Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Report Validation
这用于确保您的报告不包含任何错误。当升级在较旧版本的 Cognos 中创建的报告时,会自动对其进行验证。
This is used to ensure that your report doesn’t contain any error. When a report created in the older version of Cognos is upgraded it is automatically validated.
若要验证报告,请转到 Tools 菜单并单击 Validate 按钮,如下图所示。
To validate a report, go to the Tools menu and click on the Validate button as shown in the following screenshot.

有不同的 Validation 级别 −
There are different Validation levels −
Error − To retrieve all errors returned from the query.
Warning − To retrieve all errors and warnings returned from the query.
Key Transformation − To retrieve important transformation steps.
Information − To retrieve other information related to query planning and execution.