Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Introduction
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 是一个 web based reporting and analytic tool 。它用于执行数据聚合并创建用户友好型详细报告。报告可以包含图表、多页、不同的选项卡和交互式提示。这些报告可以在网络浏览器中查看,或在平板电脑和智能手机等手持设备中查看。
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence is a web based reporting and analytic tool. It is used to perform data aggregation and create user friendly detailed reports. Reports can contain Graphs, Multiple Pages, Different Tabs and Interactive Prompts. These reports can be viewed on web browsers, or on hand held devices like tablets and smartphones.
Cognos 还提供一个选项,可以用 XML 或 PDF 格式导出报告,或者可以用 XML 格式查看报告。你还可以将报告安排在特定时间段内在后台运行,这样可以节省查看每日报告的时间,而无需每次都运行报告。
Cognos also provides you an option to export the report in XML or PDF format or you can view the reports in XML format. You can also schedule the report to run in the background at specific time period so it saves the time to view the daily report as you don’t need to run the report every time.
IBM Cognos 提供广泛的功能,可以被认为是一种企业软件,可以提供灵活的报告环境和 can be used for large and medium enterprises 。它满足了高级用户、分析师、业务经理和公司高管的需求。高级用户和分析师想要创建特设报告,并可以创建相同数据的多个视图。业务高管希望以仪表板样式、交叉标签和可视化方式查看汇总数据。Cognos 为所有用户提供这两个选项。
IBM Cognos provides a wide range of features and can be considered as an enterprise software to provide flexible reporting environment and can be used for large and medium enterprises. It meets the need of Power Users, Analysts, Business Managers and Company Executives. Power users and analysts want to create adhoc reports and can create multiple views of the same data. Business Executives want to see summarize data in dashboard styles, cross tabs and visualizations. Cognos allows both the options for all set of users.
Key Features of IBM Cognos
Cognos BI 报告编制工具可将多个数据库中的数据合成为一组报告。与市场上的其他 BI 工具相比,IBM Cognos 提供了广泛的功能。您可以在 Cognos BI 报告编制工具中轻松创建和安排报告,并且可轻松设计复杂的报告。
Cognos BI reporting allows you to bring the data from multiple databases into a single set of reports. IBM Cognos provides wide range of features as compared to other BI tools in the market. You can create and schedule the reports and complex report can be designed easily in the Cognos BI Reporting Tool.
Cognos BI 报告编制工具可为一组用户(例如高级用户、分析师和业务执行人员等)创建报告。IBM Cognos 可以处理海量数据,适合中型和大型企业满足 BI 需求。
The Cognos BI Reporting Tool allows to create a report for a set of users like – Power users, Analysts, and Business Executives, etc. IBM Cognos can handle a large volume of data and is suitable for medium and large enterprises to fulfil BI needs.
3-Tier Architecture Cognos
Cognos BI 被认为是 3 层架构布局。顶部是 Web 客户端或 Web 服务器。第 2 层由 Web 应用程序服务器组成。而底层由数据层组成。
Cognos BI is considered to be a 3-tier architecture layout. At the top, there is a Web Client or a Web Server. The 2nd tier consists of a Web Application Server. While the bottom tier consists of a Data layer.
这些层之间由防火墙分隔,并且这些层之间的通信使用 SOAP 和 HTTP 协议进行。
These tiers are separated by firewalls and communication between these tiers happens using SOAP and HTTP protocols.

Tier-1 Web Clients
Web 客户端允许 BI 用户访问 TM1 数据并在任何受支持的浏览器中与其进行交互。第 1 层负责管理网关,并且用于加密和解密密码,提取向 BI 服务器提交请求所需的信息,身份验证服务器并将请求传递给 Cognos BI 调度程序进行处理。
The web client allows BI users to access TM1 data and interact with data in any of the supported browsers. Tier 1 is responsible to manage the gateway and is used for encryption and decryption of passwords, extract information needed to submit a request to the BI server, authentication of server and to pass the request to Cognos BI dispatcher for processing.
Tier-2 Web Application Server
此层承载 Cognos BI 服务器及其相关服务。应用程序服务器包含应用程序层组件、内容管理器和引导程序服务。
This tier hosts the Cognos BI server and its associated services. Application server contains Application Tier Components, Content Manager and Bootstrap service.
Cognos TM1 Web 应用程序服务器在基于 Java 的 Apache Tomcat 服务器上运行。使用此层,可将 Microsoft Excel 工作表转换为 TM1 Web 工作表,还可以将 Web 工作表导出回 Excel 和 PDF 格式。
Cognos TM1 Web Application Server runs on Java based Apache Tomcat server. Using this tier, Microsoft Excel worksheets can be converted to TM1 Web sheets and also allows to export web sheets back to Excel and PDF format.
Tier-3 Data
此层包含内容和数据源。它包含 TM1 Admin 服务器和至少一个 TM1 服务器。
This tier contains content and data sources. It contains TM1 Admin server and at least one TM1 server.
TM1 Admin 服务器可以安装在 LAN 上的任何计算机上,并且必须驻留在与 TM1 服务器相同的网络上。TM1 服务器的版本应与 Cognos TM1 web 的版本相同或更高。
TM1 Admin server can be installed on any computer on your LAN and it must reside on same network as TM1 server. The version of TM1 server should be equal or most recent then the version of Cognos TM1 web.
Cognos Versions
在本节中,我们将讨论不同版本的 Cognos。
In this section we will discuss the different versions of Cognos.
Cognos Query Version 7
7.4 |
Inactive (as of Sept 30, 2012) |
Unavailable (since Sept 30, 2012) |
7.3 |
Inactive (as of Jan 1, 2008) |
Unavailable (since June 30,2012) |
7.4 |
7.1 |
Inactive (as of Dec 31, 2005) |
Unavailable (since Nov 30, 2011) |
7.3 or 7.4 |
7.0 |
Inactive (as of Dec 31, 2004) |
Unavailable (since Nov 30, 2011) |
7.1 or 7.3 |
Cognos 8 BI
8.4.0 |
Standard IBM Support(3), Inactive (as of Sept 30, 2012) |
Unavailable (since Sept 30, 2012) |
8.4.1 |
8.4 FCS (First Customer Ship) |
Inactive (as of Feb 27, 2009) |
Unavailable |
8.4.1 |
8.3 |
Inactive (as of April 30, 2012) |
Unavailable (since April 30, 2013) |
8.4.1 |
8.2 |
Inactive (as of March 31, 2010) |
Unavailable (since June 30, 2012) |
8.4.1 |
8.1.2 MR2 |
Inactive (as of March 31, 2009) |
Unavailable (since Nov 30, 2011) |
8.4.1 |
8.1.2 MR1 |
Inactive (as of March 31, 2009) |
Unavailable (since Nov 30, 2011) |
8.4.1 |
8.1.1 |
Inactive (as of Dec 31, 2004) |
Unavailable (since Nov 30, 2011) |
8.4.1 |
Cognos tm1
9.4 MR1 |
Inactive (as of Sept 30, 2012) |
Unavailable (since Sept 30, 2012) |
9.5.2 |
9.4 |
Inactive (as of Sept 30, 2012) |
Unavailable (since Sept 30, 2012) |
9.5.2 |
9.1 SP4 |
Inactive (as of Dec 31, 2010) |
Unavailable (since Nov 30, 2011) |
9.5.2 |
9.1 SP3 |
Inactive (as of Dec 31, 2010) |
Unavailable (since Nov 30, 2011) |
9.5.2 |
然后有 Cognos Business Intelligence 10 的不同子版本,分别是:
And then there were different sub-versions of the – Cognos Business Intelligence 10, which were −
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.1
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.1.1
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.1
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.2
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 11.0.0
Cognos vs Other BI Reporting Tools
市场上还有各种其他 BI 报告工具,用于中型和大型企业进行分析和报告目的。此处将介绍其中一些工具及其关键特性。
There are various other BI reporting tools in the market that are used in medium and large enterprise for analytics and reporting purpose. Some of them are described here along with its key features.
Cognos vs Microsoft BI (Source:
Following are the key features that are supported by both the tools −
Standard Reporting
Ad-hoc Reporting
Report output and Scheduling
Data Discovery and Visualization
Access Control and Security
Mobile Capabilities

Cognos 可被视为一个强大的解决方案,它允许创建各种报告,例如交叉表、活动报告(Cognos 10 中的最新特性)和其他报告结构。您可以创建用户提示,轻松安排报告,并且可以导出和查看不同格式的报告。Microsoft BI 提供业务数据的简单可视化,以及与 Microsoft Excel 的轻松集成。
Cognos can be considered as a robust solution which allows you to create a variety of reports like Cross tabs, Active reports (latest feature in Cognos 10), and other report structure. You can create user prompts, scheduling of report is easy and you can export and view reports in different formats. The Microsoft BI provides easy visualization of business data as well as Easy integration with Microsoft Excel.
IBM Cognos vs SAP Business Objects
SAP BO 支持其自己的 ETL 工具 SAP 数据服务。IBM Cognos 不支持自己的 ETL 工具。IBM Cognos 8 不提供脱机报告功能,但 SAP Business Objects 报告工具中提供了此功能。
SAP BO supports its own ETL tool SAP Data Services. IBM Cognos doesn’t support its own ETL tool. The IBM Cognos 8 doesn’t provide offline reporting features however it is there in SAP Business Objects reporting tools.
在 Cognos 中,整个功能被划分为多个工具,例如查询工作室、分析工作室、事件工作室等。想要学习所有工具是一项艰巨的任务。在 SAP Business Objects 中,您拥有多种工具,如 Web Intelligence(用于报告)、IDT(用于 Universe Designer)、仪表板设计器,因此用户认为管理和学习所有工具是一项艰巨的任务。
In Cognos the entire functionality is divided into multiple tools Query studio, Analysis studio, event studio etc. It is a tough task to learn all the tools. In SAP Business Objects, you have multiple tools like Web Intelligence for reporting, IDT for Universe Designer, Dashboard Designer so users feel that it is a tough task to manage and learn all the tools.
在 IBM Cognos 中,生成的数据可以转换为多种格式(例如 HTML、PDF 等),还可以从多个位置(电子邮件、移动电话、办公室等)访问。IBM 提供几种规划能力,例如预测、预算、高级情景建模等。BI 工具的选择取决于各种因素,如公司的需求、软件版本、支持的功能和许可成本。
In IBM Cognos, data generated can be transformed in various formats (for instance, HTML, PDF, etc.) and can also be accessed from multiple locations (e-mail, mobile, office, etc.). IBM provides several planning capabilities such as forecasts, budgets, advance scenario modelling etc. Selection of BI tool depends on various factors like need of company, software version, features supported and the license cost.