Css 简明教程

CSS - offset Property

CSS 简写属性 offset 使元素更容易沿特定路径移动。

The CSS shorthand property offset makes it easier for an element to animate along a certain path.

  1. It has many characteristics that together comprise an offset transform.

  2. With this transform, a specified point inside the element (offset-anchor) is aligned to a certain path position (offset-position) at various points along the route (offset-distance).

  3. It also allows the element to be optionally rotated (offset-rotate) to follow the path’s direction.

Constituent Properties

offset 属性是以下 CSS 属性的简写:

The offset property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:

Possible Values

offset 简写属性接受以下值列表。

The following list of values is accepted by offset shorthand property.

  1. offset-anchor - Defines a point within the element that aligns with an offset position on the path.

  2. offset-path - Defines the path along which the element is animated.

  3. offset-distance - Defines how far along the path the element is placed.

  4. offset-rotate - Optionally rotates the element to align with the direction of the path.

  5. auto - All properties are reset to their default values.

Applies to


Transformable elements


offset = [ <'offset-position'>? [ <'offset-path'> [ <'offset-distance'> || <'offset-rotate'> ]? ]? ]! [ / <'offset-anchor'> ]?

CSS offset - path value

以下示例演示了 offset 速记属性与路径值一起使用的用法。

The following example demonstrates the usage of offset shorthand property with path value.

    @keyframes slide {
        0% {
            offset-distance: 0%;
        100% {
            offset-distance: 100%;
    .container {
        width: 400px;
        height: 200px;
        border: 2px solid #3498db;
        border-radius: 10px;
        position: relative;
        overflow: hidden;
        background-color: #f0f0f0;
        box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
    .text {
        position: absolute;
        font-size: 28px;
        color: #3954cc;
        animation: slide 6s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
        offset: path('M 10 100 Q 50 50 90 100 T 170 100 T 250 100');
        text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
<div class="container">
    <div class="text">This is Sliding Text</div>

CSS offset - path and auto value

以下示例演示了 offset 速记属性与路径和自动值一起使用的用法。

The following example demonstrates the usage of offset shorthand property with path and auto value.

    @keyframes orbit {
        0% {
            offset-distance: 0%;
            offset-rotate: 0deg;
        100% {
            offset-distance: 100%;
            offset-rotate: 360deg;
    #planet {
        width: 60px;
        height: 60px;
        background-color: #0000A0;
        border-radius: 50%;
        position: absolute;
        animation: orbit 6s linear infinite;
        offset: path('M 200 200 m -100, 0 a 100,100 0 1,0 200,0 a 100,100 0 1,0 -200,0') auto;
    #sun {
        width: 100px;
        height: 100px;
        background-color: #ffd700;
        border-radius: 50%;
        position: absolute;
        left: 28%;
        top: 33%;
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
<div id="sun"></div>
<div id="planet"></div>

下表列出了 offset 属性的相关属性:

Following table lists related properties to offset property:




Specifies the position inside an element’s box that acts as the offset path.


Specifies where element should be positioned.


Specifies element’s path inside its parent container.


Specifies the orientation or direction of an element as it moves along the specified offset-path.

link: css_offset-position.html[offset-position]

Provide an element’s starting location along a route.