Db2 简明教程

DB2 - Introduction

本章介绍了 DB2 的历史、版本、版本及其各自的功能。

This chapter describes history of DB2, its versions, editions and their respective features.


DB2 是 IBM 的一项数据库产品,也是一款关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS)。DB2 旨在高效存储、分析和检索数据。DB2 产品在 XML 的支持下扩展了面向对象特征和非关系结构。

DB2 is a database product from IBM. It is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). DB2 is designed to store, analyze and retrieve the data efficiently. DB2 product is extended with the support of Object-Oriented features and non-relational structures with XML.


最初,IBM 为其特定平台开发了 DB2 产品。自 1990 年以来,IBM 决定开发通用数据库 (UDB) DB2 服务器,可以在任何权威操作系统(如 Linux、UNIX 和 Windows)上运行。

Initially, IBM had developed DB2 product for their specific platform. Since year 1990, it decided to develop a Universal Database (UDB) DB2 Server, which can run on any authoritative operating systems such as Linux, UNIX, and Windows.


对于 IBM DB2,UDB 当前版本 10.5 同时具有 BLU 加速的功能,其代号为“开普勒”。迄今为止,所有版本的 DB2 如下所示:

For IBM DB2, the UDB current version is 10.5 with the features of BLU Acceleration and its code name as 'Kepler'. All the versions of DB2 till today are listed below:


Code Name



8.1, 8.2





Viper 2




It added features with Only PureScale





Data server editions and features

根据 DB2 必需功能的要求,组织可以选择适当的 DB2 版本。下表显示了 DB2 Server 版本及其功能:

Depending upon the requirement of needful features of DB2, the organizations select appropriate DB2 version. The following table shows DB2 server editions and their features:



Advanced Enterprise Server Edition and Enterprise Server Edition (AESE / ESE)

It is designed for mid-size to large-size business organizations. Platform - Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Table partitioning High Availability Disaster Recovery (HARD) Materialized Query Table (MQTs) Multidimensional Clustering (MDC) Connection concentrator Pure XML Backup compression Homogeneous Federations

Workgroup Server Edition (WSE)

It is designed for Workgroup or mid-size business organizations. Using this WSE you can work with - High Availability Disaster Recovery (HARD) Online Reorganization Pure XML Web Service Federation support DB2 Homogeneous Federations Homogeneous SQL replication Backup compression

Express -C

It provides all the capabilities of DB2 at zero charge. It can run on any physical or virtual systems with any size of configuration.

Express Edition

It is designed for entry level and mid-size business organizations. It is full featured DB2 data server. It offers only limited services. This Edition comes with - Web Service Federations DB2 homogeneous federations Homogeneous SQL Replications Backup compression

Enterprise Developer Edition

It offers only single application developer. It is useful to design, build and prototype the applications for deployment on any of the IBM server. The software cannot be used for developing applications.