Computer Fundamentals 简明教程
Computer - Software Types
Software is a collection of programs, data, and instructions that enable a computer system and its hardware’s to do the tasks. A program is a set of instructions or programming statements.
Hence, software built using multiple statements. It is an important part of modern computing and is classified into different categories based on its capability and purpose. For example, word-processing software enables the user to create, edit and save documents. A web browser enables the user to view and share web pages and multimedia files.
Software Types
一些常见的软件类型如下 −
Some common types of software are as −
System Software
Application Software
Utility Software
Open Source Software

Fig: Software and its types
System Software
使计算机能够运行并激活所需的硬件或计算机其他部分运行的软件称为 system software 。系统软件充当硬件和用户应用程序之间的 interface 。需要接口,因为硬件设备或机器与人类讲不同的语言。
Software that enables a computer to run and activates required hardware or other parts of a computer to run is called system software. System software acts as interface between hardware and user applications. An interface is needed because hardware devices or machines and humans speak in different languages.
机器只理解二进制语言,即 0(没有电信号)和 1(有电信号),而人类使用英语、法语、德语、泰米尔语、印地语和其他许多语言交流。英语是与计算机交互的主要语言。
Machines understand only binary language i.e. 0 (absence of electric signal) and 1 (presence of electric signal) while humans speak in English, French, German, Tamil, Hindi and many other languages. English is the pre-dominant language of interacting with computers.
Software is required to convert all human instructions into machine understandable instructions. And this is exactly what system software does.
根据其功能,系统软件分为四种类型 -
Based on its function, system software is of four types −
Operating System
Language Processor
Device Drivers
通常,系统软件负责所有硬件部件的功能,且它们的互操作性可以成功完成任务,称为操作系统 (OS)。OS 是计算机开机时加载到计算机内存中的第一个软件,这称为启动。
Generally, system software is responsible for functioning of all hardware parts and their interoperability to carry out tasks successfully is called operating system (OS).OS is the first software to be loaded into computer memory when the computer is switched on and this is called booting.

OS 管理计算机的基本功能,例如将数据存储在内存中、从存储设备中检索文件、根据优先级调度任务等。
OS manages a computer’s basic functions like storing data in memory, retrieving files from storage devices, scheduling tasks based on priority, etc.
如前所述,系统软件的一个重要功能是将所有用户指令转换为机器可以理解的语言。当我们讨论人机交互时,语言分为三种类型 -
As discussed earlier, an important function of system software is to convert all user instructions into machine understandable language. When we talk of human machine interactions, languages are of three types −
Machine-level language − This language is nothing but a string of 0s and 1s that the machines can understand. It is completely machine dependent.
Assembly-level language − This language introduces a layer of abstraction by defining mnemonics. Mnemonics are English like words or symbols used to denote a long string of 0s and 1s. For example, the word "READ" can be defined to mean that computer has to retrieve data from the memory. The complete instruction will also tell the memory address. Assembly level language is machine dependent.
High level language − This language uses English like statements and is completely independent of machines. Programs written using high level languages are easy to create, read and understand.
用高级编程语言(如 Java、C++ 等)编写的程序称为源代码。以机器可读形式表示的指令集称为目标代码或机器代码。将源代码转换为目标代码的系统软件称为语言处理器。语言解释器有三种类型 −
Program written in high level programming languages like Java, C++, etc. is called source code. Set of instructions in machine readable form is called object code or machine code. System software that converts source code to object code is called language processor. There are three types of language interpreters −
Assembler − Converts assembly level program into machine level program.
Interpreter − Converts high level programs into machine level program line by line.
Compiler − Converts high level programs into machine level programs at one go rather than line by line.
控制和监视计算机特定设备运行的系统软件称为设备驱动程序。每个需要外部连接到系统的设备(如打印机、扫描仪、麦克风、扬声器等)都具有与其关联的特定驱动程序。连接新设备时,您需要安装其驱动程序,以便 OS 知道如何管理该设备。
System software that controls and monitors functioning of a specific device on computer is called device driver. Each device like printer, scanner, microphone, speaker, etc. that needs to be attached externally to the system has a specific driver associated with it. When you attach a new device, you need to install its driver so that the OS knows how it needs to be managed.
Application Software
应用程序软件有时称为“应用程序”,是一种为特定任务或功能(如生产力、娱乐、通信或其他原因)而创建的软件。因此,只执行一项任务且不执行其他任务的软件称为 application software 。应用程序软件在解决问题时具有非常专业的功能和方法。因此,电子表格软件只能对数字执行操作,而不能执行其他操作。与面向用户的应用程序软件(例如操作系统和设备驱动程序)相反,应用程序软件旨在满足最终用户的需求和偏好。以下是常见类型的应用程序软件的一些示例 −
Application software, sometimes known as "apps" or "applications," is a type of software that is created for certain tasks or functions such as productivity, entertainment, communication, or other reasons. Hence, software that performs a single task and nothing else is called application software. Application software is very specialized in their function and approach to solving a problem. So spread sheet software can only do operations with numbers and nothing else. Application software, as opposed to system software (such as operating systems and device drivers), is designed to fulfil the needs and preferences of end users. The following are some examples of common types of application software −
Word Processing − This application software allows users to create, edit, and format documents. Some popular word processing applications are Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Apple Pages.

Spreadsheet Application − This application software is used to create and analyzing spreadsheets. Some popular Spreadsheet applications are Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and LibreOffice Calc.

Presentation Software − This application software is used to make slideshows and presentations. Some popular presentation applications are Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple Keynote.

Project Management Software − This application software is used to make teams plan, organize, and track projects. Examples - Trello, Asana, and Jira.

Calendar and Scheduling Apps − This application software is used for time management and scheduling appointments, like Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, and Apple Calendar.

Image Editing − This application is used to edit and manipulate images. Examples are Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and Canva.
Video Editing − This application is used to create and editing of video. Examples are Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve.
Audio Editing − This application is used for recording and editing audio. Examples are Audacity and Adobe Audition.
3D Modelling and Animation − This application is used for creating 3D graphics and animations. Examples are Blender and Autodesk Maya.
Email Clients − This application is used to send, receive, and manage email. Examples are Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Apple Mail.
Instant Messaging Apps − This application enables users for real-time text and multimedia communication. Examples are WhatsApp, Slack, and Telegram.
Video Conferencing Software − This application is used to conduct virtual meetings and conferences. Examples are Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco Webex.
Social Media Apps − These applications provide platforms for social networking. Examples are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
这些应用程序程序用于访问和导航互联网上的网站。流行的网络浏览器包括 Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge 和 Safari。
These application programs are used to access and navigate websites on the internet. Popular web browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
这些应用程序专为娱乐和游戏设计。示例包括 Steam、PlayStation、Xbox 和移动应用程序商店。
These applications are designed for entertainment and gaming. Examples are Steam, PlayStation, Xbox, and mobile app stores.
Provides various utilities to perform specific tasks, such as −
File Compression and Extraction − Examples are WinZip, 7-Zip, and WinRAR.
Backup and Recovery − Examples are Acronis True Image and Time Machine.
Disk Cleanup and Optimization − Examples are CCleaner and Disk Cleanup (Windows).
这些应用程序旨在用作学习管理系统 (LMS);自动化教育系统、在线教育和数字图书馆。
These applications are designed to learning management systems (LMS); automate educational system, online education, and digital libraries.
These applications are designed to keep track of health metrics, Yogas and Asans, dietary guidance etc.
这些应用专门设计用于管理个人财务、会计和税务。例如 QuickBooks、TurboTax 和 Mint。
These applications are specifically designed to manage personal finances, accounting, and taxation. Examples are QuickBooks, TurboTax, and Mint.
这些应用旨在帮助旅客进行旅行规划、地图和 GPS 导航等等。例如 Google 地图、TripAdvisor 和 Waze。
These applications are designed to assist travellers with trip planning, maps, and GPS navigation etc. Examples are Google Maps, TripAdvisor, and Waze.
In continuation of changing demands and preferences of users in different fields, application software continues to improve and diversify. Users can install and utilise these applications to do certain tasks and enhance their digital experiences on their computers, smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices.
Utility Software
Application software also known as utility programs or system utilities that assists system software in doing their work is called utility software. Utility software is intended to help users to manage and maintain their computer systems, as well as optimise performance and execute different system-related activities. These programmes are often used to assure the efficient operation of hardware and software components, and improve a computer system’s overall functionality and stability. Thus utility software is actually a cross between system software and application software.
Some common types of utility are as −
Antivirus and Antimalware Software − These utilities keep safe the computer against malicious software, spyware, and viruses, as well as other types of security threats. Examples are Norton Antivirus, McAfee, and Malwarebytes.
Disk Cleanup and Optimization − These utilities help to remove temporary or unwanted files. For example - CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) removes temporary files, cache data, and unused files to free up disk space. Defragmentation applications reorganise fragmented files on a hard drive in order to increase read/write access.
Disk Partitioning and Management − Disc Management (Windows) and GParted (Linux) are utilities that enable users to create, resize, and manage partitions on their hard drives.
Backup and Recovery − Backup utilities automatically create copies of vital data to prevent loss. Example: Windows Backup and Time Machine (Mac). Data recovery software recovers erased files and folders. Popular options include Recuva and TestDisk.
System Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools − Task Manager (Windows) and Activity Monitor (Mac) offer real-time system resource monitoring to find and fix performance issues. Windows Memory Diagnostic and Apple Diagnostics (Mac) diagnose hardware issues.
Driver Updaters − For hardware compatibility and performance, these programmes update out-dated or incompatible device drivers. Examples are Driver Booster and Driver Easy.
Password Managers − Users generate, store, and manage complex, secure passwords with password management software. Examples are LastPass, Dashlane, and 1Password.
Firewall Utilities − A firewall protects a computer or network by managing incoming and outgoing network traffic. Examples are Windows Firewall and third-party firewall solutions like ZoneAlarm.
Data Encryption Software − These utilities encrypt sensitive data to protect it from unauthorized access. Examples are BitLocker (Windows) and FileVault (Mac).
Uninstaller Programs − These utilities assist users in thoroughly removing undesirable apps as well as the files and registry entries linked with those applications. Examples are Revo Uninstaller and IObit Uninstaller.
Open Source Software
其 source code 通过授权以供任何人研究、更改和进一步散布任何目的之软件称为 open source software 。开源软件通常是团队努力,其中尽心尽力的程序员改善源代码并与其社群分享更改。开源软件因其兴盛之社群提供这些优点给用户:
Software whose source code is freely distributed with a license to study, change and further distributed to anyone for any purpose is called open source software. Open source software is generally a team effort where dedicated programmers improve upon the source code and share the changes within the community. Open source software provides these advantages to the users due to its thriving communities −
Interoperable on multiple platforms
Flexible due to customizations
Localization is possible
免费且可散布使用之软件,但不能修改,因为其源代码不可得,称为免费软件。免费软件之范例有 Google Chrome、Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader、Skype 等。
A software that is available free of cost for use and distribution but cannot be modified as its source code is not available is called freeware. Examples of freeware are Google Chrome, Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader, Skype, etc.
Software that is initially free and can be distributed to others as well, but needs to be paid for after a stipulated period of time is called shareware. Its source code is also not available and hence cannot be modified.
Software that can be used only by obtaining license from its developer after paying for it is called proprietary software. An individual or a company can own such proprietary software.
Its source code is often closely guarded secret and it can have major restrictions like −
No further distribution
Number of users that can use it
Type of computer it can be installed on, example multitasking or single user, etc.
For example, Microsoft Windows is a proprietary operating software that comes in many editions for different types of clients like single-user, multi-user, professional, etc.