Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Creating a Chart
在 Report Studio 中,您可以创建多种图表类型,如柱形图、条形图、面积图、折线图或结合这些图表类型的自定义图表。
In Report Studio, you can create many chart types like column, bar, area, line charts or a custom chart that combines these chart types.

In the Source tab, expand the query.
Drag Revenue to the Measure (y-axis) drop zone.
Drag Current year to the Series drop zone.
Drag Order to the Categories (x-axis) drop zone.

Drag the objects as shown in the above screenshot.

使用顶部的工具栏保存图表。如前一主题中所述,将其保存到 Public 或 My Folder。运行报告以表格格式查看结果。
Save the chart using the tool bar at the top. Save it to Public or My Folder as mentioned in the previous topic. Run the report to see the result in a chart format.
您还可以在 Cognos Report Studio 中创建一个 Repeater 表或地图报告。
You can also create a Repeater table or a map report in Cognos Report Studio.