Concurrency In Python 简明教程
Synchronizing Threads
Thread synchronization may be defined as a method with the help of which we can be assured that two or more concurrent threads are not simultaneously accessing the program segment known as critical section. On the other hand, as we know that critical section is the part of the program where the shared resource is accessed. Hence we can say that synchronization is the process of making sure that two or more threads do not interface with each other by accessing the resources at the same time. The diagram below shows that four threads trying to access the critical section of a program at the same time.

To make it clearer, suppose two or more threads trying to add the object in the list at the same time. This act cannot lead to a successful end because either it will drop one or all the objects or it will completely corrupt the state of the list. Here the role of the synchronization is that only one thread at a time can access the list.
Issues in thread synchronization
我们在实现并发编程或应用同步原语时可能会遇到一些问题。在本部分,我们将讨论两个主要问题。问题包括 −
We might encounter issues while implementing concurrent programming or applying synchronizing primitives. In this section, we will discuss two major issues. The issues are −
Race condition
Race condition
This is one of the major issues in concurrent programming. Concurrent access to shared resources can lead to race condition. A race condition may be defined as the occurring of a condition when two or more threads can access shared data and then try to change its value at the same time. Due to this, the values of variables may be unpredictable and vary depending on the timings of context switches of the processes.
Consider this example to understand the concept of race condition −
Step 1 − 在此步骤中,我们需要导入 threading 模块 −
Step 1 − In this step, we need to import threading module −
import threading
Step 2 − 现在,定义一个全局变量,如 x,并将其值设置为 0 −
Step 2 − Now, define a global variable, say x, along with its value as 0 −
x = 0
Step 3 - 接下来,我们需要定义 increment_global() 函数,它将在这个全局函数 x 中增加 1 −
Step 3 − Now, we need to define the increment_global() function, which will do the increment by 1 in this global function x −
def increment_global():
global x
x += 1
Step 4 - 在这个步骤中,我们将定义 taskofThread() 函数,该函数将多次调用 increment_global() 函数;在我们的例子中,是 50000 次 −
Step 4 − In this step, we will define the taskofThread() function, which will call the increment_global() function for a specified number of times; for our example it is 50000 times −
def taskofThread():
for _ in range(50000):
Step 5 - 接下来,定义在其中创建了线程 t1 和 t2 的 main() 函数。两者都将在 start() 函数的帮助下启动,并在 join() 函数的帮助下等待它们完成自己的工作。
Step 5 − Now, define the main() function in which threads t1 and t2 are created. Both will be started with the help of the start() function and wait until they finish their jobs with the help of join() function.
def main():
global x
x = 0
t1 = threading.Thread(target= taskofThread)
t2 = threading.Thread(target= taskofThread)
Step 6 - 接下来,我们需要给出范围,例如我们希望调用 main() 函数的迭代次数。在这里,我们调用它 5 次。
Step 6 − Now, we need to give the range as in for how many iterations we want to call the main() function. Here, we are calling it for 5 times.
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(5):
print("x = {1} after Iteration {0}".format(i,x))
在下面显示的输出中,我们可以看到竞争条件的影响,因为每次迭代后 x 的值都有望为 100000。但是,值存在很大变化。这是由于线程并行访问共享全局变量 x。
In the output shown below, we can see the effect of race condition as the value of x after each iteration is expected 100000. However, there is lots of variation in the value. This is due to the concurrent access of threads to the shared global variable x.
Dealing with race condition using locks
由于我们已经看到了竞争条件在上述程序中的影响,因此我们需要一个同步工具,该工具可以处理多线程之间的竞争条件。在 Python 中, <threading> 模块提供 Lock 类来处理竞争条件。此外, Lock 类提供了不同的方法,我们可以借助这些方法处理多线程之间的竞争条件。这些方法的说明如下 −
As we have seen the effect of race condition in the above program, we need a synchronization tool, which can deal with race condition between multiple threads. In Python, the <threading> module provides Lock class to deal with race condition. Further, the Lock class provides different methods with the help of which we can handle race condition between multiple threads. The methods are described below −
acquire() method
此方法用于获取,即锁定锁。锁可以是阻塞的或非阻塞的,具体取决于以下真或假值 −
This method is used to acquire, i.e., blocking a lock. A lock can be blocking or non-blocking depending upon the following true or false value −
With value set to True − If the acquire() method is invoked with True, which is the default argument, then the thread execution is blocked until the lock is unlocked.
With value set to False − If the acquire() method is invoked with False, which is not the default argument, then the thread execution is not blocked until it is set to true, i.e., until it is locked.
release() method
此方法用于释放锁。以下与此方法相关的几个重要任务 −
This method is used to release a lock. Following are a few important tasks related to this method −
If a lock is locked, then the release() method would unlock it. Its job is to allow exactly one thread to proceed if more than one threads are blocked and waiting for the lock to become unlocked.
It will raise a ThreadError if lock is already unlocked.
现在,我们可以使用 Lock 类及其方法重写上述程序以避免竞争条件。我们需要使用 lock 参数定义 taskofThread() 方法,然后需要使用 acquire() 和 release() 方法进行锁的阻塞和非阻塞处理,以避免竞争条件。
Now, we can rewrite the above program with the lock class and its methods to avoid the race condition. We need to define the taskofThread() method with lock argument and then need to use the acquire() and release() methods for blocking and non-blocking of locks to avoid race condition.
以下是了解有关锁处理竞争条件的概念的 Python 程序示例 −
Following is example of python program to understand the concept of locks for dealing with race condition −
import threading
x = 0
def increment_global():
global x
x += 1
def taskofThread(lock):
for _ in range(50000):
def main():
global x
x = 0
lock = threading.Lock()
t1 = threading.Thread(target = taskofThread, args = (lock,))
t2 = threading.Thread(target = taskofThread, args = (lock,))
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(5):
print("x = {1} after Iteration {0}".format(i,x))
以下输出表明排除了竞争条件的影响;因为每次迭代后的 x 值现在为 100000,这符合此程序的预期。
The following output shows that the effect of race condition is neglected; as the value of x, after each & every iteration, is now 100000, which is as per the expectation of this program.
Deadlocks − The Dining Philosophers problem
死锁是一个令人头疼的问题,人们在设计并发系统时可能会遇到。我们可以借助用餐哲学家问题来说明这个问题,如下所示 −
Deadlock is a troublesome issue one can face while designing the concurrent systems. We can illustrate this issue with the help of the dining philosopher problem as follows −
Edsger Dijkstra originally introduced the dining philosopher problem, one of the famous illustrations of one of the biggest problem of concurrent system called deadlock.
In this problem, there are five famous philosophers sitting at a round table eating some food from their bowls. There are five forks that can be used by the five philosophers to eat their food. However, the philosophers decide to use two forks at the same time to eat their food.
Now, there are two main conditions for the philosophers. First, each of the philosophers can be either in eating or in thinking state and second, they must first obtain both the forks, i.e., left and right. The issue arises when each of the five philosophers manages to pick the left fork at the same time. Now they all are waiting for the right fork to be free but they will never relinquish their fork until they have eaten their food and the right fork would never be available. Hence, there would be a deadlock state at the dinner table.
Deadlock in concurrent system
Now if we see, the same issue can arise in our concurrent systems too. The forks in the above example would be the system resources and each philosopher can represent the process, which is competing to get the resources.
Solution with Python program
可以通过将哲学家分为两类来找到这个问题的解决方案,即 greedy philosophers 和 generous philosophers 。主要是贪婪的哲学家会尝试拿起左叉并一直等到叉子在那里。然后,他会等待右叉,拿起它,吃饭,然后放下它。另一方面,慷慨的哲学家会尝试拿起左叉,如果叉子不存在,他会等待一段时间后再尝试。如果他们拿到了左叉,他们将尝试拿到右叉。如果他们也将拿到右叉,他们将吃饭并放下两把叉子。但是,如果他们拿不到右叉,他们将放下左叉。
The solution of this problem can be found by splitting the philosophers into two types – greedy philosophers and generous philosophers. Mainly a greedy philosopher will try to pick up the left fork and wait until it is there. He will then wait for the right fork to be there, pick it up, eat and then put it down. On the other hand, a generous philosopher will try to pick up the left fork and if it is not there, he will wait and try again after some time. If they get the left fork then they will try to get the right one. If they will get the right fork too then they will eat and release both the forks. However, if they will not get the right fork then they will release the left fork.
以下 Python 程序将帮助我们找到就餐哲学家问题的解决方案:
The following Python program will help us find a solution to the dining philosopher problem −
import threading
import random
import time
class DiningPhilosopher(threading.Thread):
running = True
def __init__(self, xname, Leftfork, Rightfork):
threading.Thread.__init__(self) = xname
self.Leftfork = Leftfork
self.Rightfork = Rightfork
def run(self):
time.sleep( random.uniform(3,13))
print ('%s is hungry.' %
def dine(self):
fork1, fork2 = self.Leftfork, self.Rightfork
while self.running:
locked = fork2.acquire(False)
if locked: break
print ('%s swaps forks' %
fork1, fork2 = fork2, fork1
def dining(self):
print ('%s starts eating '%
print ('%s finishes eating and now thinking.' %
def Dining_Philosophers():
forks = [threading.Lock() for n in range(5)]
philosopherNames = ('1st','2nd','3rd','4th', '5th')
philosophers= [DiningPhilosopher(philosopherNames[i], forks[i%5], forks[(i+1)%5]) \
for i in range(5)]
DiningPhilosopher.running = True
for p in philosophers: p.start()
DiningPhilosopher.running = False
print (" It is finishing.")
上述程序使用了贪婪和慷慨哲学家的概念。该程序还使用了 Lock 类中的 <threading> 模块的 acquire() 和 release() 方法。我们可以在以下输出中看到解决方案:
The above program uses the concept of greedy and generous philosophers. The program has also used the acquire() and release() methods of the Lock class of the <threading> module. We can see the solution in the following output −
4th is hungry.
4th starts eating
1st is hungry.
1st starts eating
2nd is hungry.
5th is hungry.
3rd is hungry.
1st finishes eating and now thinking.3rd swaps forks
2nd starts eating
4th finishes eating and now thinking.
3rd swaps forks5th starts eating
5th finishes eating and now thinking.
4th is hungry.
4th starts eating
2nd finishes eating and now thinking.
3rd swaps forks
1st is hungry.
1st starts eating
4th finishes eating and now thinking.
3rd starts eating
5th is hungry.
5th swaps forks
1st finishes eating and now thinking.
5th starts eating
2nd is hungry.
2nd swaps forks
4th is hungry.
5th finishes eating and now thinking.
3rd finishes eating and now thinking.
2nd starts eating 4th starts eating
It is finishing.