Cypress 简明教程
Cypress - Test Runner
Cypress Test Runner 有助于触发测试执行。当我们完成 Cypress 安装后,该工具在终端上提出了建议,如下所示 -
Cypress Test Runner helps to trigger the test execution. As we complete Cypress installation, there comes a suggestion from the tool on the terminal, as mentioned below −
You can open Cypress by running − node_modules/.bin/cypress open
要打开 Test Runner,我们必须运行下面提到的命令 -
To open the Test Runner, we have to run the below mentioned command −
node_modules/.bin/cypress open
一段时间后,“测试运行器”窗口将打开,显示一条消息,即 Cypress 在 examples 文件夹中提供了示例项目文件夹结构。
The Test Runner window opens up after some time with the message that a sample project folder structure has been provided by Cypress under examples folder.
Click on the OK, got it! button. The screen that will appear on your computer would be as follows −

然后,测试运行器将启动,其中 examples 文件夹下提供了一个以上的 spec 文件,如下所示:
Then the Test Runner is launched, with the more than one spec files available under the examples folder, as stated below −

要运行特定文件,例如 test2.spec.js,我们必须单击它。此外,还提供了浏览器和停止执行的选项。
To run a specific file, for example, test2.spec.js, we have to click it. Also, the browser and the option to Stop the execution are available.

The execution shall begin with the following screen showing the test steps, name of test case, test suite, URL, test duration, dimension of browser, and so on.