Cryptography With Python 简明教程
Multiplicative Cipher
While using Caesar cipher technique, encrypting and decrypting symbols involves converting the values into numbers with a simple basic procedure of addition or subtraction.
如果使用乘法转换为密码文本,则称为 wrap-around 情况。请将字母和关联的数字考虑为以下所示−
If multiplication is used to convert to cipher text, it is called a wrap-around situation. Consider the letters and the associated numbers to be used as shown below −

这些数字将用于乘法程序,关联密钥为 7。在这种情况下用于生成乘法密码的基本公式如下−
The numbers will be used for multiplication procedure and the associated key is 7. The basic formula to be used in such a scenario to generate a multiplicative cipher is as follows −
(Alphabet Number * key)mod(total number of alphabets)
The number fetched through output is mapped in the table mentioned above and the corresponding letter is taken as the encrypted letter.

乘法密码在 Python 中的基本调制函数如下−
The basic modulation function of a multiplicative cipher in Python is as follows −
def unshift(key, ch):
offset = ord(ch) - ASC_A
return chr(((key[0] * (offset + key[1])) % WIDTH) + ASC_A)
Note − 乘法密码的优点是它可以使用 8,953,851 之类的非常大的密钥。对于计算机而言,通过九百万个密钥中的大多数进行暴力攻击需要相当长的时间。
Note − The advantage with a multiplicative cipher is that it can work with very large keys like 8,953,851. It would take quite a long time for a computer to brute-force through a majority of nine million keys.