Data Science 简明教程
Data Science - Lifecycle
What is Data Science Lifecycle?
A data science lifecycle is a systematic approach to find a solution for a data problem which shows the steps that are taken to develop, deliver/deploy , and maintain a data science project. We can assume a general data science lifecycle with some of the most important common steps that is shown in the figure given below but some steps may differ from project to project as each project is different so life cycle may differ since not every data science project is built the same way
A standard data science lifecycle approach comprises the use of machine learning algorithms and statistical procedures that result in more accurate prediction models. Data extraction, preparation, cleaning, modelling, assessment, etc., are some of the most important data science stages. This technique is known as "Cross Industry Standard Procedure for Data Mining" in the field of data science.
How many phases are there in the Data Science Life Cycle?
There are mainly six phases in Data Science Life Cycle −

Identifying Problem and Understanding the Business
The data science lifecycle starts with "why?" just like any other business lifecycle. One of the most important parts of the data science process is figuring out what the problem is. This helps to find a clear goal around which all the other steps can be planned out. In short, it’s important to know the business goal as earliest because it will determine what the end goal of the analysis will be.
This phase should evaluate the trends of business, assess case studies of comparable analyses, and research the industry’s domain. The group will evaluate the feasibility of the project given the available employees, equipment, time, and technology. When these factors been discovered and assessed, a preliminary hypothesis will be formulated to address the business issues resulting from the existing environment. This phrase should −
Specify the issue that why the problem must be resolved immediately and demands answer.
Specify the business project’s potential value.
Identify dangers, including ethical concerns, associated with the project.
Create and convey a flexible, highly integrated project plan.
Data Collection
数据科学生命周期的下一步是数据收集,这意味着从适当且可靠的来源获取原始数据。收集的数据可以是有序的,也可以是无序的。数据可以从网站日志、社交媒体数据、在线数据存储库中收集,甚至可以使用 API、网络抓取或可能存在于 Excel 或其他来源中的数据从在线来源流式传输数据。
The next step in the data science lifecycle is data collection, which means getting raw data from the appropriate and reliable source. The data that is collected can be either organized or unorganized. The data could be collected from website logs, social media data, online data repositories, and even data that is streamed from online sources using APIs, web scraping, or data that could be in Excel or any other source.
The person doing the job should know the difference between the different data sets that are available and how an organization invests its data. Professionals find it hard to keep track of where each piece of data comes from and whether it is up to date or not. During the whole lifecycle of a data science project, it is important to keep track of this information because it could help test hypotheses or run any other new experiments.
信息可以通过调查或更流行的自动数据收集方法(如互联网 Cookie)收集,互联网 Cookie 是未经分析的数据的主要来源。
The information may be gathered by surveys or the more prevalent method of automated data gathering, such as internet cookies which is the primary source of data that is unanalysed.
We can also use secondary data which is an open-source dataset. There are many available websites from where we can collect data for example
Kaggle (,
Google Public Datasets (
Python 中有一些预定义的数据集。让我们从 Python 中导入鸢尾花数据集,并使用它来定义数据科学的阶段。
There are some predefined datasets available in python. Let’s import the Iris dataset from python and use it to define phases of data science.
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
import pandas as pd
# Load Data
iris = load_iris()
# Create a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(, columns = iris.feature_names)
df['target'] =
X =
Data Processing
After collecting high-quality data from reliable sources, next step is to process it. The purpose of data processing is to ensure if there is any problem with the acquired data so that it can be resolved before proceeding to the next phase. Without this step, we may produce mistakes or inaccurate findings.
所获得的数据可能存在若干困难。例如,数据可能有多行或多列缺少若干值。它可能包含若干离群值、不准确的数字、具有不同时区的 timestamp 等。数据可能潜在地存在日期范围问题。在某些国家/地区,日期的格式为 DD/MM/YYYY,而在其他国家/地区,日期的格式为 MM/DD/YYYY。在数据收集过程中可能会出现许多问题,例如,如果从多个温度计中收集数据且其中任何一个出现故障,则可能需要丢弃或重新收集数据。
There may be several difficulties with the obtained data. For instance, the data may have several missing values in multiple rows or columns. It may include several outliers, inaccurate numbers, timestamps with varying time zones, etc. The data may potentially have problems with date ranges. In certain nations, the date is formatted as DD/MM/YYYY, and in others, it is written as MM/DD/YYYY. During the data collecting process numerous problems can occur, for instance, if data is gathered from many thermometers and any of them are defective, the data may need to be discarded or recollected.
At this phase, various concerns with the data must be resolved. Several of these problems have multiple solutions, for example, if the data includes missing values, we can either replace them with zero or the column’s mean value. However, if the column is missing a large number of values, it may be preferable to remove the column completely since it has so little data that it cannot be used in our data science life cycle method to solve the issue.
When the time zones are all mixed up, we cannot utilize the data in those columns and may have to remove them until we can define the time zones used in the supplied timestamps. If we know the time zones in which each timestamp was gathered, we may convert all timestamp data to a certain time zone. In this manner, there are a number of strategies to address concerns that may exist in the obtained data.
接下来我们将使用 Python 访问数据,然后将其存储在数据框内。
We will access the data and then store it in a dataframe using python.
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Load Data
iris = load_iris()
# Create a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(, columns = iris.feature_names)
df['target'] =
X =
All data must be in numeric representation for machine learning models. This implies that if a dataset includes categorical data, it must be converted to numeric values before the model can be executed. So we will be implementing label encoding.
Label Encoding
Label Encoding
species = []
for i in range(len(df['target'])):
if df['target'][i] == 0:
elif df['target'][i] == 1:
df['species'] = species
labels = np.asarray(df.species)
labels = np.asarray(df.species)
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
labels = le.transform(labels)
df_selected1 = df.drop(['sepal length (cm)', 'sepal width (cm)', "species"], axis=1)
Data Analysis
数据分析 探索性数据分析 (EDA) 是一组用于分析数据的可视化技术。采用此方法,我们可能会获取有关数据统计摘要的具体详细信息。此外,我们将能够处理重复数字、离群值,并在集合内找出趋势或模式。
Data analysis Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a set of visual techniques for analysing data. With this method, we may get specific details on the statistical summary of the data. Also, we will be able to deal with duplicate numbers, outliers, and identify trends or patterns within the collection.
At this phase, we attempt to get a better understanding of the acquired and processed data. We apply statistical and analytical techniques to make conclusions about the data and determine the link between several columns in our dataset. Using pictures, graphs, charts, plots, etc., we may use visualisations to better comprehend and describe the data.
Professionals use data statistical techniques such as the mean and median to better comprehend the data. Using histograms, spectrum analysis, and population distribution, they also visualise data and evaluate its distribution patterns. The data will be analysed based on the problems.
Below code is used to check if there are any null values in the dataset −
sepal length (cm) 0
sepal width (cm) 0
petal length (cm) 0
petal width (cm) 0
target 0
species 0
dtype: int64
从上述输出中我们可以得出结论,数据集中没有空值,因为列中所有空值的总和为 0。
From the above output we can conclude that there are no null values in the dataset as the sum of all the null values in the column is 0.
我们将使用 shape 参数来检查数据集的形状(行、列)。
We will be using shape parameter to check the shape (rows, columns) of the dataset −
(150, 5)
接下来我们将使用 info() 检查列及其数据类型:
Now we will use info() to check the columns and their data types −
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 150 entries, 0 to 149
Data columns (total 5 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 sepal length (cm) 150 non-null float64
1 sepal width (cm) 150 non-null float64
2 petal length (cm) 150 non-null float64
3 petal width (cm) 150 non-null float64
4 target 150 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(1)
memory usage: 6.0 KB
Only one column contains category data, whereas the other columns include non-Null numeric values.
现在我们将在数据上使用 describe()。describe() 方法对数据集执行基础统计计算,例如极值、数据点数量、标准偏差等。任何缺失值或 NaN 值都会立即被忽略。describe() 方法准确描绘了数据的分布。
Now we will use describe() on the data. The describe() method performs fundamental statistical calculations to a dataset, such as extreme values, the number of data points, standard deviation, etc. Any missing or NaN values are immediately disregarded. The describe() method accurately depicts the distribution of data.

Data Visualization
Target column - 我们的目标列将是 Species 列,因为我们最终只需要基于物种的结果即可。
Target column − Our target column will be the Species column since we will only want results based on species in the end.
我们将使用 Matplotlib 和 seaborn 库进行数据可视化。
Matplotlib and seaborn library will be used for data visualization.
Below is the species countplot −
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sns.countplot(x='species', data=df, )

There are many other visualization plots in Data Science. To know more about them refer
Data Modeling
Data Modeling is one of the most important aspects of data science and is sometimes referred to as the core of data analysis. The intended output of a model should be derived from prepared and analysed data. The environment required to execute the data model will be chosen and constructed, before achieving the specified criteria.
At this phase, we develop datasets for training and testing the model for production-related tasks. It also involves selecting the correct mode type and determining if the problem involves classification, regression, or clustering. After analysing the model type, we must choose the appropriate implementation algorithms. It must be performed with care, as it is crucial to extract the relevant insights from the provided data.
Here machine learning comes in picture. Machine learning is basically divided into classification, regression, or clustering models and each model have some algorithms which is applied on the dataset to get the relevant information. These models are used in this phase. We will discuss these models in detail in the machine learning chapter.
Model Deployment
We have reached the final stage of the data science lifecycle. The model is finally ready to be deployed in the desired format and chosen channel after a detailed review process. Note that the machine learning model has no utility unless it is deployed in the production. Generally speaking, these models are associated and integrated with products and applications.
模型部署包含建立将模型部署到市场消费者或另一个系统所需的交付方法。机器学习模型也在设备上实施,并获得接受和吸引力。根据项目的复杂性,此阶段可能从 Tableau 仪表板的基本模型输出到拥有数百万用户的复杂云部署。
Model Deployment contains the establishment of a delivery method necessary to deploy the model to market consumers or to another system. Machine learning models are also being implemented on devices and gaining acceptance and appeal. Depending on the complexity of the project, this stage might range from a basic model output on a Tableau Dashboard to a complicated cloud-based deployment with millions of users.
Who are all involved in Data Science lifecycle?
Data is being generated, collected, and stored on voluminous servers and data warehouses from the individual level to the organisational level. But how will you access this massive data repository? This is where the data scientist comes in, since he or she is a specialist in extracting insights and patterns from unstructured text and statistics.
Below, we present the many job profiles of the data science team participating in the data science lifecycle.
S.No |
Job Profile & Role |
1 |
*Business Analyst*Understanding business requirements and find the right target customers. |
2 |
*Data Analyst*Format and clean the raw data, interpret and visualise them to perform the analysis and provide the technical summary of the same |
3 |
*Data Scientists*Improve quality of machine learning models. |
4 |
*Data Engineer*They are in charge of gathering data from social networks, websites, blogs, and other internal and external web sources ready for further analysis. |
5 |
*Data Architect*Connect, centralise, protect, and keep up with the organization’s data sources. |
6 |
*Machine Learning Engineer*Design and implement machine learning-related algorithms and applications. |