Cypress 简明教程

Cypress - Prompt Pop-up Window

Cypress 可以处理提示弹出窗口,用户可以在其中输入值。提示有一个文本字段,其中输入是采用。要处理提示弹出窗口,请使用 cy.window() 方法。

Cypress can handle prompt pop-up windows, where users can input values. A prompt has a text field, where the input is taken. To handle a prompt pop-up, cy.window() method is used.

获取提示符对象的值(远程窗口)。在确认/警告弹出窗口中,我们必须触发浏览器事件。但对于提示弹出窗口,我们必须使用 cy.stub() 方法。

It obtains the value of the object of the prompt (remote window). In a confirmation/alert pop-up, we have to fire a browser event. But for prompt pop-up, we have to use cy.stub() method.


让我们看一下下面的示例,单击单击 JS 提示按钮时,会显示一个提示弹出窗口,如下所示−

Let us look at the below example, on clicking the Click for JS Prompt button, a prompt pop up gets displayed, as shown below −

click for js prompt

随即显示带用户输入字段的提示。如您所见,Tutorialspoint 已输入在提示弹出窗口中,如下所示。

The following prompt with the user input field gets displayed. Tutorialspoint is entered in the prompt pop-up, as shown below.

prompt pop up

您输入的 − Tutorialspoint 显示在结果下方。

You entered − Tutorialspoint gets displayed under Result.


This can be seen in the screen displayed below −

entered result


下面是 Cypress 中用于显示提示弹出窗口的命令的实现 −

Given below is an implementation of the commands for displaying prompt pop-up windows in Cypress −

describe('Tutorialspoint Test', function () {
   // test case
   it("Scenario 1", function () {
      //URL launch
      //handling prompt alert
         //stubbing prompt window
         cy.stub(p, "prompt").returns("Tutorialspoint");
         // click on Click for JS Prompt button
         cy.get(':nth-child(3) > button').click()
         // verify application message on clicking on OK
         cy.get('#result').contains('You entered: Tutorialspoint')

Execution Results

Execution Results

输出如下 −

The output is as follows −

implementation of the commands


The output logs show the successful verification of the text.

You enteredTutorialspoint ,是单击提示弹出窗口中的确定按钮时产生的。另外,应用于提示窗口的存根在输出日志中可见。

You enteredTutorialspoint, is produced on clicking OK button on prompt pop up. Also, the stub applied on the prompt window is visible on the output log.