


Instantiating a class


We can instantiate a class using the new operator just like other object oriented programming languages as shown below.

new Class_Name

您可以使用 new 运算符实例化上述创建的(Student)类,如下所示。

You can instantiate the above created (Student) class using the new operator as shown below.

class Student
new  Student


If you compile the above code, it will generate the following JavaScript.

var Student;

Student = (function() {
  function Student() {}

  return Student;


new Student;

Defining a Constructor

构造函数是一个在实例化类时调用的函数,它的主要目的是初始化实例变量。在CoffeeScript中,您可以通过创建一个名为 constructor 的函数来定义一个构造函数,如下所示。

A constructor is a function that is invoked when we instantiate a class, its main purpose is to initialize the instance variables. In CoffeeScript, you can define a constructor just by creating a function with name constructor as shown below.

class Student
  constructor: (name)->
  @name = name


In here, we have defined a constructor and assigned the local variable name to the instance variable.

@ 运算符是 this 关键字的别名,它用于指向类的实例变量。

The @ operator is an alias to the this keyword, it is used to point the instance variables of a class.

如果我们在构造函数的参数前面放置 @ ,它将自动设置为实例变量。因此,上面的代码可以简单地写成如下所示:

If we place @ before an argument of the constructor, then it will be set as an instance variable automatically. Therefore, the above code can be written simply as shown below −

class Student
  constructor: (@name)->


这是一个CoffeeScript中的构造函数示例。将其另存为名为 的文件中

Here is an example of a constructor in CoffeeScript. Save it in a file with the name

#Defining a class
class Student
  constructor: (@name)->

#instantiating a class by passing a string to constructor
student = new Student("Mohammed");
console.log "the name of the student is :"

Compiling the code

Compiling the code


Open command prompt and compile the above example as shown below.

c:\>coffee -c


On executing the above command it will produce the following JavaScript.

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
  var Student, student;

  Student = (function() {
    function Student(name) { = name;

    return Student;


  student = new Student("Mohammed");

  console.log("The name of the student is :";


Executing the Code

Executing the Code


Run the above example by executing the following command on the command prompt.



On running, the above example gives you the following output.

The name of the student is :Mohammed

Instance Properties

与对象中一样,我们还可以在类中使用属性。这些称作 instance properties

Same as in objects, we can also have properties within a class. And these are known as instance properties.


考虑以下示例。在该示例中,我们在类中创建了变量(name、age)和函数(message()),并使用该对象访问了它们。将此示例保存为名为 的文件。

Consider the following example. In here, we have created variables (name, age) and a function (message()) within the class and accessed them using its object. Save this example in a file named

#Defining a class
class Student
  message: ->
    "Hello "+name+" how are you"

#instantiating a class by passing a string to constructor
student = new Student();
console.log student.message()


On compiling, the above code generates the following output.

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
  var Student, student;

  Student = (function() {
    var age, name;

    function Student() {}

    name = "Ravi";

    age = 24;

    Student.prototype.message = function() {
      return "Hello " + name + " how are you";

    return Student;


  student = new Student();



Static Properties

我们可以在类中定义静态属性。静态属性的范围局限在类中,我们使用 this keyword 或其别名 @ 符号创建静态函数,并且我们必须通过类名称 访问这些属性。

We can define static properties in the class. The scope of the static properties is restricted within the class and we create static functions using the this keyword or its alias @ symbol and we have to access these properties using the class name as


以下示例中,我们创建了一个名为 message 的静态函数,并对它进行了访问。将其保存在名为 的文件中。

In the following example, we have created a static function named message. and accessed it. Save it in a file with the name

#Defining a class
class Student
  @message:(name) ->
    "Hello "+name+" how are you"
console.log Student.message("Raju")

使用以下命令打开命令提示符并编译上面的 CoffeeScript 文件。

Open the command prompt and compile the above CoffeeScript file using the following command.

c:\>coffee -c

编译后,它会给你以下 JavaScript。

On compiling, it gives you the following JavaScript.

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
  var Student;

  Student = (function() {
    function Student() {}

    Student.message = function(name) {
      return "Hello " + name + " how are you";

    return Student;




在命令提示符中执行上面的 coffeeScript,如下所示。

Execute the above coffeeScript in command prompt as shown below.



On executing, the above example gives you the following output.

Hello Raju how are you


在 CoffeeScript 中,我们可以使用 extends 关键字从一个类继承另一个类的属性。

In CoffeeScript, we can inherit the properties of one class in another class using extends keyword.


以下是 CoffeeScript 中继承的一个示例。在这里,我们有两个类,即 AddMy_class 。我们继承了名为 Add 的类的属性在 My_class 类中,并使用 extends 关键字访问它们。

Following is an Example of inheritance in CoffeeScript. In here, we have two classes namely Add and My_class. We inherited the properties of class named Add in the class My_class, and accessed them using the extends keyword.

#Defining a class
class Add

     console.log "Sum of the two numbers is :"+(a+b)

class My_class extends Add

my_class = new My_class()

CoffeeScript 幕后使用原型继承。在 CoffeeScript 中,每当我们创建实例时,都会调用父类的构造函数,直到我们重写它。

CoffeeScript uses prototypal inheritance behind the scenes. In CoffeeScript, whenever we create instances, the parent class’s constructor is invoked until we override it.

我们可以使用 super() 关键字从子类调用父类的构造函数,如下面的示例所示。

We can invoke the constructor of the parent class from the subclass, using the super() keyword as shown in the example given below.

#Defining a class
class Add
   constructor:(@a,@b) ->

     console.log "Sum of the two numbers is :"+(@a+@b)

class Mul extends Add
   constructor:(@a,@b) ->

     console.log "Product of the two numbers is :"+(@a*@b)

mul = new Mul(10,20)

Dynamic Classes

CoffeeScript 使用原型继承自动继承类的所有实例属性。这确保了类的动态性;即使在创建子类之后向父类添加属性,该属性仍会传播到所有继承的子类。

CoffeeScript uses prototypal inheritance to automatically inherit all the instance properties of a class. This ensures that classes are dynamic; even if you add properties to a parent class after a child has been created, the property will still be propagated to all of its inherited children.

class Animal
  constructor: (@name) ->

class Parrot extends Animal

Animal::rip = true

parrot = new Parrot("Macaw")
console.log "This parrot is no more" if

执行时,上面的 CoffeeScript 生成以下 JavaScript 代码。

On executing, the above CoffeeScript generates the following JavaScript code.

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
  var Animal, Parrot, parrot,
    extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) {
      if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() {
      this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
      child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
    hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;

  Animal = (function() {
    function Animal(name) { = name;

    return Animal;


  Parrot = (function(superClass) {
    extend(Parrot, superClass);

    function Parrot() {
      return Parrot.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

    return Parrot;

  })(Animal); = true;

  parrot = new Parrot("Macaw");

  if ( {
    console.log("This parrot is no more");
