Concurrency In Python 简明教程
Concurrency in Python Tutorial
Concurrency, natural phenomena, is the happening of two or more events at the same time. It is a challenging task for the professionals to create concurrent applications and get the most out of computer hardware.
This tutorial will be useful for graduates, postgraduates, and research students who either have an interest in this subject or have this subject as a part of their curriculum. The reader can be a beginner or an advanced learner.
读者必须对操作系统中的并发、多进程、线程、进程等概念有基本的了解。他/她还应该了解操作系统中使用的基本术语以及 Python 编程概念。
The reader must have basic knowledge about concepts such as Concurrency, Multiprocessing, Threads, and Process etc. of Operating System. He/she should also be aware about basic terminologies used in OS along with Python programming concepts.