Deep Learning With Keras 简明教程

Deep Learning with Keras - Setting up Project


With this background, let us now start creating the project.

Setting Up Project

我们将通过 Anaconda 导航器,为项目使用 Jupyter 。由于我们的项目使用 TensorFlow 和 Keras,因此您需要在 Anaconda 设置中安装它们。要安装 Tensorflow,请在控制台窗口中运行以下命令:

We will use Jupyter through Anaconda navigator for our project. As our project uses TensorFlow and Keras, you will need to install those in Anaconda setup. To install Tensorflow, run the following command in your console window:

>conda install -c anaconda tensorflow

要安装 Keras,请使用以下命令 −

To install Keras, use the following command −

>conda install -c anaconda keras

您现在可以开始 Jupyter 了。

You are now ready to start Jupyter.

Starting Jupyter

启动 Anaconda 导航器时,您会看到以下打开屏幕。

When you start the Anaconda navigator, you would see the following opening screen.

starting jupyter

单击 ‘Jupyter’ 以启动它。屏幕将显示您硬盘驱动器上现有的项目(如果存在)。

Click ‘Jupyter’ to start it. The screen will show up the existing projects, if any, on your drive.

Starting a New Project

通过选择以下菜单选项,在 Anaconda 中启动一个新的 Python 3 项目 −

Start a new Python 3 project in Anaconda by selecting the following menu option −

File | New Notebook | Python 3

菜单选择屏幕截图如下所示,供您快速参考 −

The screenshot of the menu selection is shown for your quick reference −

starting new project

一个新的空白项目将显示在您的屏幕上,如下所示 −

A new blank project will show up on your screen as shown below −

digit recognition

通过单击并编辑默认名称 “UntitledXX” ,将项目名称更改为 DeepLearningDigitRecognition

Change the project name to DeepLearningDigitRecognition by clicking and editing on the default name “UntitledXX”.