Css 简明教程
CSS RWD Introduction
Responsive Web Design (RWD) 是一种 Web 设计和开发方法,可以使网页在具有不同屏幕尺寸和分辨率的各种设备上良好而正确地呈现。
Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a web-designing and development approach that makes the web pages render well and correctly on various devices with different screen sizes and resolutions.
响应式 Web 设计的动机是确保用户体验一致且经过优化,无论是在移动设备、台式机、笔记本电脑还是平板电脑上查看网站。
The motive of responsive web design is to ensure that the user experience is consistent and optimized regardless of whether the website is viewed on a mobile device, a desktop computer, laptop, or a tablet.
RWD Structure
下图描述了响应式 Web 设计的结构,其中同一页面可以在不同大小和分辨率的不同类型的设备上得到最佳查看。
The following figure describes the structure of responsive web designing, where the same page can be viewed optimally on different kinds of devices of varied sizes and resolutions.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 在响应式 Web 设计中扮演着至关重要的角色。以下是 CSS 中用于响应式 Web 设计的部分概念和技术:
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) plays a crucial role in responsive web designing. Following are few of the concepts and techniques that are used in CSS for responsive web designing:
Media Queries: Media queries allow you to apply CSS rules based on characteristics of the device, such as its screen width, height, or even its orientation (landscape or portrait). By using media queries, you can define different styles for different devices.
Flexible Grid Layouts: Instead of using fixed-width layouts, responsive designs often use flexible grid layouts. CSS frameworks like Bootstrap provide grid systems that automatically adjust the layout based on the screen size.
Flexible Images and Media: Images and other media elements, such as videos, can be made responsive by using the max-width: 100% property. This ensures that images scale down proportionally within their parent containers.
Viewport Meta Tag: The viewport meta tag is used in the HTML <head> to control the viewport behavior and scale on mobile devices. It is crucial for ensuring proper rendering on various screen sizes.