Css 简明教程
CSS - tab-size Property
CSS tab-size 属性用于指定元素中制表符字符U+0009的宽度。它允许你控制制表符字符的可视间距,当显示代码或其他制表符字符很重要的内容时,这很有用。
CSS tab-size property is used to specify the width of tab characters U+0009 within an element. It allows you to control the visual spacing of tab characters, which can be useful when displaying code or other content where tab characters are significant.
Possible Values
<integer> − Specifies the width of tab characters as a multiple of the width of a single space character. For example, a value of 4 would make tab characters four times wider than a space character. It cannot be negative.
<length> − Specifies the width of tab characters using a fixed length value, such as pixels (px), points (pt), or ems (em). It cannot be negative.
CSS tab-size - Expanding By Character Count
以下示例演示 tab-size 属性如何将制表符大小设置成8个字符,制表符大小为12个字符−
The following example demonstrates how the tab-size property sets tab size to the 8 characters and tab size of 12 characters −
.tab1 {
-moz-tab-size: 8;
tab-size: 8;
.tab2 {
-moz-tab-size: 12;
tab-size: 12;
<pre class="tab1">
CSS tab-size with 8.
<pre class="tab2">
CSS tab-size with 12.
CSS tab-size - Comparing To The Default Size
以下示例演示默认制表符大小、3个字符的制表符大小和3个空格的制表符大小。 white-space: pre 保持制表符不折叠。−
The following example demonstrates the default tab size, tab size of 3 characters, and tab size of 3 spaces. The white-space: pre keeps the tabs from collapsing. −
p {
white-space: pre;
.tab1 {
tab-size: 3;
<p>Without tab-size</p>
<p> Default tab-size to 8 characters.</p>
<p class="tab1"> tab-size with 3 characters.</p>
<p> tab-size with 3 spaces.</p>