Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Event Studio
Cognos Event Studio 是一款基于 Web 的工具,可让您创建和管理代理以监控数据并在数据满足预定义阈值时执行任务。
Cognos Event Studio is a Web-based tool that allows you to create and manage agents to monitor data and perform tasks when the data meets predefined thresholds.
You can specify an event condition to perform a task. An event is defined as query expression in a data package.
When a record matches the event condition, it causes an agent to perform tasks. When an agent runs, it checks the data for any event instances.
Event Instance
An agent monitors data, each event instance is detected. Task execution rules are followed to determine if an agent will perform the task. Task frequency defines that a task should be performed once or repeated for each event instance.

Event List
您可以根据执行的任务对事件进行分类。事件列表显示由代理执行的所有事件。不同的事件分类包括 -
You can categorize the event as per the task performed. The event list shows all the events that are executed by an agent. Different event categorization includes −
Ongoing and Changed
Ongoing and Unchanged
事件密钥用于确定事件是否为新的、正在进行但已更改的、正在进行且未更改的或已停止的。Event Studio 将在每次代理运行中检测到的事件实例与上次运行中检测到的事件实例进行比较。为了确保正确匹配事件实例进行比较,您必须定义事件密钥。事件密钥是唯一定义事件实例的数据项的组合。
An event key is used to determine whether an event is new, ongoing but changed, ongoing and unchanged, or ceased. Event Studio compares the event instances detected in each agent run with those detected in the previous run. To ensure it correctly matches the event instances for comparison, you must define an event key. The event key is the combination of data items that uniquely defines an event instance.
An agent runs to check occurrences of the event. An agent performs a task for events that meet the execution rules.
A task can be used to notify users about a change in business event. Users can take appropriate actions as per the event.
You can create a task for the following functions −
Add an Item
Send an Email
Publish a new item
Run a Job
Run an import
Run an Export and many more.