Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Saving a Report
当您在 Query Studio 中保存报表时,它会保存查询定义。它在保存报表时不会保存数据。当您在过去一周内保存的报表时,该报表中的数据会反映数据源中的最新更改。
When you save a report in the Query Studio, it saves the query definition. It doesn’t save the data while saving the report. When you run a report saved a week back, the data in that report reflects the recent changes in the data source.
To save a report, click on the Save icon at the top.

在下一个屏幕中,输入名称、描述和您想要保存报表的路径 → 确定。
In the next screen, enter the name, description and location where you want to save the report → OK.

Saving a Report with a different Name and Location
You can use Save as option to save a report with different name or at a different location as shown in the following screenshot.

Specify a name and location − 若要包括描述,请在描述框中输入您要添加的信息。
Specify a name and location − To include a description, type the information you want to add in the Description box.

Click OK.