Data Communication Computer Network 简明教程
Wireless Transmission in Computer Network
Wireless transmission is a form of unguided media. Wireless communication involves no physical link established between two or more devices, communicating wirelessly. Wireless signals are spread over in the air and are received and interpreted by appropriate antennas.
When an antenna is attached to electrical circuit of a computer or wireless device, it converts the digital data into wireless signals and spread all over within its frequency range. The receptor on the other end receives these signals and converts them back to digital data.
A little part of electromagnetic spectrum can be used for wireless transmission.

Radio Transmission
射频更容易产生,并且由于其波长较长,它可以穿透墙壁和类似的结构。电波的波长可以从 1 毫米到 100,000 公里,频率范围从 3 赫兹(极低频)到 300 吉赫兹(极高频)。射频分为六个频段。
Radio frequency is easier to generate and because of its large wavelength it can penetrate through walls and structures alike.Radio waves can have wavelength from 1 mm – 100,000 km and have frequency ranging from 3 Hz (Extremely Low Frequency) to 300 GHz (Extremely High Frequency). Radio frequencies are sub-divided into six bands.
Radio waves at lower frequencies can travel through walls whereas higher RF can travel in straight line and bounce back.The power of low frequency waves decreases sharply as they cover long distance. High frequency radio waves have more power.
极低频、低频、中频等较低频率可以在地面上传播长达 1000 公里,跨越地球表面。
Lower frequencies such as VLF, LF, MF bands can travel on the ground up to 1000 kilometers, over the earth’s surface.

Radio waves of high frequencies are prone to be absorbed by rain and other obstacles. They use Ionosphere of earth atmosphere. High frequency radio waves such as HF and VHF bands are spread upwards. When they reach Ionosphere, they are refracted back to the earth.

Microwave Transmission
100 兆赫以上的电磁波倾向于直线传播,并且可以通过将这些波束射向一个特定的工作站来发送信号。由于微波以直线传播,发送器和接收器都必须严格地对准在视线范围内。
Electromagnetic waves above 100 MHz tend to travel in a straight line and signals over them can be sent by beaming those waves towards one particular station. Because Microwaves travels in straight lines, both sender and receiver must be aligned to be strictly in line-of-sight.
微波的波长范围为 1 毫米 – 1 米,频率范围为 300 MHz 到 300 GHz。
Microwaves can have wavelength ranging from 1 mm – 1 meter and frequency ranging from 300 MHz to 300 GHz.

Microwave antennas concentrate the waves making a beam of it. As shown in picture above, multiple antennas can be aligned to reach farther. Microwaves have higher frequencies and do not penetrate wall like obstacles.
Microwave transmission depends highly upon the weather conditions and the frequency it is using.
Infrared Transmission
红外波位于可见光谱和微波之间。它的波长为 700-nm 至 1-mm,频率范围为 300-GHz 至 430-THz。
Infrared wave lies in between visible light spectrum and microwaves. It has wavelength of 700-nm to 1-mm and frequency ranges from 300-GHz to 430-THz.
Infrared wave is used for very short range communication purposes such as television and it’s remote. Infrared travels in a straight line hence it is directional by nature. Because of high frequency range, Infrared cannot cross wall-like obstacles.
Light Transmission
Highest most electromagnetic spectrum which can be used for data transmission is light or optical signaling. This is achieved by means of LASER.
由于频率光线的使用,它倾向于严格地沿直线传播。因此,发送器和接收器必须处于视线范围内。由于激光传输是单向的,因此需要在通信的两端安装激光器和光电探测器。激光束通常宽 1 毫米,因此精确对齐两个遥远的接收器以指向激光源是一项精细工作。
Because of frequency light uses, it tends to travel strictly in straight line.Hence the sender and receiver must be in the line-of-sight. Because laser transmission is unidirectional, at both ends of communication the laser and the photo-detector needs to be installed. Laser beam is generally 1mm wide hence it is a work of precision to align two far receptors each pointing to lasers source.

激光器用作 Tx(发送器),光电探测器用作 Rx(接收器)。
Laser works as Tx (transmitter) and photo-detectors works as Rx (receiver).
Lasers cannot penetrate obstacles such as walls, rain, and thick fog. Additionally, laser beam is distorted by wind, atmosphere temperature, or variation in temperature in the path.
激光对于数据传输是安全的,因为在不中断通信信道的情况下窃听 1 毫米宽的激光非常困难。
Laser is safe for data transmission as it is very difficult to tap 1mm wide laser without interrupting the communication channel.