Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Custom Calculations
您可以根据业务要求向报告中添加自定义计算。借助运算符,可以添加不同的计算,例如如果要将一个新值薪水*0.2 添加作为奖金。
You can add custom calculations to your report as per the business requirement. With the help of operators, different calculations can be added like if you want to add a new value salary*0.2 as a Bonus.
在报告中创建计算 -
To create Calculations in a Report −
Select the item in the report.
Click the insert calculation button and select the calculation to perform.
Note - 不适用于您选择项的计算将显示为灰色。
Note − Calculations that are not applicable to the items you selected are greyed out.

To change the order of the operands or the name of the calculated item added to the report, click Custom. The calculation appears as a new row or a column in your report.

Drill up and drill down is used to perform analysis by moving between levels of information. Drill down is used to see more detailed information to lowest level and drill up is used to compare the results.
要在单行或单列中向下钻取或向上钻取,将指针悬停在标签文本上,直到出现带加号 (+) 和插入符状向下钻取向上钻取图标的图标,文本也出现下划线,然后单击。
To drill down or up in a single row or column, pause the pointer over the label text until the icon with the plus sign (+) and caret drill down drill up icon appears and the text is underlined, and then click.
To drill down or up in both a row and column simultaneously, click on the value at the intersection of the row and the column, and then click again.