Css 简明教程
CSS - Gradients
CSS gradients 允许通过在两种或多种颜色之间创建平滑过渡,为 HTML 元素设计自定义颜色。
CSS gradients allows to design custom colors for HTML elements by creating a smooth transition between two or more colors.
What is CSS Gradient?
In CSS, gradient is a special type of user defined images that can be used for background or borders of element.
We can set a gradient to background property of any HTML elements using function gradient(type, color1, color2, color3);
Zooming a image gradient does not loose it’s quality as this are defined by browsers according to developers code.
Types of CSS Gradients
CSS 定义了三种类型的渐变
CSS defines three types of gradients
*Linear Gradient: * Goes from left to right, up to down or diagonally.
*Radial Gradient: * Start from center to edges.
*Conic Gradient: * Revolve around a center point.
Linear Gradients
linear gradient 创建一个沿单个方向(即从左到右、从上到下或任意角度)流动的色带。
The linear gradient creates a color band that flows in a single direction, i.e. from left-to-right, top-to-bottom, or at any angle.
linear-gradient(direction, color1, color2, ...);
/* Gradient from bottom right to top left */
linear-gradient(to top left, color1, color2, ...);
/* Gradient at an angle 45 degree */
linear-gradient(45deg, red, yellow);
direction 参数指定了渐变的角度或方向([向左 | 向右] || [向上 | 向下])。
The direction parameter specifies the angle or direction ( [to left | to right] || [to top | to bottom]) of the gradient.
为了创建一个基本的线性渐变,您只需要两种颜色,它们称为 color stops 。您必须至少有两个,但也可以有多个。
In order to create a basic linear gradient, you just need two colors, which are known as color stops. You must have minimum two, but can have more than two as well.
Following example demonstrates this:
div {
height: 70px;
width: 100%;
.topBottom {
background: linear-gradient(green, yellow);
background: linear-gradient(to right, green, yellow);
<h1>Linear gradient</h1>
<h3>Top to Bottom ( Default )</h3>
<div class="topBottom"></div>
<h3>Right to left</h3>
<div class="RightLeft"></div>
Radial Gradients
radial gradient 是一种由从中心点向外辐射颜色的渐变类型。
A radial gradient is a type of gradient that consists of colors radiating outward from a central point.
In a radial gradient, the colors smoothly transition from one color at the center to another color at the outer edges in a circular or elliptical pattern.
radial-gradient(shape size position, color1, color2..);
The shape parameter defines the shape of the gradient (circle or ellipse).
The size parameter specifies the size of the shape.
The position parameter sets the center of the gradient
为了创建基本的径向渐变,您只需要两种颜色。渐变的中心位于 50% 50% 标记处,默认情况下;其中渐变是椭圆形的,与它的框的纵横比相匹配。
In order to create a basic radial gradient, you just need two colors. The center of the gradient is at 50% 50% mark, by default; where the gradient is elliptical matching with the aspect ratio of its box.
Let us see an example:
div {
height: 100px;
width: 100%;
.gradient {
background: radial-gradient(green, yellow);
.center-gradient {
at 0% 50%,
green 30px,
yellow 60%,
magenta 20%
<h1>Radial gradient</h1>
<h3>Simple Radial Gradient</h3>
<div class="gradient"></div>
<h3>Center Positioned Radial Gradient</h3>
<div class="center-gradient"></div>
Conic Gradients
conic gradient ,也称为圆锥渐变或角度渐变,是一种渐变,其中颜色的排列呈圆形或圆锥形图案,从 360 度弧的中心点向外辐射。
A conic gradient, also known as a conical gradient or angular gradient, is a type of gradient in which colors are arranged in a circular or conical pattern, radiating out from a central point in a 360-degree arc.
conic-gradient(from 'angle' at 'position', 'color-list')
position (optional): Specifies the position of the starting point of the gradient. It can be a percentage or a keyword like center.
angle (optional): Specifies the starting angle of the gradient in degrees.
color-list : Defines the colors and their positions in the gradient.
In this example we will create a conic gradient pie chart with four different colors, then align gradient at different locations of diagram.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
div {
height: 80px;
width: 110px;
border-radius: 50%;
background: conic-gradient(
from 45deg at 50% 50%,
red, yellow, green,
blue, red);
background: conic-gradient(
from 45deg at 20% 40%,
red, yellow, green,
blue, red);
<h1>Conic Gradient Example</h1>
<h3>Align at center</h3>
<div class="gradient1"></div>
<h3>Align at 20-40</h3>
<div class="gradient2"></div>
Gradients for Borders
CSS 渐变也可用于创建花式边框。您可以在各种宽度的渐变中使用渐变来创建边框图案中的效果。
The CSS gradients can be used to create fancy borders as well. You can use the gradients in wide variety to create effects in the border patterns.
border-image: linear-gradient('color-list')
You can also use radial and conical gradients for borders.
Here is an example of use of gradients in creation of borders:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
.gradient-border {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
border: 10px solid;
border-image: linear-gradient(
to right,
red, yellow,
green, blue) 1;
<h2>Gradient Border </h2>
<div class="gradient-border"></div>
Positioning Color Stops
Positioning color stops for gradient allows to control the point at which transition occur for a gradient.
Creating Hard Lines
可以在两种颜色之间创建一条硬线,从而看不到平滑过渡。可以通过在 CSS 渐变中仔细定位颜色停止点来实现此效果。查看以下示例
A hard line can be created in between two colors, such that no smooth transition can be seen. This effect can be achieved by carefully positioning color stops in CSS gradients. Check out following example
In this example we will create hard line using gradient function.
div {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
margin: 5px;
.linear-hard-line {
background: linear-gradient(to top right,
green 50%, orange 50%);
<div class="linear-hard-line"></div>
Color Bands Using Gradients
In order to create a striped effect, the second color stop for each color is set at the same location as the first color stop for the adjacent color.
In this example will create a multi colored color band.
div {
height: 100px;
width: 100%;
.linear-gradient-stripes {
background: linear-gradient(
to right,
green 20%,
lightgreen 20% 40%,
orange 40% 60%,
yellow 60% 80%,
red 80%);
<div class="linear-gradient-stripes">
Stacked Gradients
One gradient can be stacked over other gradients. Just make sure the gradient at the top should not be completely opaque, so that the gradients below it can be seen.
Lets see an example of stacked gradients.
div {
height: 200px;
width: 100%;
.stacked-linear {
linear-gradient(90deg, green, yellow),
linear-gradient(220deg, white 70.71%, black 38%),
linear-gradient(217deg, orange, grey 70.71%);
<div class="stacked-linear">
Related Functions
下表列出了所有与 CSS 渐变相关的函数:
The following table lists all the functions related to CSS gradients:
Gradient Type |
Description |
Example |
Type of gradient in which colors transition in a straight line from one point to another. |
Type of gradient that consists of colors radiating outward from a central point. |
Type of gradient in which colors are arranged in a circular or conical pattern. |
Allows you to create a linear gradient pattern that repeats in a specified direction. |
Allows you to create a repeating radial gradient pattern. |
Allows you to create a repeating conic gradient pattern. |