Django 简明教程
Django Admin - Update Objects
一旦模型向 Django 的 Admin 应用程序注册,我们就可以轻松地对该模型执行 CRUD 操作。在前一章节中,我们学习了注册 Employee model 。管理员网站的主页显示它在 MYAPP 部分下 −
Once a model is registered with Django’s Admin app, we can easily perform CRUD operations on the model. In the previous chapter, we learned to register the Employee model. The homepage of admin site shows it under the MYAPP section −

Add / Update / Delete an Object
要从模型中添加/更新/删除对象,当前用户必须获得所需的权限。请注意, superuser 具备所有权限。在这里,我们假设你已使用超级用户凭据登录管理员网站。
To add/update/delete an object from the model, the current user must have been granted the required permission. Note that the superuser is equipped with all the permissions. Here, we assume that you have logged into the admin site with the superuser credentials.
If you want to change the contents of any of the objects displayed in the above figure, just click on the corresponding row in the list.
Let us open the object on the top of the list.

让我们更新 Empname 和 Salary 字段的值,如所示。单击 SAVE 按钮,以便相应的后台表行也得到更新。
Let us update the values of Empname and Salary fields as shown. Click on the SAVE button, so that the corresponding row of the backend table is also updated.
The list of objects reappears with the changes made being reflected.

Note that the admin interface lets you to add/update/delete an object from the model, but it is not possible to change the structure of the model from the admin interface.
To add/modify/delete any of the attributes of any model, you need to edit the class definition and perform migrations for the change to be propagated to the database table mapped to the object.