Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Report Types
您可以在 Cognos Query Studio 中使用不同的报告类型,以满足业务需求。您可以在查询工作室中创建以下类型的报告−
You can use different report types in the Cognos Query Studio to meet the business requirements. You can create the following report types in the Query Studio −
List Reports − 这些报告用于显示您的整个客户群,如下面的屏幕截图中所示。
List Reports − These reports are used to show your entire customer base as shown in the following screenshot.

Crosstab Reports − 这些用于显示产品和地区不同轴的销量数量。
Crosstab Reports − These are used to show quantity sold with product and region on different axis.
Charts − 您可以插入图表以图形化地显示数据。您可以将图表与交叉表或列表报告相结合。
Charts − You can insert charts to show data graphically. You can combine a chart with a Crosstab or also with a list report.