Data Structures Algorithms 简明教程
Optimal Merge Pattern Algorithm
Merge a set of sorted files of different length into a single sorted file. We need to find an optimal solution, where the resultant file will be generated in minimum time.
如果给出了已排序文件的数量,则有许多方法可以将它们合并为一个已排序文件。此合并可以逐对进行。因此,这种类型的合并称为 2-way merge patterns 。
If the number of sorted files are given, there are many ways to merge them into a single sorted file. This merge can be performed pair wise. Hence, this type of merging is called as 2-way merge patterns.
As, different pairings require different amounts of time, in this strategy we want to determine an optimal way of merging many files together. At each step, two shortest sequences are merged.
合并一个 p-record file 和一个 q-record file 可能需要 p + q 条记录移动,显而易见的做法是,在每一步将两个最小的文件合并在一起。
To merge a p-record file and a q-record file requires possibly p + q record moves, the obvious choice being, merge the two smallest files together at each step.
双向合并模式可以用二进制合并树表示。我们来考虑一组 n 个已排序文件 {f1, f2, f3, …, fn} 。最初,此组的每个元素都被视为一颗单节点二叉树。要找到此最优解决方案,请使用以下算法。
Two-way merge patterns can be represented by binary merge trees. Let us consider a set of n sorted files {f1, f2, f3, …, fn}. Initially, each element of this is considered as a single node binary tree. To find this optimal solution, the following algorithm is used.
以下是最优合并模式算法的伪代码 -
Following is the pseudocode of the Optimal Merge Pattern Algorithm −
for i := 1 to n – 1 do
declare new node
node.leftchild := least (list)
node.rightchild := least (list)
node.weight) := ((node.leftchild).weight)+
insert (list, node);
return least (list);
At the end of this algorithm, the weight of the root node represents the optimal cost.
我们来考虑给定的文件 f1、f2、f3、f4 和 f5,它们各自有 20、30、10、5 和 30 个元素。
Let us consider the given files, f1, f2, f3, f4 and f5 with 20, 30, 10, 5 and 30 number of elements respectively.
If merge operations are performed according to the provided sequence, then
M1 = merge f1 and f2 ⇒ 20 + 30 = 50
M1 = merge f1 and f2 ⇒ 20 + 30 = 50
M2 = merge M1 and f3 ⇒ 50 + 10 = 60
M2 = merge M1 and f3 ⇒ 50 + 10 = 60
M3 = merge M2 and f4 ⇒ 60 + 5 = 65
M3 = merge M2 and f4 ⇒ 60 + 5 = 65
M4 = merge M3 and f5 ⇒ 65 + 30 = 95
M4 = merge M3 and f5 ⇒ 65 + 30 = 95
Hence, the total number of operations is
50 + 60 + 65 + 95 = 270
Now, the question arises is there any better solution?
按升序对数字进行排序,我们可以得到以下序列 −
Sorting the numbers according to their size in an ascending order, we get the following sequence −
f4, f3, f1, f2, f5
f4, f3, f1, f2, f5
Hence, merge operations can be performed on this sequence
M1 = merge f4 and f3 ⇒ 5 + 10 = 15
M1 = merge f4 and f3 ⇒ 5 + 10 = 15
M2 = merge M1 and f1 ⇒ 15 + 20 = 35
M2 = merge M1 and f1 ⇒ 15 + 20 = 35
M3 = merge M2 and f2 ⇒ 35 + 30 = 65
M3 = merge M2 and f2 ⇒ 35 + 30 = 65
M4 = merge M3 and f5 ⇒ 65 + 30 = 95
M4 = merge M3 and f5 ⇒ 65 + 30 = 95
Therefore, the total number of operations is
15 + 35 + 65 + 95 = 210
Obviously, this is better than the previous one.
In this context, we are now going to solve the problem using this algorithm.