Cpp Standard Library 简明教程
C++ Library - <regex>
它是一种表达用于匹配字符序列的模式的标准化方式。下面列出了一些典型的正则表达式参数 -
It is a standardized way to express patterns to be matched against sequences of characters. some of typical regex parameters are as shown below −
Target sequence (subject) − It is used to searched for the sequence pattern.
Regular expression (pattern) − It is used to searched for in the target sequence.
Matches array − Matches information is stored in one of the special match_results array types (such as cmatch or smatch).
Replacement strin − This operation replaces the matches.
Regex operations
Sr.No. |
Regex operation & description |
1 |
regex_matchIt is a match sequence. |
2 |
regex_searchIt is a search sequence. |
3 |
regex_replaceIt is a replace matched sequence. |
Iterator types
Sr.No. |
Iterator type & description |
1 |
regex_iteratorIt is a regex iterator. |
2 |
regex_token_iteratorIt is a regex token iterator. |
basic_regex instantiations
Sr.No. |
Instantiation & description |
1 |
regexIt is a regex class. |
2 |
wregexIt is a wregex class. |
match_results instantiations
Sr.No. |
match_results instantiation & description |
1 |
cmatchThese are match_results for string literals. |
2 |
wcmatchThese are match_results for wide string literals. |
3 |
smatchThese are match_results for string objects. |
4 |
wsmatchThese are match_results for wide string objects. |
sub_match instantiations
Sr.No. |
sub_match instantiation & description |
1 |
csub_matchIt is a sub_match for string literals. |
2 |
wcsub_matchIt is a sub_match for wide string literals. |
3 |
ssub_matchIt is a sub_match for strings. |
4 |
wssub_matchIt is a sub_match for wide strings. |
Sr.No. |
Namespace & description |
1 |
regex_constantsIt is a regex constants. |